Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 154: Hussein


“Sir Hussein, according to the information sent by the brothers in the Valley Diocese, the target has left Burai City and is estimated to arrive in two days.”


The man named Hussein nodded perfunctorily and hummed, seeming to be a little absent-minded.

As the contemporary knight commander of the Rising Sun Cult, Hussein is one of the few strong men that the church can take action against.

At the beginning of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the Rising Sun Cult was thunderously suppressed by the founding monarch, Charlemagne I,

There are also several kings of the kingdom who have unswervingly implemented the ancestral precepts left by Charlemagne I and always maintained a high-pressure policy against the Rising Sun Cult.

The power of the Rising Sun Cult is extremely weak compared to hundreds of years ago,

However, the Rising Sun Cult was, after all, the largest religion in the human race. It even had a cooperative relationship with Charlemagne I during the founding battle of the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

Originally, Charlemagne I accepted the position of the state religion of the Rising Sun Religion. However, after completing the great task of expelling the orcs, Charlemagne I began to brutally suppress the Rising Sun Religion.

However, the Rising Sun Cult has many followers among humans, and the Kingdom has never been able to completely eradicate it.

The Rising Sun Cult was stubborn at the beginning and after several collisions with the Kingdom’s regular army, they also realized that they could not be the opponent of the Kingdom’s regular army, especially since the ultimate force, the Dragon Knight, was still in the Kingdom’s hands. Next,

Most of the time, the Rising Sun Cult is trying not to cause dormant development of the kingdom,

Now I have secretly managed to build quite a lot of power, and I have gradually recovered some of my strength.

Knight Commander Hussein is one of the church’s trump cards,

The Punishment Knights were the main force of the church at that time, and they were also one of the few church armed forces that could compete with the elite regular army of the kingdom without losing.

Although the current scale of the Punishment Knights is not the same as that of the past, Hussein’s ability to secure the position of Knight Commander of the Punishment Knights also illustrates its strength.

Under the Pope’s order, Hussein brought nearly one-third of the knights’ elites to live in the small town of Ridge, several hundred kilometers south of the valley.

This town is located on the only road from the river valley to Jinlongdu. It will take a day or two to bypass the town of Rich,

Richard has no reason or need to go around the town at the moment,

As long as they wait here and wait, they will almost 100% wait until the target falls into the trap, and the church can develop again under the encirclement and suppression of the kingdom. There is indeed something,

Richard’s whereabouts were almost determined by them. Perhaps the only mistake was their misestimation of the strength of Richard’s bodyguards.

After all, Zebul and the Manticore have only appeared in the wilderness. They have only seen ogres and Richard system soldiers. It is impossible for any news to come out, no matter how strong the church’s intelligence capabilities are. use.

“Lord Hussein?”

Probably seeing that the knight commander was a little absent-minded, the men on the side shouted again.

“Yeah, I know.”

Hussein was indeed thinking about other issues, and he was a little worried about this operation,

His worry is not about the success or failure of this operation. In his eyes, with him and dozens of elite knights taking action, it is very safe to kill the upstart in the North.

He is mainly worried about the consequences of this operation, which will inevitably attract the attention and suppression of the kingdom again,

After all, killing an upper-class noble who is about to become a prince is no small matter.

He couldn’t tell whether the benefits gained from this operation were a gain or a loss compared to the price paid,

But as the leader of the Knights and one of the top leaders of the church, he can clearly feel that the contemporary Pope is becoming more and more radical.

Previous generations of popes followed the principle of low-key development, gradual penetration, and no direct conflict with the kingdom’s officials,

The Rising Sun Cult has finally regained some of its vitality after being dormant for hundreds of years,

The church’s code of conduct seems to have undergone some changes, and it has become gradually more radical again,

Not only is he planning to attack and kill Richard this time, but also in exchange for the conversion of the current head of the Lanster family,

The Pope seems to have some arrangements in the capital, and I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.

“Check the location, temper the poison on the arrows, and sharpen the swords and guns for me. This operation must only succeed and not fail!”

Although he does not agree with the Pope’s radical approach, the matter has come to this, and Hussein has no choice but to try to get things done.

“Yes, Sir Hussein, don’t worry!”

There were cheers all around,

The tone is quite confident,

These people are the elites of the Knights. In addition to Hussein, there are two masters of the Grand Knight level, and there are more than ten masters of the Knight level.

In their eyes, this ambush of an earl from the North was simply killing a chicken with a knife, and there was no chance of any accidents.

On the official road south of the river valley,

Richard and others left Burai City and traveled hundreds of kilometers,

Now we have left the scope of the river valley and arrived at the core territory of the kingdom, the central plain,

The official road is almost parallel to the Jinlong River and is built along the Jinlong River. The population is also denser visible to the naked eye.

This fertile land and dense population are also one of the foundations for the kingdom to command all directions.

Li Cha looked left and right on his horse, observing the rich land at close range, as if he were looking at his own things first.

From time to time, you can see a few farmers passing by. Although these farmers are dressed in tatters, they are in good spirits. At least they don’t have sallow complexion.

It seems that most of the civilians on the Central Plains can still make a living. If there are no external factors, it will not be easy to rebel.

Although the surrounding farmers were a little frightened when they saw Richard’s team, they did not hide away like the people in the river valley.

Firstly, although the farmers on the Central Plains are not rich, they are more knowledgeable. After all, commodities and rare items from all over the world are gathering in the royal capital.

They have seen more exotic creatures, but they were not surprised to see the manticore brought by Richard.

Second, Richard learned the lessons he learned in the river valley, put a collar on the manticore, and tied a rope to his horse, indicating that he was on a leash with this war beast and that everyone did not need to be afraid.

Of course, this ordinary rope is more of a pretense decoration for the Manticore, which is just to give people around him psychological comfort. Anyway, the Manticore will not break free from the rope and run around without Richard’s order.

It’s just that the manticore, which was originally free to have fun, can only follow Richard around, his eyes occasionally a little melancholy.

“Sir Richard, we need to speed up a little bit. If we can’t reach Rich Town before dark, we may have to camp out in the wilderness all night.”

The cavalry on the side had obviously been to the royal capital, had some experience with the route, and knew where to rest, so they opened their mouths to remind Richard.

“Well, let’s speed up.”

Richard also accepted the suggestion obediently. He was not a fretting maniac. He could live in a small town with better conditions, so why would he have to live in the wild to make himself miserable.

“Drive, drive!”


Richard and others finally arrived at Rich Town just as night fell.

“Boss, open ten rooms.”


Because there were not many people with him, Richard also took the luxury of bringing everyone to stay in the largest hotel in Ridge Town.

As soon as everyone entered the hotel, they attracted the attention of the people around them,

As an important node on the official road, Rich Town has many people coming and going every day.

There are caravans of dozens or hundreds of people, but the swords and armors on Richard’s group obviously have more than simple identities,

As soon as I entered the door, the originally noisy hotel lobby became quiet,

Everyone around them knew at a glance that Richard and his gang were not easy to deal with.

“Guest, please come upstairs.”

Richard was not going to delay here, so he took the people upstairs and into the room to prepare for rest. After traveling for several days, even though his body could bear it, his spirit was a little tired.

“Sir Hussein, the target has entered the town and checked into the largest hotel in the center of the town.”

“Humph, let’s get ready.”

“Yes, sir…”


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