Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 169: Blood Miyagi 4


Before Richard could think carefully about the meaning of Ren’s words, the knights of the Golden Palace who were in the palace at first quickly walked out from both sides, one step ahead of Ren and Richard, and took up their positions in the square.

The total number of Golden Palace Knights has never been more than a hundred. At this time, there are only two teams of Golden Palace Knights walking along the two sides, but only about fifty people. Although not many, their strength is definitely not weak,

Knights of the Golden Palace are just like their name. Every Knight of the Golden Palace is a master of the knight level. The captains of the Knights of the Golden Palace are all high knights.

It can be said to be the most luxurious team in the kingdom,

After the knights of the Golden Palace stood still, Ren slowly took steps towards the steps outside the palace.

Richard continued to follow Ren, who was dressed up, but his eyes were a little wandering.

It’s strange why Messiah is not here. Logically speaking, it would be very easy for Messiah to come to such an occasion.

Based on the relationship between him and Messiah at this time, it is somewhat unreasonable for Messiah not to appear during his canonization ceremony.

Richard tried his best to search the crowd again and confirmed that Messiah was definitely not there. Coupled with Ren’s slightly suggestive words just now,

Damn, something is wrong.

Richard, who was relatively relaxed at first, had tensed up. His hand was ready to touch the angel necklace, and he was constantly observing the people around him.

But at this point, Richard had no choice. Before an accident occurred, he could only carry out the ceremony according to the previous arrangement.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Richard followed the palace servant’s guidance and came to the edge of a stage in the center of the square according to the previous arrangement.

Ren walked onto the stage surrounded by the Golden Palace Knights,

The moment Renn stood on the stage, everyone present, including Richard, bowed sideways to Renn on the stage.

“Richard…pacified the wilderness and enthroned Pingyehou…”

After the herald beside Renn described Richard’s achievements in an exaggerated tone, the whole ceremony officially began,

At this time, a captain of the Golden Palace Knights walked out of the queue,

With a “clang” sound, he drew his sword out of its sheath and made a gesture of invitation towards Richard.

This is one of the features of the Golden Dragon Kingdom’s canonization ceremony

Perform martial arts

The recipient must fight against the Knights of the Golden Palace in front of the king and everyone to prove their strength. After all, the kingdom has express regulations that those without knight-level strength cannot be nobles.

This level is not difficult. It is mainly just a formality. The Golden Palace Knight will not be too difficult. As long as he can release his fighting spirit and go for two rounds, the Golden Palace Knight will usually stop on his own initiative.


Richard was also informed of this process in advance, so he naturally pulled out the Vulcan Sword from his waist and made the same gesture of invitation.


Under the infusion of fighting spirit, the originally gray Vulcan Sword was wrapped in flames again.


The strange appearance of the Vulcan Sword caused people around to marvel, not to mention whether it was easy to use or not.

Just this pretentiousness can arouse the admiration of quite a few people.


However, Richard is not just showing off when holding the Vulcan Sword. He has real strength, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is awesome.

At the first blow, the captain of the Golden Palace Knight on the opposite side felt something was wrong. He was a senior knight,

I also knew from the beginning that Richard was a person who had just stepped into the rank of Grand Knight,

The gap between the junior knights and the senior knights is not small. The captain of the Golden Palace Knights actually came to fight Richard with the mentality of giving guidance to the juniors,

This time he knew that Richard was not as simple as a junior knight.

“Dang, Dang, Dang…”

Several fights made him extremely uncomfortable,

Although Richard is still only at the level of a junior knight, his fighting spirit, strengthened by the Vulcan Sword, is no weaker than that of an average peak knight.

Coupled with the scorching effect of the Vulcan Sword, the hands of the Golden Palace Knight holding the sword were burned and painful.

Soon, under Richard’s command, the Golden Palace Knights could only resist, but had no choice but to fight back.


By blocking a blow, the Golden Palace Knight took a few steps back, naturally broke away from Richard, and then sheathed his long sword and saluted Richard.

“I lost, Hirano Hou is the real strong man.”

The Knights of the Golden Palace were just here for a formality, not to show off their strength, so there was no need to fight with Richard, and they did say this willingly.

Richard did not continue to be unreasonable, but stepped back, sheathed the Vulcan Sword, and gave the same salute as a response.


Although the battle is short, it is very exciting. The nobles and attendants below are also good players, and you can see some skills.

It can be seen naturally that Richard really has the upper hand, and the Knights of the Golden Palace have tried their best.

Ren on the stage also nodded, quite satisfied with Richard’s skills.

The next process is for Richard to go up to the stage, present his own sword to Renn and swear an oath to show his loyalty, and then Renn will give the sword back to encourage him. After a series of tedious processes, the entire ceremony is completed. .

While the ceremony was proceeding in an orderly manner, an extremely unusual situation occurred outside the palace.

“Tap, step, step…”

A heavily armed city guard with a flag regiment is marching towards the palace city with neat steps. It is very rare for the city guard to move in such a high-profile and large-scale in the Golden Dragon City.

So much so that everyone around them looked sideways, but some more sensitive people had smelled something unusual and hurriedly stayed away and hid at home,

Lest mortals suffer when gods fight.

The City Guard and the Praetorian Guard belong to two systems,

The Praetorian Guards are directly responsible to the royal family, and the main person in charge is Thor, the dragon knight of the town.

The system of the City Guards is more complicated. The City Guards are a mixed bag of good and bad, including civil servant groups and military nobles. If the more than 200,000 City Guards are to be subdivided, they can be divided into several factions.

Among them, several military nobles in the royal capital have the greatest influence on the city guards. Many of the army commanders are even members of several princely houses in the royal capital.

This is roughly a balance between the royal family and the top nobles of the kingdom.

“Sir, the city guards are approaching the palace gate!”

At this time, the city guards had arrived near the palace gate,

The Palace Guards belong to a separate system. In principle, they are only responsible to King Ren. The nobles generally have a tacit agreement not to touch the positions in the Palace Guards. This is very taboo.

It stands to reason that when the city guards discover this unconventional behavior, the palace guards should immediately be vigilant and close the palace door.

However, the palace military commander who was guarding the city gate did not respond at all. Even when prompted by his subordinates, he did not show any expression. He just looked at the approaching city guards silently.

As the city guards got closer and closer to the palace gate, more palace guards realized something was wrong. The other party’s heavily armed appearance was simply to initiate a palace coup.

“Sir, aren’t you closing the palace door yet?”

The men on the side were a little anxious. They couldn’t afford this.

“No, just let them in,”

Pass my order and no one will make the slightest move! ”


The subordinates raised their heads and glanced at Dutong, who was obviously wrong. He was only glanced at by the other party’s indifferent eyes, and his originally anxious mood instantly cooled down.

Tong Tong is a knight, he is just a quasi-knight, if he tries to persuade him, he will die…

Due to the chaos of the city gate commander, the soldiers who were supposed to close the palace gate in time fell into chaos. Now even if someone wanted to close the city gate, they did not dare to move.

A heavily armed city guard broke into the palace without any hindrance.

This is a place they should never set foot in…


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