Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 161: Messiah


Richard followed the voice and looked over,

The girl standing across the table was wearing a long white silk dress. She looked a little fragile. She held a thick book in her slender hands, and she felt like she might not be able to hold it at any time.

Bian Qian buried his head, and he could tell at a glance that he had mustered up the courage to ask just now,

What attracted Richard’s attention the most was the other person’s eyes,

In those eyes, there was a glimmer of light, shining from the blue pupils, which even the thick gold-rimmed glasses on her nose could not block. With a hook at the tip of her eyebrows, combined with her delicate facial features, it seemed that it could melt people’s soul. The hook comes out normally.

Li Cha looked a little distracted for a moment, but the girl opposite seemed to be even more shy when she was stared at. She moved a little awkwardly, but didn’t know what to do, so she had to hug the book in her hand tighter.


After a moment of confusion, Richard realized that it was not polite to stare directly at a girl like this.

“Believe it or not.”

“Belief is belief, disbelief is disbelief, there is no such thing as this.”

“Whether you believe it or not depends on how you define the word God,

In my eyes, God can be divided into knowable God and unknowable God. I wonder if the God you are asking about is knowable or unknowable? ”

Richard has become an official here, and he is even suspected of deliberately using his knowledge from his previous life to show off.

“What is a knowable God, and what is an unknowable God?”

Under Richard’s guidance, the girl opposite apparently relaxed a little, and became less reserved when she started talking.

“The so-called knowable God is of course something we can know. His power may be able to open mountains and cut off rivers, but there are still traces to follow.

It can be recognized and even studied, but people don’t know the principle for the time being and are frightened by its power and respect it as a god.

They treat the existence of human beings just like the dragon knights treat the existence of ordinary people. They are called gods when they are extremely tyrannical. I believe that these kinds of gods exist, or have existed. ”

“Do you know?”

The girl opposite nodded thoughtfully, already attracted by this novel perspective.

“What about the unknowable God?”

“The unknowable God is of course omnipotent and cannot be speculated or cognized.”

“Then do you think there is no such god?”

“Of course, I think everything in the world can be known, even gods.”

“So, are you getting to know God now?”

The girl opposite raised a finger and pointed at the book in Richard’s hand.


Richard agreed without blushing. He couldn’t say that he wanted to see if these things existed and whether his personal safety was guaranteed.

This idea is not grand enough at all. This seriousness must be grasped now. I am now a professional researcher.

The study of gods was actually taboo in most ancient societies, and in certain periods it was more likely to be burned at the stake.

But the Golden Dragon Kingdom where Richard is now is a country of unbelievers,

Belief in gods only violates taboos. There is no sanctity in the so-called gods here. Although there is a certain market, it has been suppressed by the authorities. It is impossible to punish Richard, a guy with blasphemous tendencies.

This is also the reason why Richard dares to boast.

“Have you obtained the results of your research?”

Obviously, the girl opposite is becoming more and more interested. She has never heard such a novel statement before, and even her knowledgeable teacher has never explained why.

Faced with the other party’s questions, of course Richard said everything he knew.

“I think in the early days of the Elf Empire, so-called gods existed, and they were so powerful that the elves recognized them as gods…”

The chat between the two continued from noon until it was getting dark. When Bellomo reminded them that the library was about to close, the conversation between the two reluctantly ended.

One is willing to ask and listen, the other is willing to talk and talk,

Who is Richard? He is a socialist successor with great roots in his previous life, a master’s degree in liberal arts and management, a resident user of Bhu, a forum monster,

From theology to dialectical materialism, materialist dialectics, worldview epistemology, plus Richard’s history and literature on the kingdom during this period, as well as some specious legends and stories across the continent,

If you really give Richard enough time to brag, if he combines a lot of knowledge and concepts he brought with him in his previous life with his current reality, he can talk for three days and three nights without stopping.

“I, I have to go back first, it’s too late.”

It was naturally impossible for the girl to stand all afternoon. It was not until she arrived that she realized that she seemed to be sitting a little close to the other party, and she stood up shyly, planning to leave.

Richard also stood up immediately,

“After chatting for so long, I still don’t know your name?”

“My name is Messiah.”

Hearing Richard ask her name, Messiah returned to the original state and told Richard his name in a mosquito-like buzzing voice.

“My name is Richard, Richard Hunter.”

“I had a great time chatting today. I wonder if I can see you here again tomorrow?”


Faced with Richard’s invitation, Messiah seemed even more shy, and finally left as fast as she could, leaving only a graceful figure of Richard’s back.

Looking at the other party’s desperate appearance, Richard couldn’t help but smile again on his face,

Although Richard is not an experienced driver, he is definitely not a junior brother,

He knew very well that he was attracted by the elegant bookishness of Messiah. Of course, appearance was also a very important factor.

And those who can often go to the library of the royal capital to read books should be the daughters of middle- and upper-class nobles, and there will be no big problems with their family status.

People in this world get married and have children earlier,

The normal age for marriage is reached at the age of seventeen or eighteen,

That is to say, Richard’s status in the Hunter family was high enough and strong enough, so he was not forced to marry like ordinary people. Also, his status rose too quickly, and the little nobles who were familiar with the Hunter family did not dare to follow him. Why did Viscount Sauter bring up the marriage?

Richard is still living a cool life right now,

But when it comes to things like urging marriage, you can’t avoid it on the first day of the lunar month, but you can’t avoid it on the 15th day of the lunar month. As time goes by, Viscount Sauter and Mrs. Kellyn will definitely still be anxious,

Rather than asking them to follow Beidi’s aesthetic standards and choose a thick and sturdy man with a big **** for him, it would be better for him to choose the type he likes.

“Messiah? What a nice name.”

At Bellomo’s urging, Richard walked out of the library door with a smile on his face,

Zebul is still guarding the door conscientiously.

For an earth knight to be a personal follower like this, it is estimated that only Richard in the entire kingdom, except King Ren, has such treatment.

“Long wait.”

“It is my honor to guard your safety.”

Richard nodded and returned to the hotel with Zebul.


“Well, let’s check and see which family the girl is from.”

Richard believes that with Messiah’s shy appearance, he should not use a pseudonym to deal with himself,

As long as there is a specific name and the scope is limited to the upper-class noble circle of the royal capital, this person should not be difficult to find.

Imo thought that Richard summoned him suddenly because he had something important to give him, but he didn’t expect that he was asked to find a woman.

Although it was a little different from what he thought, Immo nodded immediately and agreed,

As far as Richard is concerned, Yusidu does not have the issue of using public equipment for private use. No matter what he arranges for Yusi to do, it is all official business.


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