Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 180: Witnesses of the times


“Your Majesty, what are we doing here?”

After Richard selected the two secret books, he planned to leave after thanking Ren,

He was anxious to study the Fiery Sun Breathing Technique, and was anxious to go back to see Messiah, but Ren left him behind instead and told him that an adult wanted to see him.

Richard followed Renn around the palace, and finally came to a separate courtyard. The courtyard was very simple, and although it was neatly tidied up, it actually looked more like a place where servants lived.

Before Ren entered the other courtyard, he asked several Golden Palace knights who were following him to retreat first. The mysterious look made Richard finally couldn’t help but ask the doubts in his heart.

“Master Qing didn’t say that he wanted to see them. When you meet Master Qing later, you have to maintain enough respect.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Richard had guessed a little bit about the identity of the person who wanted to see him through Ren’s attitude.

As the monarch of this country, Renn is still the kind of old and cunning monarch who holds real power. There are not many people who can give him such respect.

Even when facing Thor, the dragon knight of his uncle’s generation, the relationship between them is still a relatively close relationship between monarch and minister,

The person who wants to see him should be the old man next to Ren who suppressed Mishui for a moment in the final stage of his battle with Mishu.

Only a person of this strength can make Ren respect him to this extent.

“Go in, Mr. Qing only said he wanted to see you, so I won’t go in. As far as I know, you are the first person that Mr. Qing has taken the initiative to summon in so many years.”

Ren stopped in the yard and only told Richard to go in by himself. Seeing Ren so cautiously, even Richard, who had always been bold and bold, became slightly nervous.


As soon as Richard walked to the front of the house, the door opened automatically. Richard was no longer polite and walked into the house openly. No matter how strong the people inside were, they were not enemies, so what danger could there be? No.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw a simpler style than in other courtyards.

There are several clean but very old chairs, and an old man in linen is sitting on the chair making a pot of tea,

Before, on the battlefield, the fierce battle was still far away, so Richard did not observe too carefully. Now when he looked up close, the first impression the old man gave Richard was that he was old, very old.

That feeling was like seeing an old man on TV who was one hundred to twenty years old and lived to the end of human lifespan in his previous life.

An old man in his sixties or seventies and an old man over a hundred years old look completely different. They can tell at a glance that they are exhausted.

Even if Lord Qing suddenly fell asleep in front of Richard and passed away naturally, Richard might not be too surprised.

“Master Qing.”

Of course, no matter how the old man looks, Richard will not lose the etiquette he should do.

The old man at the table turned his head, looked at Richard and said:

“Come and sit.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Richard does not have much fear and fear. He has forgotten a lot of knowledge and even things in his previous life, but only some consciousness has been engraved deep in his soul.

He can respect and please the superiors, but he does not feel that he is inferior in his consciousness.

He sat across from the old man generously, but when he looked up, he found that the other man was staring at him closely.

Different from the old man’s aging appearance, the old man’s eyes were sharper than any young man Richard had ever seen.

Just when Richard was being stared at and felt a little uncomfortable, he heard the old man opposite talking to himself:

“Like, so similar.”

“Like what?”

Richard asked tentatively.

“Like Lord Aragorn.”

Fortunately, Richard didn’t drink water at the moment. The old man’s sudden words shocked Richard quite a bit,

I have seen Richard, a man from the Charlemagne family, a lot. He actually has an idea of ​​what Richard looks like. Richard has none of the iconic appearance features.

Up to now, the Charman family has only been passed down for a few generations. If Richard looked like Aragorn, it would be a big deal.

Of course, what surprised Richard even more was the other meaning in Qinghua,

This old man has met Aragorn, the legendary figure hundreds of years ago, so the old man in front of him is probably hundreds of years old,

In this kind of world, after reaching a certain level, age is almost linked to strength,

Under normal circumstances, the great knight has a lifespan of 150 years, the earth knight can live for 200 years, and the sky knight can live for 300 years in legend. So maybe the one in front of me is in the sky?

Qing did not have the consciousness to explain to Richard, but instead started talking to himself again,

“I was just the groom of His Majesty Aragon, and the name Lian Qing was given by His Majesty Aragon. His Majesty Aragon said that he gave me this name because he valued me,

I couldn’t understand it at the time, but I understand now that I was the only one who followed His Majesty Aragon to this point, and they all died two hundred years ago.

In the eyes of His Majesty Aragorn, only I have the opportunity to step into the gate of the sanctuary, but what does the word “green” mean?

It’s a pity that I was still a step too late. If I had entered the Holy Realm earlier, His Majesty Aragorn wouldn’t have to face the God of the Rising Sun alone, and I should have been able to help.

What’s the use of living for so long? It would have been better if I could have fought side by side with His Majesty Aragon, rather than now that I am getting too old to do anything. ”

Qing’s thinking was very fast when he was talking to himself, and he even felt a little confused when he spoke.

Putting aside his strength, Qing’s current state is indeed like that of an ordinary old man. He is obviously sitting opposite Richard but is alone in his memories.

On the opposite side, Richard was frantically digesting the information Qing Zai had inadvertently revealed.

There is still a holy realm above the sky, but this realm seems to have been forgotten by modern humans,

Even the Sky Knight level has not been entered by newcomers for hundreds of years, so it is normal for the sanctuary to no longer be well known.

Probably only the royal family and some top-level nobles who have been passed down for a long time have heard of it. After several generations, it has become a legendary thing just like the gods in the past.

But from the old man’s words, Richard not only knew that there was a holy realm in the sky, but he even knew that God had really come.

Aragorn died early because he had a fight with God? This seems to make sense. Seeing that Qing Qing’s strength is very high, Aragorn should be strong rather than weak.

Qingdu has lived for nearly five hundred years. There is no way Aragorn died so early. It can only be due to some external forces.

Did you fight with God and be killed by God? Or did he fight with God and both sides were injured, and finally died from his injuries?

Richard’s guess is that he is more inclined to the latter. Seeing that the Rising Sun God Cult has been keeping a low profile for hundreds of years and has been suppressed by the kingdom. It was only with the appearance of Mi Xiu that they dared to show off their virtues. I am afraid that when the Rising Sun God came, it was Nothing good can be gained from Aragorn.

Well, it’s best to let Aragorn fight him, otherwise with his current bad relationship with the Rising Sun Cult, there is really a **** behind this church and he will be under a lot of pressure.

“It’s so similar.”

Qing ended his self-recollection and stared at Richard again to speak.

Richard: “…”

How many times should I say this

“His Majesty Aragorn was also at the same age when he became the number one master of the human race and led us to overthrow the entire bloodline aristocracy at that time.”

Qing suddenly started to reminisce, looking at the sky as if he was missing something again.

At this moment, Richard was a little embarrassed by what he said, which overturned the entire aristocratic class. Are you talking about me?

Fortunately, Qing didn’t seem to have any intention of removing any harm to the kingdom. After a while, he said to Richard:

“Okay, you guys go out first and let me be alone for a while.”

Richard exited the room with a black question mark on his face. He came to me emotionally and just muttered a few words to himself and then drove me away?

After exiting the room, Richard followed Ren and left the yard.

Only Qing was left in the whole yard.

“It looks like, it really looks like.”

“How many years have passed, why was Lord Aragorn unwilling to become a god…”


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