Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 174: Blood Miyagi (End)


On the square outside the palace,

The Imperial Guard and the City Guard are still fighting hard,

When Misuo was restrained by Richard, the imperial guards once again formed an overwhelming advantage over the city guards led by the Pagat family.

Although the morale of the Guards was slightly affected by Ren’s withdrawal,

But the leading senior officers breathed a sigh of relief at Lane’s departure,

At least there is one less constraint. There is no need to worry about Renne being suddenly beheaded and the army collapsing at any time.

At least with Mi Xiu alone, it is difficult to kill more than 10,000 imperial guardsmen who are determined to fight.


Richard was knocked back a few steps by Mi Xiu again, and the two broke away from the battle again,

But this time Richard did not rush to attack. The angel necklace lasted less than two minutes.

He had to consider running away,

Richard, who now has the peak strength of the Sky Knight, has the same ability to fly short distances as Mi Xiu,

Although the Sky Knight can temporarily leave the ground, this action consumes a lot of money,

The consumption of fighting energy when the sky knight flies is even higher than the consumption of fighting energy during fierce battles,

This is also the reason why Yaxiu only used his flying ability after gradually getting closer to Ren,

Flying too far, he couldn’t bear the consumption,

But for Richard, consumption is not a problem,

Richard, who currently maintains the peak strength of the Sky Knight, has much stronger fighting spirit than Mi Xiu,

What restricts him now is not the amount of fighting spirit, but the ten-minute time limit.

In front of Mi Xiu, Richard relied on the truth brought by the angel necklace to ignite a flaming fighting spirit and gradually climbed to the sky.

After giving Zebul and others the order to break out and retreat, they were ready to turn around and leave, temporarily withdrawing from the battle.

But the moment Richard turned his head, what he saw immediately changed his decision,

Ren unexpectedly appeared in his sight again surrounded by more than a dozen Golden Palace knights, and even walked from the palace towards the battlefield?

Ren is out of his mind?

This was Richard’s first reaction after seeing Ren’s figure,

But soon Richard ruled out this possibility. Richard already considered Ren as a first-rate person,

This kind of person can do things like the emperor guarding the country and the king dying for the country.

Ren is definitely not a stubborn person. If he had no backup plan, he would have slipped away by now.

No matter whether Richard can defeat Mi Xiu or not, given the nature of a person like Ren, he will not place his own safety entirely on Richard.

It’s long past time to go to a safe place, such as the Guards camp outside the city, to ensure your own safety,

To save others by oneself, Richard dared to stay here because he had another plan.

Damn it, I bet

I hate betting on dogs.

At this time, Richard, who was standing in mid-air, did not turn around and escape, but faced Mi Xiu and raised the Vulcan Sword in his hand again,

It seems that this time I went to the air just to launch a stronger attack,

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Anyway, there are less than two minutes left, and the fighting energy in the body is still full,

At this time, Richard unleashed his fighting spirit, regardless of consumption, and launched a covering blow towards the position where Mi Xiu was locked.

The stone slabs around Mi Xiu were blasted out with several large craters,

Mixiu held the scepter to resist Richard’s attack again,

At this time, Yaxiu looked embarrassed, but in fact he was not seriously injured.

The difference in strength between the two at this time is not big. If we really want to decide the winner, we have to wait until one side runs out of fighting spirit.


Just when Mi Xiu was trying his best to deal with Richard’s fierce attack, a sigh overwhelmed the sound of fighting in the audience.

This sigh was like a heavy weight pressing on Mi Xiu’s heart,

He had never felt so suffocated before, and even a slight sigh made him unable to move.

This sigh naturally reached Richard’s ears,

But Richard was not targeted and continued to act as usual,

But Mi Xiu’s abnormality was noticed by him, and he took advantage of his illness to kill him,

Richard did not have the spirit of chivalry to fight in a fair fight, so he took advantage of Misu’s abnormal state and raised the Vulcan Sword high, slashing it with a firm blow.



Mi Xiu came to his senses at the last moment and tried his best to resist Richard’s blow with his scepter, but in the end it was still a little late,

I barely managed to block the fatal blow, but my strength was too old, and the Vulcan Sword cut a deep scar on my shoulder that could be seen in the bone,

When the Vulcan Sword penetrated the flesh, the hot blade even made a sizzling sound in Misu’s flesh,

A person as strong-willed as Yaxiu couldn’t help showing a look of pain.


Richard took advantage of the situation and kicked Mi Xiu’s chest. At this time, Mi Xiu was completely unable to resist Richard’s heavy kick.

The whole person flew upside down for several meters like a kite with its string broken,

“Cough, cough!”

Richard’s attack caused considerable damage to Mi Xiu, but it was not fatal.

Mixiu coughed up blood and quickly got up from the ground to confront Richard.

Li Cha held the Vulcan Sword and stared closely at Mi Xiu. The two of them stopped fighting strangely a few meters apart.

Richard seems calm now, but actually he is panicking inside,

In the situation just now, if he continued to pursue, not only he could kill the opponent immediately, but at least he could inflict a few serious injuries on the opponent,

But the effect of the angel necklace has expired. Richard is completely bluffing now. He is now at the peak level of a great knight, and his combat effectiveness is not as good as Zebul’s.

If Mishui from the opposite side rushed up, he wouldn’t even have a chance to escape.

Don’t show timidity, don’t show timidity,

Richard continued to stare at Mi Xiu closely, as if he was about to launch an attack.

At this time, Mi Xiu was actually under greater pressure. Not only did he have to fight with Richard, but the sigh that almost caused his heart to stop just now made him have to be alert.

For the first time, he felt that death was so close.

The confrontation between the two lasted for nearly ten seconds. Mi Xiu did not wait for Richard’s attack, nor did he wait for the sudden attack of a mysterious person just now.


I came in strong, but when I left, I felt like I was running away.

Mixiu finally gave the order to retreat, leading the strong men of the church towards the outside of the palace.


Seeing Mi Xiu choose to leave, Richard also let out a long breath,

It is really exciting to play the empty city strategy. This feeling of life and death being put into the hands of others is not comfortable at all.

“Master Qing?”

On the other side, Ren was puzzled that Master Qing just sighed when he arrived.

With Ren’s strength and vision, he also knew what kind of strength this sigh represented. He was a little confused as to why Lord Qing didn’t take action.

If Qing is willing to take action directly, the people of the Rising Sun Cult may not have a chance to escape.

“I, I still want to live a few more years.”

Qing seemed to be inconvenienced and did not take action again.

Without the obstruction of Richard and Qing, the Imperial Guards who were still fighting with the city guards could not stop Mi Xiu and others at all.

I can only watch them leave.

At this time, Ren’s face was quite ugly. This time, he was considered smart but was misled by his cleverness, leaving the ambitious and talented Lao Jiu to fish.

I didn’t expect that the fish was caught, but I didn’t expect that what I caught was a shark.

If Richard hadn’t been unexpectedly strong and invited Qing, Ren’an might have capsized today,

Fishing has a heavy karma…

The results obtained this time are also very useless, and all the hidden powers of the eldest prince’s family were exposed through Lao Jiu,

The pope and church elites who wanted to eliminate them all ran away. This wave did not make any money for Renne at all, and there were still some losses. Too many trump cards were exposed, but the expected effect was not achieved…

“No one who participated in the rebellion will be left alive, and no surrender will be accepted.”

Ren almost gritted his teeth and issued this order…


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