Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 159: Harris


Harris is definitely not a popular person in the circles of the royal capital, otherwise no one would give him the nickname Hyena,

The black prison run by Harris is one of the most terrifying places in the capital. Horrifying legends about how cruel Harris is have been circulating in the capital all year round.

In the political arena of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Harris is a complete loner. The two factions represented by the left prime minister and the right prime minister respectively have made it clear that they do not have contact with Harris. Even people from the military only interact with Harry. Sri Lanka cooperated on intelligence to a limited extent and had little contact at other times.

In Richard’s opinion, there is no need to be friends with such a person. He obviously wants to be a lonely minister. This attitude is consistent with the view of the person on the throne or from his own heart. It doesn’t have much to do with him, as long as he doesn’t get offended.

Jinlongdu, inside a high-end teahouse.

“Please, Lord Marquis, I take the liberty of inviting you to come this time, sorry for disturbing you”

“Sir, Mr. Harris, you are serious.”

After receiving the invitation from Harris, Richard went to the appointment in time,

Of course the place will not be a black prison. If Harris asks Richard to go to the black prison to talk, then Richard may really have to consider whether he should take Zebul and others and run away overnight.

This is a tea house with high-end decoration. It is very quiet inside and the interior is mainly made of wooden structure.

However, these woods are not the stupid and thick style of iron wood in the north, but the unique fragrant wood in the south, specialized high-end wood,

The waiter first poured tea for the two of them and then wisely exited the room, leaving only Richard and Harris.

The Harris opposite didn’t look as scary as the rumors in the royal capital. Instead, he wore a gentleman’s hat and looked like an elegant and easy-going gentleman.

“This time I invite the Marquis here mainly because I want to know something about Rich Town.”

This Harris is quite good at talking. Strictly speaking, Richard has not been officially named, and the official title is not Marquis.

But this kind of thing is the same as saying that you would not emphasize the word “deputy” for a deputy position in the unit, or you would not emphasize the word “temporary” for the temporary leader.

“Have you had any contact with the Rising Sun Cult before?”


There was nothing to hide in this matter, so Richard shook his head and rejected it.

“Have there been anyone suspected of being from the Rising Sun Cult in your territory before?”

Li Cha recalled it for a moment and shook his head.

“I have not received any similar reports, nor have I issued any targeted laws.”

Richard probably understood what Harris wanted to know,

A person may do things without purpose, which is commonly known as having a brain cramp.

But when a force does something, especially when a force like the Rising Sun Cult mobilizes such a powerful force to target it, it definitely has a clear motive.

For churches, especially churches that are suppressed by the authorities,

What is most important?

Of course the most important thing is to develop believers and expand influence,

If the other party develops believers in the North, and Richard has attacked the other party, then it would be more reasonable,

But Richard hasn’t done this yet,

Across the street, Harris was lost in thought. Apparently, he was also a little confused about the church’s motives.

A nobleman who was about to be ennobled, a figure who was about to enter the ranks of high-ranking nobles in the empire, was attacked in the hinterland of the royal capital.

This kind of thing is simply appalling,

Before Richard arrived in the capital, Harris had already received the news,

I had already been scolded by Ren the night before, and now I am furiously investigating the church’s motives and purposes.

Harris and the Cult of the Rising Sun are old rivals,

Half of the focus of the Black Prison is on the noble officials within the royal capital, and the other half is on purging the remnants of the Rising Sun Cult.

As for the orcs, the energy involved is not huge,

After all, the only thing we can do is monitor the orcs, which the military can do,

It is really difficult to engage in infiltration and intelligence investigation. After all, everyone is of different races.

As far as the kingdom is concerned, who knows the most about the Rising Sun Cult is probably Harris in front of him.

“Don’t you know the group that night?”

Of course Richard didn’t come here just to explain the situation to Harris. He also hoped to get some information from Harris.

“The people who attacked you that night should be members of the Church’s Punishment Knights, led by the Church’s contemporary Knight Commander Hussein,

The garrison in Rich Town must have been infiltrated by the church very early. After that night, they all disappeared. ”

Harris also felt a little headache after talking about this,

After actually fighting against the Rising Sun Cult, he knew how difficult these people were,

The believers have high loyalty, have a complete inheritance of breathing techniques and fighting spirit internally, and have a strict organizational structure.

And this thing was the orthodox church of the human race in the early days,

The base of believers has never been weak, and many nobles and local grassroots organizations have been infiltrated by it.

Originally, there wasn’t much trouble, but the church has been in a dormant period. Now its style has changed and it has become radical, which makes Harris feel even more troubled.

“Master Harris, can you tell me about the Rising Sun Cult in detail?”

Although not everyone knows about this matter, it is indeed not a core secret. At least Richard is qualified to know about it due to his status,

Harris patiently told Richard what he knew about the Rising Sun Cult, which gave Richard a preliminary understanding of this inexplicable enemy.

“Master Richard, walk slowly.”

“No need to send it away, Mr. Harris.”

The two walked to the door of the tea house with smiles on their faces and sympathy,

Those who didn’t know better thought they were two old friends.

“This Lord Marquis is not simple.”

After Richard left, Harris put away the smile on his face and said with emotion,

Others didn’t know, but he knew clearly how strong the church’s lineup was that night.

Knight Commander Hussein, plus more than ten elites of the Punishment Knights, and hundreds of garrison teams to cooperate,

In this battle, if there are no corresponding masters around, or the support of one or two thousand regular troops, no one can be better off,

The Marquis actually escaped with dozens of people despite being attacked. Afterwards, according to the investigation by the people in the black prison, it seems that the people of the church suffered a big loss,

This is outrageous, at least it shows that Richard has strong men around him who can compete with Hussein,

Who is Hussein? He is one of the most dangerous people in the church on the black jail list,

That is a master who can be on par with Thor without a dragon.

“Pay more attention to the Hunter family and Richard.”

“Yes, sir.”

Harris did not have any doubts about Richard, but it was just a matter of professional habit. Such mysterious things would always attract his attention.

In the other half, Richard took Zebul walking on the avenue of the royal capital,

Now Richard attaches great importance to his personal safety. It is not allowed for the Manticore to go out on the streets in the capital, but Zebul is a bodyguard that must be taken with him at all times,

Especially after he learned about the strength of the church through Harris, he paid more attention to it.

One Hussein is strong enough, okay?

But Harris told him that the contemporary pope of the church is the strongest genius in the history of the Rising Sun Religion, and his strength should be higher than that of Hussein,

Recently, I was trying to get out of the sewer, trying to fight against myself.

I haven’t figured out the situation yet, so I can only be careful.

In a village near the royal capital,

More than a dozen people knelt on one knee in front of a young man in red robe.

“Your Holiness, this operation failed and suffered heavy losses. I am willing to bear all responsibilities.”

Kneeling at the front is Knight Commander Hussein,

No one would have thought that the Rising Sun Church, which was regarded as a thorn in the kingdom’s side, would have their pope in a village not far from the king.

The young man shook his head.

“Get up, it’s not your fault,

The next matter in the capital is the top priority, let’s put aside the matter in the North for now. ”

“Yes, sir.”

The kneeling members of the Knights below all stood up with Hussein,

At this time, the young pope’s eyes were looking at the tall city walls of Golden Dragon City. It seemed that he could see the royal capital through the city walls…


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