Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 152: Shadow


Piaoxue City

Although the ogre disaster has passed for some time, the streets of Piaoxue City are still much more depressed than before, without the previous prosperity.

Part of it is due to the impact of the war, and part of the reason is that the rise of the Hunter family has lost a lot of popularity, plus Lint left and took away a lot of wealth,

Piaoxue City seems to have not regained its vitality yet.

However, the Northland Marquis Mansion still stands majestically in Piaoxue City,

Although this ogre disaster almost took off the underwear of the Marquis Mansion, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the Lanster family is still the only master of Piaoxue City…


“If you don’t have money, just think of a way. Do you still want me to give you money? When the fourth child was in charge, why didn’t you say there wasn’t enough money?”

In the Marquis Mansion, the newly succeeded Northland Marquis James was slapping the table angrily,

Since the ogres moved eastward, the Lanster family’s financial income has dropped sharply.

Originally, when Lin Te was there, he could barely support the operation, but now Lin Te has just left,

The problems of the Lanster family were exposed, and James’s eagerness for success was completely uncontrollable after inheriting the position of Marquis.

Under his forceful push, he wanted to immediately restore the size of the Jingbei Army, which now completely paralyzed the Lanster family’s finances.

The steward on the side did not dare to speak in the face of the furious James,

Actually, I thought to myself that when Master Lin Te was in power, he managed all kinds of expenses in an orderly manner, and occasionally used his own chamber of commerce money to subsidize them. He was half a **** of wealth.

When I get to you, it’s okay if I can’t give you money, but I still spend money lavishly without a lot of money. It’s okay.

“Where is the fourth child now?”

After being furious, James finally remembered this brother who had no feelings but was very profitable.

“Master Lin Te has left Piaoxue City for a while, and I heard that he is now working under Lord Richard.”

“This is something you eat inside and outside.”

“The expansion of the Jingbei Army will be suspended for a while, and the tax this year will be increased by 10%.”

“Yes, Lord Marquis.”

Although James was overjoyed, he was not a fool after all, so he still came up with a temporary plan.

“My Lord Marquis, have you not considered it yet?”

After the steward exited the room, a middle-aged man walked out of the shadows in the corner of James’ room.

“You remnants of the Rising Sun Cult actually dare to wander in front of my eyes every now and then. You must know that you are rats who were strictly ordered to be exterminated by my father.”

James didn’t seem to be surprised at all by this person’s sudden appearance. It was obvious that this was not the first time this middle-aged man had appeared.

The man didn’t seem to pay attention to James’ threat at all, but a smile appeared on his face. If Marquis Wade was still here, he would never dare to show his face,

Since James didn’t call for someone to kill him the first time, it can only mean that the fish took the bait.

“My Lord Marquis, I have some news. I wonder if you are interested?”


James obviously has no interest in playing dumb with the other party, and his tone is already a little impatient,

The Marquis was harder than he thought, and Lanster’s situation was worse than he imagined. The situation that he could barely sustain when Lint was the head of the family actually felt like he was about to go bankrupt.

“New news from the royal capital, Earl Richard Hunter is going to be made a marquis.”

This news, if Lint was in charge of Piaoxue City, would be quickly sent to the table as important information, but after James took office, most things were still in chaos,

The Lanster family’s own intelligence system is not as sensitive as Nightingale’s original work under Lint. James actually learned such important news from the other party at this time.


James’ clenched hand hit the table hard, and the knight-level power smashed the heavy wooden table into pieces.

“It’s too much to bully my Lanster family!”

If he was only upset because of financial problems and Lint’s departure and other chores before, this news made him completely angry,

What is the title of the Lanster family, the Lanster family of the Marquis of Northland,

Although the Hunter family has already had a strong position to compete with the Lanster family in the North,

But nominally, the Lanster family is still the only marquis in the North, and the title of Lord of the North is still stable,

Now that the royal capital has conferred a title on Richard, it actually acquiesces that Richard may replace the Lanster family and become the new lord of the North.

“The royal capital, haha.”

After slamming the table in a rage, James suddenly calmed down and sneered.

“The Marquis seems to have made a decision.”

The middle-aged man said after seeing James calm down.

“It’s okay to convert me to the Rising Sun Cult, but I have a condition.”


“There can only be one Marquis in the North.”

“Yes, we will take care of this for you.”

“Keep things clean and don’t involve my Lanster family.”

“No problem.”

Then James waved his hand, as if he didn’t want to see the middle-aged man wandering around in front of him again,

The other party also disappeared into the shadows very wisely, leaving James alone in the room, sometimes sneering, sometimes frowning…

Father, it’s not that I want to betray the kingdom, it’s not that I want to violate the iron laws of the kingdom. It’s just that the kingdom is unkind and bullies my Lanster family too much…


Light rain

It is said that spring rain is as precious as oil,

Spring rain is indeed very precious for agriculture. If the weather is sunny every day and it becomes a large-scale spring drought, people may starve to death in the coming year.

In front of the pass, a cavalry team is undergoing inspection,

The clothes of everyone in the team are obviously a little wet. They have obviously been soaked in the rain for a long time, and they must have come here without stopping.

However, although the appearance of this cavalryman can be seen at a glance, they are not tired at all. Their clothes and armor are neatly dressed, and their swords and guns are polished.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the military can feel a powerful aura coming towards them.

“Good day, Lord Richard.”

This team is Richard and others who are going to the royal capital to be sealed,

The cavalry carried the Hunter family flag and were easily recognized by the soldiers guarding the gate.

These soldiers all belong to the River Valley Legion, and most of them have participated in the battle to support the north, which can be regarded as fighting side by side with the Hunter family.

Many people even remember Richard’s appearance and have already saluted and said hello to him.

Richard smiled and nodded in response,

After Thor’s reorganization, the River Valley Army has indeed improved a lot,

Looking carefully, the soldiers on the tower did not relax at all because Richard was an acquaintance. They still had swords and guns in hand and were alert.

However, the high vigilance of these soldiers has nothing to do with Richard. He, Richard, is not here to fight in the valley. He will enter the customs directly after being inspected.

“Master Richard, walk slowly.”

After receiving the inspection, Richard and others continued to drive south towards Burai City, the first stop south.


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