Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 162: Enter the city


“What are you doing in the city?”

At the gate of Jinlong Capital, a team of more than 20 people was being questioned,

For a larger team like this, interrogation by guards is inevitable,

“We are merchants from Surrey.”

A steward-like person hurriedly came to answer the question.

“What cargo is in the car?”

“It’s all velvet fabric.”

As he spoke, the steward also took the initiative to lift the covering on the frame to show the goods inside like a guard,

The guards were not polite and walked forward directly to start a detailed inspection.

According to regulations, these caravans can bring some weapons into the city, but they must not bring things like armor and crossbows.

Even nobles like Richard must abide by this rule when entering the city.

The quality of these guards in the royal capital is much higher than that of the guards in other places,

The inspection can be said to be responsible, it can only be said that it is an army under Thor’s nose,

There are almost no bad habits, and there is no collective degeneration like the garrison in various places.

After checking for a long time, the guards only found some weapons used by the opponent to protect themselves, and there were no prohibited items.

“Okay, put the money in.”

The steward of the caravan was obviously an experienced man, he neatly paid the city gate fee and led the people into the city,

The guards didn’t pay much attention. There are no less than a hundred caravans of this size entering and leaving Golden Dragon City in a day,

They are quite responsible if they can carefully check each one.

After entering the city, the steward who was smiling just now changed his color immediately.

He turned around and came to a young man in the caravan and said respectfully:

“Your Majesty the Pope, I have wronged you for the time being.”

“Nothing, please take us to where we will stay first.”


The caravan arrived at the side entrance of a noble mansion, and several carriages stopped outside the courtyard.

Several people came out and guided them in through the side door,

It is common for nobles in the royal capital to have several caravans of their own.

The land on the Central Plains is inherently precious,

The land area owned by most marquis is almost the same as that of the Hunter family before they became rich. Without involvement in some other industries, it would be difficult to maintain the luxurious life of the top nobles.

After the Pope entered the courtyard, an old man in rich clothes walked out. As soon as he saw the Pope, he immediately knelt down in front of him.

“Please forgive the disrespect just now.”

What the old man meant by being disrespectful was that he introduced the Pope and others into the house through the side door.

Generally speaking, when a person of high status enters a house, he or she must enter through the front door.

The side door and the back door are mostly occupied by servants or people with unequal status.

The Pope is obviously a distinguished guest to this noble family, but the people from the church enter the city as caravans. Strictly speaking, they can only be regarded as servants of the palace. It would be a bit eye-catching if they enter through the gate.

“Nothing, it’s already difficult for your family.”

“Our family is a religious person, how can it be considered difficult?

Food and rooms are ready. Please check in first. ”

“Well, don’t send a maid, one room and one bed is enough.”


“Just do as the Pope says, we are not here to enjoy it.”

At this time, under the leadership of the Pope, the senior leaders of the Rising Sun Religion were not as extravagant as they were hundreds of years ago.

Except for their rigid need for food, they are no different from ascetics in other respects,

The church in this state should be at its strongest combat effectiveness.

According to the Pope’s wishes, more than 20 elite members of the church were arranged into an inconspicuous side courtyard,

All the waiters left the courtyard after delivering the food,

The food is very rich,

The elites of the church may suffer in other ways, but their food requirements are not low.

There is no way, they are all people who practice martial arts all year round. Real ascetic monks who suffer from pain in their stomach are not qualified to become strong,

When it comes to polishing your body to become a quasi-knight, you will probably lose it through practice.

Because there was no waiter, Hussein personally served the food to the Pope,

“Your Holiness, there is definite news from the south of the Southern Province. Thor, the dragon knight of the country, has arrived in Surrey City and is organizing a counterattack against the swamp trolls.”

It is difficult to conceal the dispatch of Zhenguo Dragon Knights most of the time. After all, a giant dragon of dozens of meters can cause a stir wherever it goes.

This time, the reaction of the royal capital to the troll riot in the south was much greater than that of the ogre disaster in the north.

In fact, looking at the location of Zhenbeiguan, you can probably tell the kingdom’s attitude towards the Northland,

It’s just better than an enclave, it’s just a territory that can be given up at any time if it doesn’t work anymore,

The kingdom’s bottom line in the northern territory is to protect the natural barrier of Zhenbeiguan,

But I definitely care enough about the southern province,

The southern province mainly has more territory directly under the kingdom, these are real benefits,

The commercial prosperity in Northland is not comparable to that of Northland. Even if Piaoxue City is gone in Northland, it will only cause a headache for the kingdom at most.

But if the south loses two cities, it will make the kingdom tremble with heartache.

“Do you think we did the right thing this time?”

The Pope was not happy about the good news that Saul confirmed his departure. Instead, he asked Hussein a meaningful question.


Hussein was speechless for a moment. The trolls in the southern swamps were able to make such a big fuss this time, of course, thanks to the church’s encouragement, in order to mobilize the power of the royal capital and clear the way for this plan.

Now it seems that the plan is going well, but this thing was done in a very unethical way, even a little underhanded.

“You don’t think it’s right, either, do you?”

Hussein was a little unable to answer the question at this time,

This plan was made by you, but now you say it’s wrong, how can I accept this?

However, Hussein did criticize the Pope for arranging people from southern dioceses to cooperate with the troll invasion,

For now Hussein could only remain silent.

“Many people will die because of our plan, and they are innocent.”

“For the church, this is the first and last time.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

Although the Pope’s words were addressed to Hussein, he was actually reminding himself,

Or perhaps it was more like he was comforting himself, he felt uneasy.

In front of the Kingdom Library.

“See you tomorrow.”

“Well, see you tomorrow.”

“Bring more flower cakes tomorrow, they are really delicious.”

“Well, okay.”

Richard is saying goodbye to Messiah.

Richard brought the flower cake from the hotel to satisfy his hunger in the library at noon,

Occasionally, I gave Messiah a piece to try, and Messiah fell in love with the taste.

In the past few days, Richard has become completely familiar with Messiah. When saying goodbye, Messiah not only took the initiative to say hello, but also asked Richard to bring some snacks.

This is a good sign.

In the past few days, Richard and Messiah met on time in the library. The two sat together reading books and discussing research, ranging from the history and culture of the kingdom to the myths and legends of the ancient elven empire.

Messiah has a rich reserve of knowledge, while Richard is better because of his novel viewpoints. The two always have endless topics to talk about, and they will feel like they have gained a lot when they part.

“Sir, someone has been following us these past two days.”

“Well, I understand, don’t worry about it.”


On the way back, Zebul reminded Richard that they were being followed,

Richard looked indifferent, he could guess it with his fingers,

Messiah’s family background is not low, and I have been in close contact with her in the past two days, which has attracted the attention of Messiah’s family to some extent,

I don’t know what Imo is doing. Others have noticed him as a pig, but Imo hasn’t found out which field this cabbage comes from…


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