Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 168: Blood Miyagi 3


The senior military officers gathered in a room to discuss matters,

The special envoy didn’t think much, and rushed in to announce the order. Unexpectedly, he was stabbed through by a sword before he finished speaking. At this time, his face was full of pain and there was some incredible expression. .



With a stir of the long sword and the infusion of fighting spirit, the envoy who was suspected to be sent by Renn completely lost his life before he could even finish his words.

“Qiang! Qiang!…”

“Master Flag Captain, what are you doing!”

The person who directly killed the messenger turned out to be the highest commander of the army,

The incident happened so suddenly that several senior officers in the room failed to react immediately. They only pulled out their swords after the envoy was completely killed.

“This person falsely conveyed the king’s order, and I have punished him.”

The officers looked at each other and shook their heads,

You think we are stupid? Even if you fake the king’s order, you still have to wait for others to finish what they say. This is obviously wrong.

Seeing that the swords in the hands of several officers were still pointed at him, with no intention of putting them down,

The flag leader sighed, and then shouted:



The door was violently opened, and dozens of heavily armed soldiers rushed in, instantly filling the space behind the flag commander.

These people were all his subordinates who had been arranged in advance. By deliberate calculation or unintentional, all the guards around the room had been replaced by his confidants.


After the order was given, the soldiers behind the flag commander rushed forward without any hesitation, as if the group in front of them had never belonged to them.

“Fight! Fight out!”


The several officers in front of me are also the elite of the Guards. They are all knight-level in strength, but there are no weaklings.

Even if they are not prepared and don’t have all the armor on their bodies, when fighting spirit breaks out, these ordinary elite soldiers are no match for them,



A fierce battle broke out in the narrow space. Soldiers wearing heavy armor should have been very strong in such a narrow space with little room for maneuver.

However, the enemies are all strong knight-level opponents, and they suffered heavy losses as soon as they came up.

The long sword with fighting spirit can easily break through the armor of the soldiers, blood splatters, and the narrow room is filled with blood,

Several knights quickly cleared a **** path.

“Let it go!”

However, before they could rush to the door, dense crossbow bolts were fired from outside.

Without any cover and no armor on his body, it is difficult for a knight to completely resist such a powerful crossbow fired at close range,

Soon someone got lucky,

“Damn, he was already prepared!”

At this moment, several officers have come to their senses,

The personal guards and the arrangement of the crossbowmen have obviously been murderous for a long time. The meeting room is also very clever. The front door and window can be entered and exited, and there is no other exit at all.

Not to mention that the room was small, it was empty and there was no shelter. If the fire hadn’t been so eye-catching, it would have been filled with kerosene by now.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t figure out why the flag captain, who had a promising future, wanted to destroy his own future.

“Swish swish…”

Another round of arrow rain came,

This time, the officers who reacted were not as embarrassed as before. They raised the corpses on the ground to block them in front, which had a somewhat protective effect.

“Kill out!”


Before they could take action, another wave of personal guards rushed in.



In such a small space, the officers’ superb swordsmanship did not have much room to display, and they could only use their precious fighting spirit to fight with the soldiers.


The officer who was rushing at the front suddenly froze, stopped at the door, and then fell back.

“The flag leader…”

Without closing his eyes, there was endless confusion. He really couldn’t understand why the flag commander, who had high prestige in everyone’s hearts, would suddenly do such a cruel thing.

With the addition of the flag captain, the few knight-level officers in the room soon became difficult to resist. The flag captain himself had the strength of a great knight, and they had already spent a lot of money fighting against their personal guards. Fighting spirit,

Facing the banner leader of the rank of knight, it is difficult to mount an effective resistance.

“Betray the kingdom and you will die a good death!”

The last officer fell into a state of incompetent rage in despair,

The flag leader showed no expression and ended his life in silence.


Sheathing the sword, a short but **** fight finally came to an end.

The body fell to the floor in the room, but the flag commander did not order anyone to collect the body.

Looking at the corpses of his colleagues on the ground, the flag commander fell into a brief silence

He vaguely remembered that in a famine year, there was no harvest of food in the fields.

The noble lords in that territory still refused to reduce the land tax at all, so the grain collectors forcibly took away the only rations in the cellar.

Both parents did not survive the famine, and they starved to death while begging for food, leaving behind several half-grown children who could not survive the famine.

They simply met another group of people…

“The selfless goddess of the rising sun, loves every believer…”

The flag leader murmured something, dispelling the guilt in his heart.

“Pass my order, all soldiers are to be restrained, and no one is allowed to leave the camp without permission.”

The military camp, which was a little restless because of the fighting here, was quickly suppressed.

Obedience to orders is a natural attribute of the army, especially for elites like the First Flag Regiment. Even if something is wrong here, as the leader of the flag regiment, the orders he issued are still very effective.

After all, he just ordered the camp to be closed. With his usual prestige, and the fact that other senior officers with the right to speak have become corpses, no one will question this order anymore,

It would be unrealistic if he ordered the First Flag Regiment to rush directly to the square outside the palace to rebel. Although the soldiers obeyed the order, they were not stupid.

The situation is unclear now. If the flag commander really dares to lead them to rebel, the soldiers loyal to the king will definitely be able to perform a mutiny on the spot for him and turn the knife.

But this is enough. It is his mission to hold down the army in the palace and prevent them from going to the ceremony site.

At this time, the square in Miyagi City was very lively,

Almost all the nobles and officials who were eligible to attend the ceremony had gathered in the square.

The ceremony has not officially started yet, and everyone is still gathering together in twos and threes, talking to each other, but the nobles and administrative officials are clearly distinct, and there is almost no intersection.

“Look, it depends on us nobles and that group of people to make contributions to the country.”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

There is a chain of contempt among the nobles. Those in the royal capital look down on those outside the royal capital, those in the south look down on those in the north, and the military nobles in Longxingguan look down on the nobles in all other places.

When facing the civil servant group, they are all the same. Regardless of whether the people who are ennobled are country bumpkins from the North, let’s kill those civil servants first.

“His Majesty Ren is here!”

The roll call was not the eunuch-like voice in movies and TV shows, but a very strong and powerful male voice,

Unable to continue taunting each other, the whole square suddenly became quiet.

Ren, dressed in fine clothes, walked out of the palace, with Richard following closely behind him.

“Don’t be nervous for a while, just do your thing.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Richard answered respectfully, but silently complained in his heart,

I have never seen anything like this before, so why should I be nervous?

“No matter what happens in a while, just take care of yourself.”

Richard: “?”

I feel like the king’s father-in-law is saying something, something is wrong…


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