Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 173: Blood Miyagi 8



After using the violent potion, Richard’s strength was directly raised to the peak level of Sky Knight,

The flames of the Vulcan Sword in his hand became even brighter. After a few moves, he kicked Mi Xiu in front of him.

Mi Xiu raised his scepter to block a horizontal blow, but inevitably took a few steps back.


Li Cha was unyielding, and the Vulcan Sword in his hand slashed hard at the scepter held diagonally by Mi Xiu.

I don’t know what material this scepter is made of,

The Vulcan Sword can already be called a magic weapon. Coupled with the infusion of Richard’s fighting spirit, even if it cannot cut off this seemingly thin scepter, there will not be even a trace on the scepter. Leave.


The heavy force directly pressed the stone slabs on the ground of Misu into pieces,

For a while, Mi Xiu could only barely parry, but Richard had the upper hand.

Those around who didn’t know what was going on believed that it was only a matter of time before Richard defeated Misiu. Hussein and others were a little worried.

But Richard himself knew very well that the so-called advantage was not enough to defeat Mi Xiu quickly.

When the ten minutes were up, he immediately turned into a little sheep to be slaughtered in front of Kaname Yaxiu.

“Is this the effect of the medicine just now?”

Although Mi Xiu resisted Richard’s attack with some reluctance, it was not to the point of being crushed.

“Relying on external objects to obtain strength should not be the behavior of the strong after all. How long can you persist in relying on external objects to obtain strength?”


Richard is quite disdainful of this argument. If you think that borrowing foreign objects is not the work of the strong, it is not because the foreign objects are not strong enough.

If the foreign object was powerful enough to kill the opponent directly, Yaxiu wouldn’t even have the chance to say this.

But complaints are complaints,

Although Mi Xiu’s judgment was not very accurate, he pointed out the biggest problem facing Richard now,

This kind of power that does not belong to him will not be used for long!

Although Richard is still fiercely attacking, he has already made plans in his heart to run away.

The duration of the Angel Necklace is only less than half,

He has bought Renn a lot of time. Renn has now withdrawn into the palace. The worst result is that Renn escapes from a secret passage or something like that.

The reason why Richard made this judgment was also because of the imperial guard ambushing in the palace.

To be able to bypass the ears and eyes of the Xihe Church and quietly transfer so many troops into the palace, it is definitely impossible to use the City Gate Avenue,

There must be an unknown secret passage that allowed the Imperial Guards from the two flag regiments to quietly ambush the palace,

As long as Ren is not stupid now, he will be prepared for the worst. According to Richard’s judgment, he should be on his way out of the city at this time.

The worst outcome is actually just,

Xi occupied the palace and, with the support of the church, coerced the nobles present in the palace to support him as king,

There are still 200,000 Guards stationed in the outer city. As long as Ren and the Knights of the Golden Palace leave the city, the Guards can be mobilized immediately to quell the rebellion.

No matter how strong Mixiu is, he cannot rush into the camp of 200,000 imperial guards and kill Ren,

With Ren not dead, Xi very controlled the situation,

The Southern Corps, the Duke of the West, and several dragon knights from the country will not easily recognize his status.

Try for two more minutes. If it doesn’t work, you will have to die as a fellow Taoist and not as a poor Taoist.


When Richard’s fighting spirit exploded with all his strength, the fighting spirit that had been transformed by the increase of the Vulcan Sword actually had some shadow of the sacred fighting spirit in it,

A master like Mi Xiu actually felt a familiar flavor in Richard’s burst of fighting spirit, a hint of the fighting spirit inherited from the divine religion,

This made Mi Xiu a little confused, but now Mi Xiu didn’t have time to think carefully,

The fighting spirit that had already reached the peak level of the Sky Knight became extremely powerful with the increase of the Vulcan Sword.

Mi Xiu used the staff in his hand to resist with all his strength before he could bear the blow,

But Mi Xiu’s original calmness was no longer there, and several holes were ripped out of his exquisite red-and-gold-patterned robe by the aftermath of the grudge.

There was blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that blocking this blow would not be cost-effective.

However, Richard did not feel happy at all,

Still blocked,

At this moment, Richard was feeling a bit out of his depth. If he still couldn’t repair himself despite such an explosion, it would be basically impossible to resolve the battle before the effect of the Angel Necklace skill ended.

Royal Palace

In a garden courtyard,

Ren did not leave from the secret passage as Richard judged,

But he stood outside the door of a room in the courtyard, waiting for something,

There was no one accompanying him. Not only the knights of the Golden Palace did not follow him, but there was not even a waiter in the other courtyard in the kingdom.

“Go back. Before the rebels attack, hurry out of the city. You still have a chance.”

“Master Qing, are you still unwilling to take action?”

“This is a family matter of the Chalmain family. How can I, a slave, take care of the master’s family affairs?”

“This is no longer a family matter, this is a kingdom matter.”

“Okay, I know that the Charman family’s domestic affairs are state affairs, so let’s go.”


It can be heard that the people in the house seem to be making tea and other drinks. They probably didn’t take the shouts of death not far away seriously.

Perhaps in his long life, he has become accustomed to the Charman family’s behavior. Strictly speaking, these people are juniors of the master’s family. It is wrong for him to help anyone. It is better to maintain absolute neutrality. status.

“Xi, the ninth son of the late king, colluded with the Rising Sun Cult to attack the palace, and Master Qing didn’t care about it?”


The people in the room obviously stopped what they were doing.

Feeling the change in the attitude of the people in the room, Ren’s face remained calm, but there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

If the bet is right, if he gets involved in the church’s affairs, or His Majesty Aragon’s affairs, this Lord Qing will no longer stay out of it.

The Charlemagne family has many secrets that are passed down from generation to generation, secrets that only those who have ascended to the throne are qualified to know,

For example, a secret passage leading directly outside the city,

Another example is the man in the room, Mr. Qing, who even pays homage to the king.

“Is there any evidence?”

“The Pope of the Rising Sun Sect is now in the square outside the palace. Lord Qing will know when you go out and take a look.”

“Oh, I’m an old man, and I still have to worry about my master’s affairs.”

“Master Qing is serious.”


There was no sound of footsteps, and the closed wooden door was opened.

An old man wearing linen clothes walked out of the house,

Although he was wearing clothes, it could be seen that the old man had become so thin that he was only skin and bones.

His complexion is pretty good and he seems to be full of energy. Unfortunately, no matter how good his energy is, he can’t cover up the wrinkles on the old man’s face.

No matter how you look at it, this is a dying old man

However, this old man is Rennes’ last trump card.

“Let’s go, Your Majesty.”

The old man walked tremblingly, but his speed was surprisingly fast. Renn speeded up and caught up…


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