Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 160: Library


Inside the palace

The waiter has already left the room,

Harris is kneeling in front of Lane,

This black prison leader, who is famous in the royal capital, rarely shows such a respectful attitude.

Harris has been in charge of the Black Prison for more than ten years during the old emperor’s period,

It stands to reason that when the new king takes over, he should be more willing to replace his confidant in a department like the Black Prison,

But to the disappointment of the nobles of the royal capital, Harris, who was in charge of the Black Prison, quickly gained the trust of the new king and remained as stable as a rock.

“Get up, we have such a big battle every time.”

“Yes, Your Majesty”

On Ren’s order, Harris stood up.

“Richard, what’s the problem?”

“The power around him seems a bit abnormal, but it shouldn’t have anything to do with the Rising Sun Cult?”

“Why did the people of the Rising Sun Cult attack him?”

“The reason for this has not yet been found out, but…”


“But I suspect that this matter has something to do with the Lanster family, but there is no evidence.”

“Let’s talk about it after we find the evidence.”


Harris’ suspicion is actually not unreasonable. Although there is no evidence, we can investigate based on the motive.

It seems that the Lanster family has certain suspicions,

But in the past, the Lanster family had a very firm attitude towards attacking the Rising Sun Cult, so they really didn’t dare to draw a conclusion on this matter.

But this kind of thing is definitely not something that can be convicted with a little suspicion, especially if you get involved with top nobles like the Lanster family, you have to be more cautious.

“This incident will not affect the next plan.”

“No, everything is still under the control of Black Prison.”

“Well, other things can be put aside for the time being. This plan must be foolproof.”


After explaining the matter, Harris resigned and left the palace,

The reason why Renne can accept Harris and allow him to continue to be the leader of the Black Prison is simple,

This kind of person looks majestic, but in fact all power relies on the royal power. He and the royal power of the Charman family are in a state of mutual prosperity and loss.

Harris is a smart man, and Lane is not stupid either. They both understand the nature of the position of leader of the Black Prison, and the two naturally hit it off.

After Harris left, Ren didn’t call the waiter. He sat alone in the room, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

“Lucky Lane…”

The corners of his mouth curled up.

Li Cha, who still doesn’t know that there might be a big bustle in the capital, has been living a very regular life these days,

The canonization of a new marquis is a major event for the kingdom. The ceremony requires several days of preparation, and the date has been decided in advance.

Richard arrived a little early. It is impossible to arrive at such a big event on time. Now he can basically just wait. If he doesn’t want to get too bored, he has to find something to do.

After declining invitations from most of the nobles, Richard basically spent all his time in the library of the royal capital these days,

It’s not that Richard is aloof and disdains association with other nobles, it’s just that such invitations are generally not easily accepted.

Maybe they will be regarded as one of the factions they are on. Without knowing the political situation of the royal capital, they might as well reject them all.

The Central Library is the largest library in the Kingdom and has the largest collection of books in the Kingdom.

Richard arrived at the library early again, and Zebul followed him to the door of the library and waited aside.

“Mr. Bellomo, here I go again.”

The library administrator’s name is Bellomo, a little old man with a gray beard.

He is also considered a knowledgeable scholar in the royal capital,

Although Bellomo has no title, he has little cultivation,

But Richard has always had a high regard for people who can become librarians. Perhaps out of respect for knowledge, Richard has a very respectful attitude towards Bellomo.

Belromo on the other side nodded as a response, then lowered his head and began to study the book in his hand.

With Bellomo’s knowledge, he can find a good job in the royal capital. Some nobles ask him to be a teacher in order to improve their skills.

But for Bellomo, librarian is the most suitable job for him,

You don’t have to deal with too many people, and you can also read a book, so why not do it.

Although Bellomo’s attitude seemed a bit perfunctory, he had a good impression of this young man who had been spending time in the library every day for the past few days.

In his opinion, in this impetuous era, there are not many young people who can come here every day to read seriously.

Richard didn’t care whether Bellomo’s attitude was perfunctory, and walked straight into the museum,

There are very few people in the library. In a sense, this place is more like a database than a public facility,

In this era when knowledge is precious, it is impossible for places like libraries to be open to the common people,

Even though the books inside do not involve the breathing method and the Qi-Entraining Technique, this kind of cultivation method.

Moreover, this library still charges a fee, which is not low, and low-level nobles are not willing to go.

Although the collection of books inside is rich, this knowledge is more like icing on the cake for high-level nobles,

I don’t have time to soak in it all day long. Most of the time I come to the library to look up information when I think of something.

There are even fewer people like Richard who spend all day soaking in it.

Go to the fifth row today. There are some books there that may be useful.

What Richard wants to read is not some practical books, but books on mainland history or biographies of certain celebrities,

Most of these books are unique and can only be seen in the library of the capital, so Yusidu is disappointed to collect them.

Richard stood by the bookshelf and began to pick out the books he was going to study today. There are too many books in the library,

Always read with some purpose. After scanning, Richard took a very thick book,

The title of the book is “Where the Gods Go”

Li Cha has always wanted to know about this aspect. He has always wondered whether there are people of God’s level in this world.

In a world where people can cultivate great power on their own, the existence of several powerful beings who claim to be gods is actually very common sense,

But until now, Richard has found no trace of this. The only Rising Sun Sect does not look like there is a **** behind it. Otherwise, if it was targeted like this by the kingdom, it would have ended long ago.

“All historical data show that gods once existed. During the Elf Empire, there was the Goddess of the Sun who was in charge of light, the Lady of Night who was in charge of the night, and the God of Knights. They really existed in the elven classics. Appeared before,

However, in the middle and later stages of the Elf Empire, these gods gradually turned into symbols, and there are no longer stories of gods walking around the world…”

The author is a patient person and has completely sorted out the records about the gods during the Elf Empire in the book.

We roughly concluded that the gods existed, but they disappeared en masse in the middle of the Elf Empire. We also speculated that the disappearance of the gods might have something to do with the decline of magic power.

As for why there are no various churches in human beings now,

The reason is also very simple. Human beings were just slaves in the Elf Empire at that time and were not even qualified to believe in gods.

The only Goddess of the Sun who seemed to have some kindness towards humans was crazily worshiped by humans at that time, so much so that there is still a Rising Sun Cult to this day.

“It’s not as simple as I thought.”

Richard closed the book and saw that the sun was already in the middle, and almost a morning had passed without him noticing.

“Excuse me, do you also believe in the existence of gods?”

At this time, a timid female voice interrupted Richard’s thinking,

Although the voice was a little weak due to shyness, it was very comfortable for Richard to hear. He couldn’t help but want to see what the owner of the voice looked like…


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