Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 181: Gift


“Master Richard, Earl Edem’s people have sent another gift. It seems to be an ancient book from before the establishment of the kingdom.”

“Oh? Bring it to me later.”

“Yes, sir.”

After recovering, Richard returned to his hotel,

Although Renn gave him a top-notch mansion in a prime location of the royal capital, Pagat’s family had just been wiped out, and many people committed suicide in the mansion. The smell of blood has not been there for the past few days. They will definitely be able to disperse. No matter how fussy Richard is, he has no idea of ​​moving in in a short time. He just found a few people to live in temporarily for daily cleaning and maintenance.

In the two days since Richard came back, many aristocratic officials in the capital who heard the news gave Richard a gift to celebrate his title. Originally, Richard did not have such a big party. ,

Even if he killed the two-headed ogre priest who had corrupted half of the North, it was just that in the eyes of the nobles in the royal capital.

They don’t care about that remote place in the Northland at all. No matter how much wind or rain you have in the Northland, Richard has nothing to do with them. That’s why Richard came here when he first came to the capital. There were not many nobles visiting, let alone giving gifts. The occasional nobles who invited Richard wanted to win him over.

But Richard is different now,

Witnessed by everyone, Mi Xiu, who has surpassed the level of Sky Knight, is a strong man who can fight against the giant dragon on his own. This strength is even more powerful than the current dragon knight Thor of the country. Gold content,

In addition, Richard turned the tide in the rebellion, saved Ren’s life, and now wants to marry Ren’s daughter. He has become a popular person in front of Ren.

Now no faction is qualified to win over Richard. In a sense, Richard’s status is not much worse than that of Saul. If he wants, he can become a faction himself.

The high-ranking nobles in the royal capital all gave Richard a gift, whether light or heavy, to form a good relationship with Richard, the most ridiculously heavy-handed man in the kingdom.

With Richard’s outbreak this time, the development of his hotel and restaurant has gone much smoothly,

Originally, a shop like this that had a prosperous business but had no foundation in the capital could not avoid some secret harassment and covetousness. Now that Richard’s name is in charge, his properties are much more stable.

“Sir, this is an ancient book sent by Earl Edem.”

Imo quickly brought up the ancient books that Richard wanted. The Marquis of Edem who gave the gift had obviously done more homework than the others,

I somehow learned that Richard was collecting and studying these ancient books, and sent this ancient book to Richard,

Richard flipped through the book and put it aside. This book was written in ancient elven script. Richard had no relevant knowledge in this area, so he could only leave it for others to study.

“Imo, go and help prepare. In two days, I will set off back to the Northland.”

Unknowingly, Richard has been away from the Northland for more than a month, and it’s time to go back. After all, the Northland is his foundation now.

“Yes, sir.”

Before leaving the Northland, Richard was planning to go see Messiah again. Although the marriage between the two was settled, time did not allow the two to get married in a hurry. Richard had to go back to the Northland to make preparations and wait. The preparations are almost complete, and we will decide on a date to marry the Messiah.

The two met every day before, but after Ren decided to get married, Messiah was still a little embarrassed to meet Richard. She had not taken the initiative to come to see Li Cha since he left the palace for two days. Check,

When girls start to be thin-skinned, it is naturally time for men to start to be thick-skinned. It is not shameful for men to take the initiative.


After hearing that Richard was looking for her, Messiah, who had been alone for two days, ran out of the palace. When she saw Richard from a distance, she waved and said hello.

The atmosphere of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is not conservative. Dating between men and women is quite normal. Not to mention that Richard is already recognized as the Prince Consort. No one will stop the two from meeting. As long as Richard doesn’t go too far now. took Messiah out for the night.


Messiah rushed to Richard and suddenly let out a panicked cry,

Richard opened his arms and waited for Messiah to jump into his arms. Unexpectedly, Messiah ran up to Richard very reservedly and stopped. This made Richard, who was waiting for a hug with open arms, slightly A little embarrassing,

In order to avoid embarrassment, Richard simply stepped forward and picked up Messiah and spun her around.

The unprepared Messiah was suddenly hugged by Richard and shouted instinctively.

“I’m going to die!”

The pink fist hit Richard a few times, and after a few symbolic struggles, he let Richard hug her.

The guards at the gate of the palace were all standing upright now, looking at the sky with very knowledgeable eyes, as if they wanted to watch the sun and comprehend a top-notch Qi-entraining technique like the founding monarch, His Majesty Aragorn.

Richard hugged Messiah for a long time before putting her down, and then stared closely at Messiah’s blushing face,

Messiah felt a little embarrassed when she was stared at by Richard’s aggressive eyes, and lowered her head unconsciously,

The most tender touch is the bow of the head, like the shyness of a water lotus that cannot bear the cool breeze.

That delicate face and shy posture made Richard fascinated for a moment.

“I’m going back to the Northland in two days.”

After a long time, Richard finally spoke.


As soon as Richard finished speaking, Messiah looked up and stared at Richard without being shy,

Unlike Richard, who is eighteen years old and has a mature soul, Messiah is just the age of a young girl to be pregnant,

This is the feeling that young people feel when they first fall in love. They really can’t bear to be apart for a day. Messiah became extremely nervous when she heard that Richard was leaving.

“Just wait for me. When I return to the north and make arrangements, I will come and marry you.”

As soon as Richard mentioned the word “marriage”, Messiah couldn’t help but blush shyly, but she still responded softly with a mosquito-like voice


After a warm relationship with Messiah, Richard returned to the hotel later,

The love between children is unavoidable, and Richard is not a heartless sage, but things always have priorities, and you can enjoy them but not indulge in them.

There are still a lot of serious things waiting for Richard to do now.

“You have learned a new skill-Fire Yang Qi Jue (Basic).”

With systematic help, Richard quickly successfully mastered the Lieyan Qi Drawing Technique. The originally advanced Qing Qi Drawing Technique was completely transformed into the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique.

Although the level of Qi Qi Jue has returned to the elementary level, Richard’s strength has not declined but has risen.

Originally, the Qing Qi Entrainment Art was at the advanced level, and Richard’s total amount and quality of fighting energy was only at the level of the Great Knight’s primary level, and he relied entirely on the sacred weapon Vulcan Sword to achieve his majesty.

Now that I have entered the Lieyang Qi-Inducing Technique, my true strength has reached the level of an intermediate great knight.

In Richard’s impression, other top-level Qi-inducing techniques can only reach the peak level of ordinary knights at the beginning. The entry-level Qi-inducing techniques like Lieyang Qi-inducing Art can only reach the level of the middle-level knights, which is completely useless. I’ve heard of it,

This Qi-Inducing Technique may not be a technique for prospective knights to break through to the knight level. Emperor Aragorn passed away suddenly. Maybe after creating the technique, he did not have time to leave behind the correct practice of this Qi-Inducing Technique. Way?

No longer making too many guesses, Richard could only feel the fighting energy surging in his body at this moment. The Lieyang Qi-Entraining Technique obviously had the attribute of fire, and he could feel the obvious warmth as it traveled inside his body.


Under the stimulation of fighting spirit, the Vulcan Sword was once again filled with golden-red flames, and tongues of fire spit out several feet from the tip of the sword.

Li Cha could clearly feel that, driven by the fierce Yang fighting energy, the temperature on the Vulcan Sword was much higher than before. This may be the effect of the matching attributes.

“Sir Richard, someone has come to give gifts again.”

While Richard was still studying the effects of Lieyang Fighting Qi, Yimo’s voice came from outside again.

“Just bring the things up.”

There are many people who want to come to Richard’s place to establish good relationships during this period, but not everyone can be met by Richard.

“This is His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince. Do you want to meet him, sir?”

Hearing the identity of the visitor, Richard hesitated. This identity was actually the biggest headache for Richard. The purpose of these princes meeting him should not be too obvious.

The competition for the throne of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is cruel, and the young princes will start working to win over their subordinates early. As long as they do not go too far, the king will even encourage them to compete like this,

A super general like Richard who is not a dragon knight but whose strength seems to be no less than that of a dragon knight is simply the object of competition for every ambitious prince.

Li Cha was annoyed by these people but could not be too disrespectful to them, so he had a huge headache.

“Forget it, let him wait.”

In the end, Richard decided to meet him. A prince came with a gift and asked to meet him. It would be too disrespectful to not see him.

Then Richard put away the Vulcan Sword at his waist, opened the door and went downstairs…


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