Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 165: Prelude


In the library, Richard and Messiah sat together again.

Richard could clearly see that Messiah had put on a little light makeup and her hair had been carefully taken care of,

Although Messiah was naturally beautiful, she was obviously a little slovenly.

The shoulder-length blond hair occasionally looks a little fluffy, but it was neatly draped over the shoulders today, making her look even more ladylike.

This is a good sign.

“Richard, what do you mean?”

“The architecture in the Royal Capital is greatly influenced by His Majesty Aragon. You just haven’t felt it since you were born in the Royal Capital.

Recently looking through ancient books and what I have seen, before His Majesty Aragorn, the human race did not have this style of architecture. ”

As he spoke, Richard pointed to a tall building outside the window,

The overall structure of that building has a bit of a Greek feel to it,

But it also has the typical Chinese style carved cornices,

After the two of them researched for the past few days, they found that all such buildings appeared after Aragorn established the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

Messiah nodded, seeming to understand what Richard meant.

“You mean, His Majesty Aragon is still a master architect?”

He is a king and a ghost architect. Now I suspect that this is a senior, or a senior from the same country as me.

At this time, Richard was madly complaining, but he could not explain this problem directly to Messiah. Although he said he liked Messiah, this matter was a bit outrageous, and it also related to his own biggest concern. secret.

“Well, I think that to study the history of the kingdom, we should study it from many aspects, and His Majesty Aragon himself can be the most important aspect among them.”

Richard could only forcefully explain. Fortunately, scholars in the kingdom were not low on curiosity about Aragorn, and it was not a taboo to study the deeds of the founding king.

“There are still relics left by the late king in the palace. Can I take them out to see tomorrow?”

The relationship between Messiah and Richard is not childish in hiding their identities from each other. How can any young man with a simple identity sit in this aristocratic library and study all day long?

Messiah knew that Richard was the upstart who was about to be ennobled, and Richard also knew the identity of Princess Messiah. There was no natural gap in status between the two.

“Bring it out, wouldn’t you?”

Faced with such a sudden question from Messiah, Richard was actually a little tempted to explore this late king who was suspected of being a fellow countryman.

If you can get his belongings, you have a high chance of finding some clues.

But this kind of thing, even if you think about it, it should be quite precious. Messiah failed to take it out. It’s a good thing. If it was really a treasure that the royal family cherished, and Messiah took it out secretly, he would be a success. Instigation is committed.

“It’s okay, it’s just some accessories and leftovers. Important items like long swords and armors are being carefully guarded and I can’t take them out.”

After saying that, she stuck out her tongue with Richard playfully. It was obvious that Messiah was already familiar with Richard and was no longer as cautious as she was at the beginning.

“Let’s talk about it in two days. I have to go to the palace to attend the knighting ceremony tomorrow, so I can’t come to the library.”

After waiting for many days, the day has finally arrived. I thought that I would not be able to come to the library to meet Messiah when I went to the palace tomorrow, so I had to say hello to Messiah first.

Messiah on the opposite side stared at Richard and blinked.

“Then, see you at my house tomorrow.”

Richard then realized that Messiah herself lived in the palace. Although the princess did not have to participate in the ceremony, there would definitely be no one to stop her if she wanted to go.

“Okay, see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Messiah smiled and waved to Richard, her eyes almost narrowed into a thin line, and she was obviously in a very good mood.


In a secluded courtyard in Marquis Pagat’s mansion.

“Your Holiness, everything has been arranged. According to the plan, we will enter the royal city as spectators at tomorrow’s canonization ceremony. At that time, you and Mr. Hussein will dress up as attendants and enter the city with me

The person on duty at the city gate that day is the man’s subordinate. He can help us go in directly when the time comes. ”

Marquis Pagat was respectfully reporting to the young pope about the plans and preparations for the next day.

“How do we bring our weapons in?”

Hussein on the side asked about the key point,

For masters of their level, there is not much difference whether they have armor or not. Ordinary armor does not even mean much to them. Their fighting spirit can directly deflect flying arrows, unless Thor can still do it with dragon scale armor. Control this level of combat.

But having weapons or not is a qualitative difference. It cannot be said that you cannot fight without weapons, at least for Hussein.

If you don’t have the weapon in hand, your combat effectiveness will be reduced by at least half.

“When the time comes, your weapons will go in with the gentleman’s carriage. The carriage is specially made to hide the weapons, and the officers at the city gate will not check carefully.”

“Well, make sure nothing goes wrong.”

“Don’t worry, Sir Hussein, for this operation, we have activated most of the important secrets buried by the church in the royal capital,

This time His Majesty the Pope is personally involved. The Goddess of the Rising Sun will protect us. There will only be success without failure. ”

As Marquis Pagat spoke, a hint of fanaticism began to appear on his face.

At this time, the Pope, who had been sitting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

“Go down, take a good rest tonight, and take action early tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, Your Majesty the Pope.”

Although Marquis Pagat was still a little excited about tomorrow’s action, he quickly suppressed his excitement and exited the courtyard under the Pope’s order.

Royal Guards Barracks

All 5,000 troops of the First Flag Regiment are in camp

Of course it is impossible for all the 200,000 Imperial Guards to be stationed in the palace,

Most of them are scattered in several major camps around the royal capital,

The First Flag Regiment was temporarily stationed in the royal capital in the name of undertaking ceremonial duties.

What’s strange is that this unit does not wear ceremonial armor full of hollow patterns, but is instead equipped with real iron armor.

I didn’t see many ceremonial rapiers, they were all weapons used on the battlefield.

Except for not bringing a large number of crossbows, the entire army looked more like they were going to fight rather than acting as a facade.

As the first flag regiment of the Royal Guards, it is not that it has never performed ceremonial tasks. Ordinary soldiers were also a little surprised that the equipment was not changed.

However, although it is strange, it does not cause much doubt. Who knows what the big shots think, if they want to get closer to a more realistic war.

The senior officials of the flag regiment have received secret orders. At this time, the entire camp is only allowed in and out, and they can just wait for the order.

“Flag Commander, what exactly is tomorrow’s mission? Why do I feel something is wrong?”

Although it was already dark, several senior officials of the First Flag Regiment were still sitting together discussing something.

“Don’t ask about this, just be prepared and just follow orders tomorrow.”


Tonight is a sleepless night for the senior officials in the capital who know something or feel that something is wrong,

On the other hand, Richard, who is half the protagonist, is smiling, sleeping soundly, with a stream of crystal liquid flowing from the corner of his mouth, as if he has dreamed of something happy…


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