Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 156: Retreat



Hussein once again blocked the attack of Manticore and Manticore with his hand,

These attack angles are very tricky, and they appear even more sudden in the dark,

Only a strong man like Hussein can barely resist this attack.

“Damn it, what kind of monster is this.”

After several minutes of fighting with the Manticore, Hussein finally couldn’t help but curse,

The end of this ghost thing’s tail is harder than steel,

Even Hussein suspected that the thing was made of fine iron. When it collided with the long sword in his hand, it made a sound similar to the collision of metal.

This weird lion is much more difficult to deal with than he imagined,

Originally, Hussein wanted to take action himself, solve this problem as soon as possible, and then go back and kill the mission target,

I have to take it seriously now,


The manticore missed a hit and tried to retreat from the fight. It was very smart and knew where its advantages were. It did not fight head-on with Hussein from the beginning.

“Want to run?”

Hussein became ruthless at this time, not caring about what was consumed or not, and how long did he activate his fighting spirit?

The long sword swept away half of the arc of fighting energy and left the sword.

The Scorpion Lion’s escape route was completely blocked. Even if the Scorpion Lion’s defense was not weak, it was obviously too much for the earth-level fighting spirit.


The manticore that could not escape suddenly jumped up, spread out its wings, and reached a height of three to four meters, and then rushed from mid-air to Hussein opposite,


The Manticore wanted to hit Hussein condescendingly, but he was still anxious. Hussein seemed to have tried his best to hit Hussein just now, but in fact he still had some energy left.

As the leader of the church’s armed forces, Hussein, who has the peak strength of the earth, is much stronger than the Manticore in terms of hard power,

The narrow environment of Rich Town is not suitable for the performance of the larger manticore, so it is okay to hold Hussein down.

In a tough fight, the Manticore is no match.


Facing the attacking manticore, Hussein quickly kicked out diagonally despite his old sword strength.

Kicked directly to the soft belly of the Manticore Lion, and the powerful force kicked the Manticore Lion backwards from mid-air,

I whimpered a few times in pain from the landing, then stood up again and continued to stare at Hussein with a dangerous look,

After all, it is a sixth-level promotion unit. Even if it is not as strong as Hussein, it is not something that Hussein can easily kill.

It’s a bit tricky, but luckily I brought along two great knights, Hod and Dros, and so many elite cultists,

We should be close to capturing the target. After all, the intelligence shows that the target is only at the level of a great knight.

This time, we defeated the minority with more numbers, and it was a deliberate calculation. Except for this weird lion, which is a bit surprising, everything else is going smoothly now,

As long as you hold this lion back…

The battle in the yard was much more intense than outside,

The scene of hundreds of people fighting hand to hand caused all the other guests in the hotel to hide on the street.

The fighting spirit in the courtyard has almost become a natural lighting tool.

Two great knights from the church rushed in with hundreds of elites. They originally thought it would be a crushing force,

Unexpectedly, the situation fell into a stalemate as soon as the game started.

The church has a large number of people, and each of them is an elite with a strong will,

Two great knights and more than a dozen knights burst into fighting spirit at the same time as they rushed into the small courtyard,

If you think about it, if ordinary troops encounter this kind of team, their morale will probably fall to the bottom immediately.

However, the team on the opposite side did not panic at all,

Including Richard, Zebul and two unadvanced vanguard knights, there is an earth-level knight and four peak knights in the yard,

In terms of high-end force, it is a crushing advantage,

Even the weaker 20 or so Northland cavalry are strong soldiers who have experienced many battles and have no reason to back down.

As soon as they fought, Hod and Zhuos already felt that something was wrong,

Not to mention the strength of Great Knight Richard and the sword surrounded by flames in his hand during battle,

This information was known to the church from the beginning, and Hod and Zhuos were targeting him when they came up.

The two wanted to directly combine their efforts to quickly capture Richard,



But in fact, Zebul, whom they ignored at the beginning, is the big boss on the scene,

After easily taking care of several church knights who gathered around him, Zebul quickly joined the battle group.

Hodder and Dross were no longer under great pressure, but in panic.

Zos just blocked Zebul’s sword and realized something was wrong,

The powerful fighting spirit is simply difficult to resist, and the two of them are not opponents on the same level at all.

“It’s the Earth Knight!”

“Information is wrong!”

The surrounding situation is not as devastating as they initially imagined,

More than a dozen knight-level players also met their opponents,

The opponent had at least two knight-level masters who stopped them, and one person faced six or seven knights without losing any of them.

Led by two high-ranking vanguard knights, the remaining group of Northland soldiers who had seen blood directly launched a counterattack,

Forcibly turned the original siege into a confrontation.

And Lord Hussein, who should have dealt with the lion outside and came in for support, has yet to resolve the battle. If we delay for a while, they will be killed by the other side.


Faced with this situation, Hodder did not hesitate to issue the order to retreat,

The intelligence error was too big, and there was no psychological preparation at all.

“Humph, I want to leave!”

“Leave them!”

Richard, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly attacked by this group of people. Now he is holding back his anger. How can he let them come and leave at will.



Before Huo De left the battle with Richard, he heard a scream from his comrade Zhuos,

Even if the peak knight versus the junior earth knight, the gap is like a chasm,

Zhuosi can support several moves, which is definitely considered to be extremely powerful.

Zebuldu’s long sword directly cut off half of Zhuosi’s sword-holding palm at this time,

Before Hod had time to rescue him, Zebuldu’s sword penetrated the heart of Dros again,

A great knight-level master who could be called a big shot anywhere died inexplicably in the backyard of this humble hotel,

However, it was too late for Hod to feel sad for the death of his comrades. Zebul pulled out the sword,

I will immediately besiege Huo De with Richard. He does not have the magnanimity of a strong man at all, he just comes to kill people.


Zebul’s almost certain blow was blocked,

He even took a few steps back, and it was obvious that the person was still stronger than him.

“Lord Hussein.”

“There is a problem with the intelligence, Zhuosi is dead.”

After Hod was rescued by Hussein, he was obviously a little overwhelmed.

He was complaining about wrong intelligence, which had killed Dros and put them in danger.

The scorpion lion here also followed back to the courtyard and fell behind Richard,

There were obviously several injuries on the Manticore Lion’s body. The wounds were not deep, but compared with the person opposite, he obviously suffered some losses.

Hussein took a deep look at Richard and others,

Then turn around and command:


At this time, with the addition of Hussein, the Knights were able to barely break away from contact with Richard.

Gradually disappearing into the darkness,

However, Zebul and others obviously didn’t want them to leave calmly, and even the Manticore, which had just suffered some losses, roared and prepared to catch up,

In the end, Richard stopped everyone,

“Let them go…”


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