Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 164: The War in the South and His Highness the Ninth Prince


Southern Province

A large-scale war is unfolding around Surrey, the kingdom’s most important city in the south,

Half a month ago, the trolls in the swamp, with the cooperation of a group of mysterious people, actually took over the indestructible Black Rock Pass,

More than 100,000 troll troops attacked the city of Surrey.

The Southern Corps’ 300,000 troops also rushed to Surrey to rescue,

The two parties met not far from Surrey City, and the fiercest conflict broke out directly.



“Troll Empire! For the Troll Empire!”

Trolls fight very bravely. Although these troll warriors are poorly equipped, they are much stronger than human warriors and only slightly weaker than ogres.

Trolls are a very magical race, with a mysterious pride and arrogance. I don’t know how the church people encouraged them this time.

It actually gave the troll leader the confidence to build a country, and it was also an empire. Now the troll leader has called himself the troll emperor,

And this empty title actually made the troll warriors under him feel as if they had been beaten to death again, and they were so excited,

At this moment, 100,000 troll warriors are overwhelming the 300,000 Southern Corps.

The troll warriors are poorly equipped, and most of them wear leather armor. This kind of swamp crocodile skin is tanned and worn on the body, but the defense is still so-so.

At least one defense against bows and arrows is no problem,

But almost none of them have iron weapons in their hands,

The management of Black Rock Pass is strict, and there are no special products in the swamp that can generate huge profits to attract some noble profiteers. Naturally, it is difficult for trolls to obtain iron tools from the human world.

Troll warriors mostly use a big stick,

This is made from logs in the swamp through several processes. Although it looks a bit ridiculous,

But with the trolls’ strong bodies, this weapon that looked like a large baseball bat was swung round in their hands. Ordinary human warriors would basically fall to the ground immediately after being hit.

The plains near Surrey are quite suitable for large army operations,

Nearly half of the armies of both sides were involved in the battle. The entire battlefield was so large that it seemed like the entire world was in a fight.

“General Mondel, the front can’t hold it anymore, the Seventh Army can’t hold it anymore!”

Mondel looked at the sun in the sky, seeming to confirm the time,

“Let the reserve army go up.”

“Yes, General.”

Mondel is one of the leading generals of the Southern Corps. Although his beard has turned gray, Mondel, who has the peak strength of the Great Knight, has not lost much in combat power. He still looks burly, holding a giant sword in his hand. Plug it into the ground,

Just looking at the weight of the giant sword, you can tell that Mondel is not weak in combat. However, as one of the three generals of the Southern Corps, although Mondel is strong, he usually does not charge into battle easily.

The kingdom has three major corps in the south, with a total strength of more than 1.5 million people,

Mondel is commanding the First Corps, and this time the one closest to Surrey is the First Corps,

Mondel was ordered to lead most of the First Corps to the rescue of Surrey City,

Mondel is not a famous general, but he has rich experience in commanding operations and is known for his steady use of troops. He is good at defensive operations.

But the use of troops this time seemed a bit radical. He actually started to fight against the troll army, which was really unexpected. Even his generals were not used to it.

Although the Southern Corps is a regular army of the Kingdom, its combat effectiveness is actually slightly worse than that of the Jingbei Army.

Not to mention that compared with the Longxiguan garrison, their real strength is only stronger than the local garrison,

I started fighting against the trolls, and soon I couldn’t hold on any longer.

“Send all the reserves up, and be sure to stabilize the front.”


The deputy beside him was obviously hesitant, and the troll army obviously still had some strength left,

The reserve team will be used up now. If something happens next, there will be no rescue power on hand.

“Just execute the command.”

“Yes, General.”

Looking at the brutal fighting in front of him, Mondel, who had already deployed all the reserve teams, seemed very relaxed.

This group of trolls don’t know how to fight at all. They rely solely on their physical strength to defeat the Southern Corps with average combat effectiveness.

“Boom boom boom…”

At the same time that the trolls also increased their offensive intensity as the Southern Corps increased their troops,

A rumble of horse hooves came from the edge of the battlefield,

“What’s going on? Where are the cavalry!”

The Troll Emperor, who was still triumphant on the high platform, suddenly seemed a little flustered, without any bearing of the so-called emperor.

“North, in the north!”

Dark cavalry appeared from the edge of the plain, at least tens of thousands of cavalry running towards the center of the battlefield,

These cavalry are different from the Northland cavalry. They ride tall Western horses. The cavalry on the horses are fully armored and their collision force is much stronger.


The cavalry appeared suddenly and quickly. Soon after these tens of thousands of cavalry appeared on the battlefield, they crashed directly into the troll formation.

The terrain is really suitable for these impact cavalry, and the trolls have not formed a formation that can compete with the cavalry.

The collision of the human cavalry against the trolls can be described as devastating,

The morale of the trolls, who had been high just now, suddenly dropped.

The 100,000 trolls that were still suppressing the Southern Corps suddenly showed signs of instability.

“Hold on, hold on!”

On the high platform, the troll emperor wearing bright yellow clothes looked a little angry,

The silk robe obviously didn’t fit him well. He tore a few holes in the robe with one movement.

He simply stopped maintaining the so-called honorable appearance of an emperor,

Pick up the big stick on the side and prepare to join the battle at any time,

“Why is it cloudy?”

It was clear that the sun had been shining brightly just now, so the Troll Emperor raised his head strangely,

What kind of creature is that? Its golden scales are more dazzling than the robe he wears,

A thick body, huge wings, sharp teeth, and then the whole world fell into darkness.


“Asuo, can you eat this troll thing?”

“I originally wanted to spray him out with a breath of dragon breath, but I accidentally choked and swallowed it, vomit!”

As he spoke, the huge golden dragon made a humane look of nausea.

“Okay, work harder and end the battle as soon as possible.”

“Prepare two roast cows for me tonight.”


The huge dragon wings unfolded again, and the golden dragon soared into the sky, leaving only a group of confused trolls near the troll emperor.

The man on the dragon’s back is naturally Thor who came to support,

Originally, it should have taken some effort, but who would have thought that the Troll Emperor actually built a high platform by himself and wore bright clothes. If he didn’t immediately behead the capital, I would be sorry for being so stupid.

With the addition of Thor, the battle became one-sided without any suspense,

It soon became a game of chasing a rabbit, except that the rabbit was a bit big.

The soldiers below have begun to cheer, only Thor stood on the back of the dragon and looked in the direction of the royal capital,

“Your Majesty has taken some risks.”

Golden Dragon City, in a noble house.

“Your Majesty Ninth Prince, over there in the south, Lord Thor has dealt with the trolls, and I’m afraid they will be back soon.”

“I’m just a baronet. Calling me “His Royal Highness” is not worthy of my name.”

The title system of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is very strict. Even members of the royal family cannot be knighted without military merit. This Ninth Prince obviously only has the strength of a knight without corresponding military merit. He can only have the title of baronet. .

“You will always be His Highness the Ninth Prince.”

The implication of these words is that he completely disagrees with Ren as the king of the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

“As expected of Uncle Thor, although those ogres are stupid, Uncle Thor’s movements are indeed a little faster than I thought,

But there is still enough time. In two days, I can avenge my eldest brother and mother,

Ren, he doesn’t deserve to be this king! ”

The man whose tone was originally balanced suddenly became fierce.

“Only you are qualified to sit in that chair.”

The attendant responded to the situation by kneeling on the ground, as if he was facing a real king.



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