Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 179: Treasure House


The warehouse is very tightly guarded. You can see a lot of Golden Palace knights scattered around in the open. There should be a lot of guards in the dark. If you really want to break through, I’m afraid it will be difficult even for someone with the strength of Mi Xiu. A successful breakthrough in a short period of time.

“Sir Richard, please come in. I’ll be waiting for you outside. Breathing Techniques and Qi-Entraining Techniques are on the fourth and third row of shelves on the left respectively. You don’t have much time. You must come out when the time comes.”


Then it seemed like someone had opened some mechanism, and the thick outer iron door slowly opened.

The construction of the inner warehouse is quite clever. Two huge fine iron doors opened one after another as Richard entered, and then closed after Richard entered.

Li Cha, who originally thought that the building he saw from the outside was the main body of the inner warehouse, discovered after entering the door,

The buildings on the ground are completely a guise, and the hall is completely empty.

A door on the ground slowly opened in front of Richard. Richard walked into the door and walked dozens of steps down the stairs until he finally saw a bright lobby.

“Sir, you don’t have much time, please choose as soon as possible.”

At this time, a hoarse prompting voice came from behind Richard.

When Richard heard the voice, he turned around and found a man wearing a silver mask and wearing the uniform of a Golden Palace Knight officer standing not far behind him.

Although Richard was a little curious about this man’s identity and strength, he even wondered if defeating him would allow him to use the kingdom’s treasure house as a self-service supermarket to pick up goods.

Shaking his head, throwing away these unrealistic thoughts, he turned and walked towards the shelf that the leader outside had reminded him of.

In addition to bookshelves containing breathing techniques and qi-entraining techniques, Richard also passed by some tables with boxes, shelves with dragon scale armor, and even saw a ferocious dragon head, but The dragon’s head has no skin and flesh, leaving only white bones.

Richard was not a biologist, so he could not identify the type of dragon by looking at the edge of the dragon head. He only thought that the dragon head seemed a bit big.

Anyway, everything that can be put here should be good.

Richard has no time to slowly appreciate the treasures in the treasure house. Looking at the afternoon, he may really be tempted to do something.

Honestly, we came to the two bookshelves where breathing techniques and Qi-entraining techniques were placed.

The breathing techniques and qi-entraining methods in the treasure house are not all top-notch ones as imagined,

On the contrary, there are more first-rate and second-rate secrets,

Li Cha even found the Qing Qi Yin Jue he had practiced on the shelf of Qi Yin Jue Capital,

The person who arranged it rudely placed Qing Qi Enjutsu in a second-rate position.

Let’s start with the breathing method. The beast’s breathing method inherited from Richard’s family was originally the strongest first-class breathing method. After Richard’s transformation, it has entered the top ranks.

It stands to reason that Richard’s need for breathing techniques is actually not great,

But although Richard himself has the Breathing Technique, he can’t stand up to his many subordinates. To a certain extent, the difficulty of practicing the Breathing Technique depends on the nutritional guarantee and the equal talent. The better the quality, the harder it is to practice.

Except for the breathing method of the beast passed down from his family, the only breathing method that Richard now masters is the universal breathing method, which has a serious gap in the middle.

Some soldiers are not talented enough. Even if they have accumulated enough military merit and were given the original version of the Beast Breathing Technique, it will be difficult for them to learn it for a long time.

Although the most common universal breathing method is a good thing for ordinary soldiers, in the eyes of the ambitious Richard, this thing is only three times the quality of ordinary people when used to the extreme.

In this world full of monsters, any race can defeat a quasi-knight of this level. Richard hoped that his officers would be stronger.

It has to be said that Ren is really interested in Richard. There are more than three top-level breathing methods in this shelf, which are completely open to Richard. They are all secrets that are not weaker than the beast breathing method after the system is improved. ,

If Richard could have come here earlier, he would have saved the skill points for improving the Beast Breathing Technique.

After careful selection, Richard finally selected a steel breathing method that is relatively common among senior officers in the kingdom,

The effect is weaker than the improved Beast Breathing Method, but stronger than the most common universal breathing method. The training effect is barely second-rate. The advantage is that it is not difficult to get started, so it is a good choice for training your subordinates.

Next, Richard selected the Lieyang Qi-inducing Art, which is said to be the most difficult to practice, in the Qi-Inducing Art column.

Richard had done his homework before coming here. Basically, he could get some basic information about top-ranked Qi-entraining techniques in the capital.

This Fierce Sun Qi-inducing Technique is said to have been created by His Majesty Aragon when he observed the sun at noon and gained insights. It is also a Qi-inducing Technique practiced by His Majesty Aragon himself. It is said to be the best Qi-inducing Technique in the kingdom.

But this powerful Qi-inducing art is not the royal family’s secret Qi-inducing art. Even some of the heroes who followed Aragorn to conquer the world and the top nobles now may have copies in their homes.

The reason is also very simple. It is too difficult to get started with this technique. It is said that Sol once challenged this technique but was still unable to get started. In the end, he switched to the royal family’s secret Qi Entraining Technique and achieved what he is today. Achievements,

In Richard’s opinion, he can understand the difficulty of practicing this Fiery Sun Qi-inducing Art,

Just staring at the sun at noon is already anti-human. If you look at it for a while, your eyes will go blind. I don’t know how His Majesty Aragon managed to keep observing the sun at noon. The one who created this technique,

Richard is not a stubborn person. Under normal circumstances, even if he is quite confident in his own talent, Richard will not choose this kind of technique that no other person has practiced for hundreds of years.

But the system gave Richard the confidence. It may be difficult for others to get started, but Richard can use the system to cheat,

With one skill point added, no matter what the most difficult Qi-entraining technique is, Richard has no fear.

After making the decision, Richard walked out with two secret books,

There are copies of these secrets. In fact, the kingdom does not explicitly prohibit the spread of these secrets.

However, the nobles have agreed to control the spread of secrets, and they also cherish their family’s breathing techniques and qi-entraining techniques. They can be regarded as treasures for themselves, and it is taboo for outsiders to take a look at them, let alone pass them on to common people. .

In this era of average social and economic development, insufficient material conditions, and slow spread of knowledge, even if there are no explicit regulations, it is difficult for civilians to practice cultivation based on their own conditions,

Working for a noble or a kingdom, and getting a chance of one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand is the main way for civilians to rise in this era,

The official academic system and military merit system established by Richard only slightly expanded the scope.


When Richard passed by the masked Golden Palace Knight with the secret book he chose, the iron door on the ground opened automatically,

Richard did not engage in any frivolous maneuvers. He abided by the rules and left the treasure house without any hindrance and returned to the ground.

“Master Richard, have you made your choice?”


Everyone seems to have a habit of asking this nonsense.

“His Majesty Ren has ordered that after you select the secret book, you will go back to see him. There is another adult who wants to see you.”


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