Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 170: Blood Miyagi 5


“What’s going on? Where did the army come from?”

“It seems to be the City Guards!”

The palace gate is not far from the place where the ceremony was held. Although the five thousand city guards were still some distance away from the square, the movement had already alarmed the people in the square.

Richard was still on the stage just now, halfway through a bunch of oaths that might be punished by heaven, but now he had to stop and look towards the palace gate.

“Don’t panic!”

The Golden Palace Knights who noticed the abnormal movement quickly surrounded the platform where Ren was standing. Fifty knight-level players and several Grand Knight-level Golden Palace Knight captains surrounded Renn in the middle of the high platform.

Richard also pulled out the Vulcan Sword and protected Ren behind him,

No matter whether this protection is sincere or false, it is one of the basic operations to protect the king and show loyalty at this time. Moreover, even if it is not to protect the king, it is still to protect the father-in-law.

Of course, anyone who thinks that Richard’s behavior is that of a loyal minister must have been deceived by lard,

Richard took a position quickly, which was based on his own judgment. Through preliminary contact, Richard could at least judge a little bit,

His Majesty Ren should be an old bastard, this is the same kind of aura,

At this moment, facing the army that suddenly invaded the palace, no matter how calm the superiors are, if they encounter such an uncontrollable situation, they will be a little panicked,

But Richard didn’t see any panic in Ren’s eyes at close range, and he even felt like he was in control.

“Qiang, Qiang, Qiang…” The nobles below are not fuel-efficient lamps,

Although the literary style of the kingdom is now flourishing, the status of these knights and warriors is still higher than that of civil servants.

Since the time of Aragon, the Golden Dragon Kingdom has not strictly controlled weapons in the palace. Nobles and officials only carry crossbows and other things.

Generally, weapons are carried casually. This not only shows the emphasis on armament, admiring the martial spirit, but also Aragorn’s absolute trust in his own strength.

Anyway, Aragorn himself was the first master of the human race. The sword masters of the orcs who were capable of slaying dragons were all killed by Aragorn.

For ordinary people, let alone a knight’s sword, even if they brought a few crossbows, they would hardly pose any threat to Aragorn at that time. There was no need to worry about assassination at all.

Although later kings did not have the strength of Aragorn, they generally had the strength of a great knight and would not be able to resist in the face of assassination.

Even if I am a little worried about my own safety, with Aragorn setting an example, I would not dare to strengthen weapons management for the following generations of kings. Wouldn’t that make me look cowardly?

So at this time, almost everyone in the noble field has guys who can really fight,

Together with three or five attendants, they formed a simple formation, apparently to be loyal to Ren.

“Why should you be loyal to a treacherous villain like Ren!”

His Royal Highness Ninth, who had been watching the ceremony in the queue, suddenly stood out from the crowd. Xi, who was dressed in a white robe with gold trim, had already donned an exquisite chainmail at some point, holding a long sword tightly in his hand.

The weapons in the hands of several attendants around him also obviously exceeded the standards of etiquette. This intention could not be more obvious.

After Si Charman spoke out

Everyone in the square was shocked. Normally speaking like this, most people would be gone.

But the situation at this time is obviously that His Highness Xi has the upper hand. He somehow mobilized an army into the palace. There seems to be no usable force around Rennes except for the Knights of the Golden Palace.

Although the Knights of the Golden Palace are elite, their number is limited after all, and the movement outside the palace gate is at least thousands of people,

The surrounding nobles are very realistic, and now no one dares to stand up and show their support for Renne,

After hesitation, the nobles present decided to wait and see.

This has a lot to do with the fact that the leader of this palace coup is also named Charman,

If this palace upheaval was just the fault of a certain noble family or a certain leading general who was out of his mind, they would probably fight to the end for Renne,

But this is obviously a family matter of the Charman family. There is no orderly inheritance method in the Charman family.

Aragon formulated a rather cruel selection system for the succession of the throne for the royal family.

As long as a prince of knight rank or above wants to sit in this position, he can fight for it and do whatever he wants without touching the bottom line.

Every time there is a fight for the throne, several members of the Charlemagne family must be sacrificed,

After several battles for the throne, these high-ranking nobles have learned well and will not intervene in the battles of the Charman family unless they have to.

Most of the people who are willing to act as pawns in the battle for the throne are middle- and lower-class nobles who want to give it a try, or who are manipulated by a certain prince.

This is also the difference between the semi-feudal and semi-feudal Golden Dragon Kingdom and some of the unified dynasties of the Celestial Dynasty.

The big nobles are qualified to sit on the fence. They have their own territory and soldiers. As long as they don’t take sides, no matter who wins, they will not and dare not go to liquidation.

If it were placed in the ancient Celestial Dynasty, daring to sit on the wall would be a crime of sitting back and watching success or failure, and being cut in half,

No matter who wins, the centrists will have nothing to gain and can be considered as forcing people to take sides.

Watching the nobles retreating, only dozens of Golden Palace Knights were left around Ren, as well as Zebul and two vanguard knights led by Richard to guard him.

“Ren, the debt you owe to your eldest brother, it’s time to repay it today!”

Xi’s voice actually trembled slightly, with an indescribable sense of pleasure.

“Ninth Brother, after hearing you call me Sixth Brother for so many years, and your Majesty for a few more years, I am really not used to you suddenly calling me by my name.”

“Stop talking nonsense! Today I will make you pay with blood!”

“I know that you, Ninth Brother, have the best relationship with your eldest brother. He has always been the only brother in your eyes, not our other brothers.

However, my eldest brother broke the rules and was ordered to be killed by his father. What does this have to do with me? ”

“You think I don’t know? How did the eldest brother get in touch with the Dragon Knight of Zhenguo at that time, and who was instigating the eldest brother behind his back.”

Everyone present pricked up their ears. This was the royal family of the Charman family. Even Richard was aroused.

“Okay, you said it was me who instigated the big brother, and you said I was the one who acted in the middle. Where is the evidence?”

Ren is obviously confident in asking this question. If he could find out the truth about this matter, the old king should have killed Renn first.

Given the old king’s control over the kingdom and the Black Prison in hand, he didn’t realize that this matter had much to do with Ren,

Now that Ren is the king himself and has an intelligence organization like Black Prison, what kind of evidence can Xizhen still find?


Xi was obviously choked by these words and simply stopped talking about the topic.

The city guards were getting closer and closer, but Renn didn’t look panicked at all.

“Ren, what I hate most is that you always look calm, as if you don’t care about anything,”

Are you still waiting for your first flag regiment? Do you think I didn’t know they entered Miyagi? The leader of the flag regiment is also one of my people, and the first flag regiment will not come. ”

There was pride and happiness in Xi’s words. He stared at Ren’s face carefully, trying to find a trace of panic on his face.

It’s a pity that he was disappointed,

Ren even ventured to say:

“That’s it?”

“You think I don’t know there is a problem with the First Flag Regiment? If he is not one of your people, how can I go back and mobilize the First Flag Regiment?

How could you take the bait? ”

As he spoke, a smile appeared on Ren’s face that had always remained calm.

Li Cha was relieved in front,

Damn it, I thought I mistakenly identified the pretender as an old pervert. If I don’t give him some confidence, Richard will have to think about how to run away…


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