Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 151: Angel necklaces and arrangements


Stone Castle

Richard rushed to this system city alone again,

Although I have decided to go to the royal capital to receive the title, I am not in a rush for the next few days.

After first entertaining the envoys from the royal capital and staying in Ironwood City for a few days, Richard just waited until the day when the market refreshed this month,

You must first buy the products in this month’s market before going to the royal capital, otherwise you will be in a big loss.

“Master God, welcome to your visit.”

Richard walked straight into the market gate, and Grandet remained calm and respectfully saluted inside,

It’s a pity, so what if you’re respectful, it’s not that you won’t lose a penny,

Open this month’s product list directly and take a closer look,

Yes, as expected, the products produced on the market must be high-quality products, and everyone has to be in demand.

If Lint hadn’t brought him a strong financial and blood-generating ability, Richard’s buying and selling would have destroyed the Hunter family’s finances sooner or later.

The four categories of products this time are:

Treasure category:

Angel necklace:

Effect: The wearer can use the active skill, Archangel’s Blessing, to gain the full strength of an Archangel within a period of time. (Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: one month).

Price: 15,000 Jinnar


Rage Potion X1

Effect: The user’s strength will be greatly improved, lasting 30 minutes, and will fall into a long-term state of weakness after use.

Price: 1000 Kinnar

Types of soldiers:

Vanguard Knight X2

The sixth level of the castle (human race) is the primary force. They are the bravest warriors on the battlefield and the backbone of mankind.

Price: 1000 Kinnar

Resource class:

Mercury X5

Can be used for castle resource consumption.

Price: 500 Jinnar

The Angel Necklace is now an artifact for Richard. Although its effect lasts only ten minutes, it can gain the full strength of an archangel.

In these ten minutes, Richard is fully capable of fighting evenly with the current deterrent force of mankind and the Dragon Knights of the country,

Although the restriction is relatively large, first of all, it does not last long. It is okay to save your life. If you really want to rely on these ten minutes to practice with the Dragon Knights of Zhenguo, it is definitely unrealistic. Ten minutes is definitely not enough to win. Negative, Richard will immediately become his younger brother once the time is up,

But this cooldown time is so deceptive that it can only be used once a month.

But the attraction to Richard is definitely big enough. After all, Richard is a hustler. Although he is often forced to charge forward, he still cannot change his hustler nature.

Buying an angel necklace is equivalent to buying yourself an amulet to wear,

The strength of the Archangel, a seventh-level promoted unit, currently looks like it should be the pinnacle of power on this continent.

Needless to say, the violent potion. Although this thing has some side effects, it is acceptable. At critical times, whether you use it yourself or give it to your subordinates, it may have miraculous effects, so you must buy it.

Although the Vanguard Knight is not as good as Zebul, who is the champion knight of the sixth-level advanced unit, he is still a sixth-level junior soldier of the human race. You must buy it.

Mercury is a rare material. At this time, Richard has not found any mercury on the mainland that can be recognized by the system. He will prepare it there first.

All four categories of goods were bought by Richard, and the duty-free shop purchasers were not as generous as him.

The money was spent like water, and even the huge profits from selling soap might not be spent as fast as Richard for the time being.

A beautiful necklace appeared on the table of the market counter. The necklace was silver-white in color, with wing patterns on both sides. There seemed to be a precious gemstone in the middle, reflecting the luxurious purple light.

The necklace as a whole has a sense of high-end. Compared with the previous treasures that looked unremarkable in appearance, the appearance of the angel necklace makes people feel that it is something other than ordinary objects at a glance.

Putting it in the circle of the kingdom’s upper-class ladies might even cause a sensation,

It’s a pity that Richard obviously doesn’t have a special eye for appreciation. In Richard’s opinion,

Of course, an exquisite and gorgeous necklace looks best when it is on a beautiful woman’s neck. What’s the point of admiring it alone?

After looking at it, Richard put the angel necklace into his pocket,

Richard is a straight man. He is already fair and handsome. Wearing such a feminine necklace might lead to misunderstanding. Anyway, it can be used while carrying it, so just put it in your pocket.

The violent potion can only be put away first. This thing cannot be used on the spot like the strength potion.

The last two vanguard knights came out from behind the wooden door that Richard suspected was the dimensional gate, and they turned out to be riding red flame horses.

“Dang, Dang…”



As usual, Richard tested the strength of the Pioneer Knight on the school grounds,

Unfortunately, although the two vanguard knights are also sixth-level troops like Zebul, there is only one difference between whether they have advanced or not.

The Pioneer Knight is only at the peak level of a great knight. It has not crossed the threshold of the earth. Its combat power is on par with Richard. It can only be upgraded to a champion knight after the advanced knight training camp is upgraded.

Suppress the Demon City

The construction of the city is one day at a time, and there is no shortage of labor. Under Lin Te’s coordination, the majestic city wall of the Demon City has begun to take shape,

In the city lord’s palace,

Lin Te was lowering his head to deal with the sundries. Richard, the official city lord, had been gone for almost ten days. It was only because Lin Te was in charge of the rear that Richard dared to be so promiscuous.

“Lord Lint.”

A steward suddenly walked in and found Lint.

“What’s the matter?

Lint, who was working at his desk, raised his head and asked.

“This month’s monthly payment is not enough.”

“How could it be possible? Weren’t we already prepared before? The money from soap sales should be more than enough.”

“Before Mr. Richard left, he took away all the money from the soap sales.”

“Then use the money from the treasury to advance it first.”

“Last time Sir Richard entered the treasury, all the gold in it was gone.”


Lint couldn’t help but slapped the table,

Even if this guy eats Jinnar, he can’t eat so much.

“Huh, forget it, let’s take some money from the Chamber of Commerce’s funds and get through this month first.”

“Yes, sir.”

After the steward respectfully stepped down, Lin Te had a headache.

Had it not been Richard who took the money, Lin Te would have had the urge to hang him up to extract a confession.

“A sneeze!”

Richard, who had just returned to Ironwood City, sneezed for no reason.

At this moment, he is making arrangements to go to the royal capital. Now the troops under his command have become stronger and stronger, and he currently has 100 soldiers under his command

Centaur Elite (255), Halberdier (231), War Dancer (155), Marksman (230), Great Elf Archer (96), Royal Griffin (120), Pegasus Warrior (16), Crusader (89), High Monk (12), Deadwood Warrior (12), Diamond Man (2), Vanguard Knight (2), Champion Knight (1), Manticore (1).

With this kind of strength, coupled with the two legions of Flying Bear and Tiger and Leopard, it is no longer a boast to say that we are the best in the North.

With so many troops, it is naturally impossible to bring them all to the royal capital. After careful consideration,

Richard handed over most of his troops to Ron,

Just lead the champion knight Zebul, two vanguard knights, and the manticore lions and other high-end combat forces south to the royal capital,

With such a circle of bodyguards, there should be no danger in the capital,

After all, Richard has not rebelled yet, and is still loyal to himself.

Bring two more teams of northern goblin riders to hold up the scene, and the team going south will be finalized.

Not only ordinary soldiers yearn for the prosperous Golden Dragon City, but Richard himself also has some expectations,

Richard is still a little curious about the prosperity of the royal capital…


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