Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 150: Development and news of Linzhongcheng


Forest City

Several **** Pegasus warriors are attacking Richard together,

Although these elf girls have beautiful faces, their skills are not bad at all. At the same level, Richard may not be a match one on one,

However, with Richard’s current strength, it is very easy to deal with the siege of several Pegasus cavalry,


With a flick of the Vulcan Sword in his hand, the weapons in the hands of these elf girls were thrown away,

“Okay, stop.”

Under Richard’s order, the Pegasus warriors dismounted, picked up their weapons, and stood aside respectfully,

To be honest, Richard is not very satisfied with the Pegasus warriors. Although they are good-looking, they consume too much resources.

The number of magic crystals required by Pegasus Magic Spring is ridiculously large,

If it were placed in the game, Richard would probably just build a basic magic spring and put it there to build subsequent buildings.

But in reality it is different. Let’s not mention that Pegasus warriors are valuable air units.

As for the fourth-level Pegasus warrior who has not advanced, he is as strong as a swordsman and has only the strength of a quasi-knight, and cannot even use fighting spirit.

All the bonus effects of Richard can only push his strength to infinitely close to the knight,

It can allow Pegasus warriors to fight five or six people at the level of the quasi-knight peak, but they can’t cross the knight level,

The difference between upgrading and not upgrading can be imagined,

No way, in order for this fourth-level soldier to become a knight-level soldier that can be grouped in groups like the Crusaders, sooner or later they have to be upgraded to Silver Pegasus warriors,

The actual combat significance of a group of knight-level air units is even greater than the backbone unit of the Crusaders that Richard currently has.

Although the fourth-level soldiers in the barrier are eating resources, which makes Richard upset,

But the fifth-level advanced soldier, the Deadwood Guard, made Richard feel very conscientious.

The reason is very simple. The deadwood arch in the fifth-level barracks of the barrier does not need to consume rare resources. Just give money.

From the dead wood arch to the advanced dead wood arch, everything went smoothly,

The image of these deadwood warriors is different from the deadwood warriors in the game who look like plant versions of dwarves,

These deadwood warriors are nearly six meters tall, making them the tallest creatures that Richard has ever seen.

Although you cannot use fighting energy, you can control plants within a certain range and rely on surrounding plants to surround and restrict your opponent.

The deadwood warriors themselves are also powerful, have great vitality, and have basically no weaknesses. To kill them, they can only be chopped into several pieces like felling trees.

Generally speaking, at least the combat power of senior knights is much stronger than that of senior monks. However, it is obvious that the moving speed of this thing is painful, and the ability to control plants can only be exerted in this forest. The biggest effect,

The dead wood warriors are more suitable to be placed in Linzhong City to guard the home, but it allows Richard to safely take away all the other troops in Linzhong City.

Ironwood City, the performance site of an unknown circus.


After the performer completed a thrilling move, a loud cheer came from the audience,

A few silver coins were then thrown up, causing the actors on the stage to bow and thank them.

“Lord Sauter, news from the royal capital.”

The generous spectator in the audience is naturally the nominal owner of Ironwood City, Viscount Sauter.

After receiving the Wind Bird Express, the people in Yusidu found no one in Ironwood Castle, so they naturally came to the circus to look for him.

I found Viscount Sauter in the best position at once.

“What happened?”

“News from the royal capital says that Lord Richard has made great achievements in conquering the ogres. His Majesty Ren has decided to make Lord Richard a marquis. The envoy should be on the way now.”

“What? Marquis?”

Viscount Sauter seemed to have lost his mind and asked again,

The intelligence personnel in Yusidu nodded firmly to Viscount Sauter. This news was too shocking. After all, Richard was only made an earl more than a month ago, and now he is about to be made a marquis.

He also confirmed it several times before reporting it,

Viscount Sauter no longer cared about continuing to watch the circus, and immediately stood up and walked back to Ironwood Castle,

Although he doesn’t care much about daily affairs, he is still a viscount, and he still understands the importance of a marquis,

This can be regarded as the Hunter family completing a class leap and entering the kingdom’s high-level aristocratic class in one fell swoop.

“Brother, shall we still celebrate?”

“I think it should be bigger, Marquis, and the pomp cannot be small.”

“I think we should follow the Lanster family’s celebration. Now everyone is a marquis.”

Viscount Sauter and his two unreliable brothers secretly discussed how to celebrate,

Although this is the first time a marquis has been born in the family and I have little experience, isn’t there a marquis in the North?

Would it be over if we just follow the Lanster family?

Only Manager Egger was silently holding his forehead. The Lanster family has been a noble family for many generations, and now it is also a camel that is bigger than a horse.

If a new family like the Hunter family really follows their example, their finances will probably explode.

Fortunately, Richard returned to Ironwood City in time after inspecting Stone Castle and Forest City, and was able to stop the crazy actions of his father, Viscount Sauter, and his two uncles.

In the end, the celebration was limited to Ironwood Castle, and it was over after a while.

“Does this mean that I must go to the royal capital to participate in a formal knighting ceremony before I can officially become a marquis?”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

In Ironwood Castle, the messenger from the royal capital has been waiting for a day,

This messenger was actually a little confused. After leaving the river valley, he went straight to Ironwood City.

In fact, Richard spent more time in the Demon City. This time, the messenger was lucky. He accidentally bumped into Richard in Ironwood City who had just finished inspecting the Stone Castle and Helinzhong City.

Otherwise he would have to run away,

It is also now that Lin Te is in charge of Demon Suppression City, and Richard does not have to worry about daily affairs at all, so Richard can become a hands-off shopkeeper and leave Demon Suppression City for many days at will.

But now, Richard had a headache after hearing the messenger’s detailed explanation.

You actually have to go to the royal capital to get the position of marquis,

The long distance and the need to spend some time in the capital,

It would take Richard more than a month to say it at least. Although the development of Demon Town and Ironwood City are now on the right track, Richard is still a little uneasy.

But this position of Marquis must be won, let alone anything else.

The opening of the sixth-level arms is likely to be related to the title,

After building the fifth-level barracks, the sixth-level barracks in Forest City and Stone Fortress are still in a gray state that cannot be built,

The sixth-level barracks in the forest holy land of the barrier (elf) is completely lacking in resources. This thing requires gems and magic crystals. Richard can’t change it now,

Although the sixth-level soldiers of the castle (human) require a lot of ordinary resources and gold, Richard is not short of both,

The only difference is that the human knight camp of the sixth-level soldier camp actually gives a prerequisite, which requires higher influence and status.

When Richard clicks to build a column in the knight camp, he will see a line of instructions:

Powerful knights are more willing to fight for lords with higher prestige and status. Please improve your status and prestige as soon as possible.

Well, Uncle Hirano, who is so powerful in the Northland, is still disliked,

It seems that the title of God’s Envoy is really not very good. It does not come with the title of the kingdom. No wonder he was rejected even if he gave Zebul a wife…


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