Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 15: Purge 1


Four Leaf Village is located in the southwest corner of the Weir Territory. Of course, there is only the Hunter Territory now and there is no Weir Territory anymore. Four-leaf Village is named after the four-leaf clovers that grow around the village. The village has a permanent population of more than 300 people. Under the rule of the Will family, they can barely survive despite heavy taxes.

However, Siye Village at this time is no longer as peaceful as before. Black smoke billows from the burning houses everywhere. A few days ago, in the battle of Xiaolinghe, the Will family was defeated. Siye Village suffered heavy losses. 50 people were recruited. Only half of the young men returned. Before the whole village could get over the grief, it was looted by snow thieves who took advantage of the situation.

A group of more than 50 snow bandits broke into the village with almost no effort. They stole everything of value. The rations reserved at home and the seeds prepared for spring plowing were all taken away by the bandits. Those who resist will end up being killed and burned down by this group of snow thieves.

After the snow pirates wreaked havoc in the village, they walked away, leaving only a messy village and faint whimpering sounds.

In the past, the snow pirates naturally did not dare to be so arrogant, and the quasi-knights of the Will family were not vegetarians. As long as the peasants and soldiers in the village persisted until the quasi-knights of the Will family came to their aid, the snow pirates would have to retreat. But now that the Will family has been destroyed, and the self-defense capabilities of each village have suffered great losses, the snow pirates now seem to have entered spring with the weather in the north.

A tall, middle-aged man was looking north a few miles outside Siye Village and was deep in thought. The more than ten strong men with weapons around him remained quiet and did not dare to disturb him.

However, a rushing snow pirate broke the tranquility.

“Boss Aegon, the people from Four Leaf Village are back and have robbed almost 100 stones of grain and some gold.”


This tall middle-aged man is Aegon, and he is also the leader of this group of snow pirates. There are more than a dozen snow pirate gangs in the North, but the snow pirate group led by Aegon is definitely one of the best. ,

Because Aegon, as a snow pirate, has the strength of a peak quasi-knight. He robbed and killed a caravan in his early years and accidentally obtained a pretty good breathing method. All of his more than 200 members are also capable. Old bandits, although they can’t defeat the professional soldiers of the Hunter family nor the quasi-knights and personal guards of the Will family, they can easily take down the peasant soldiers in each village.

Such strength is very rare among the snow pirates in the North. After all, the snow pirates may seem majestic, but in fact they are mostly made up of farmers and refugees who cannot survive, as well as some free people in the mountains and forests. They are truly powerful people. Most of them will also tend to be loyal to their lords and seek opportunities to become knights.

Moreover, they looted houses and attacked villages, which was simply to steal the lord’s wool. The lord of the Golden Dragon Kingdom has never been easy to deal with,

Each family has at least one knight and several quasi-knights, so even quasi-knights like Aegon are cautious when leading a raid, for fear of running into the knights in the territory.

Now they dare to be so arrogant when the Will family is defeated and the territory is in chaos.

“Boss Aegon, the team that went to Black Rock Village has also returned, and has harvested at least two hundred stones of grain.”

This time there was no need to worry about the Weir family coming to suppress the attack. The search was more careful and the harvest was much more than before. The person who reported the news was inevitably a little happy in his tone. Aegon was also quite benevolent to his subordinates and looted. What you get will always give the people below a drink of soup. This time the harvest is rich, and you can always get more benefits.

“Where is the team that went to Mopan Village? Why haven’t they come back yet?”

This time, each village had no defense force. In order to improve the efficiency of looting, Aegon divided his troops into four teams. He brought some elites to provide support in the center. The three teams dispersed and prepared to loot as quickly as possible. Nearby villages.

“I don’t know, Mopan Village is a little further away, maybe I was delayed on the way.”

Aegon squinted his eyes again, thinking about whether he could guess what the arrangements were for his men.

Aegon was far less optimistic about the destruction of the Will family than his subordinates. When he traveled across the North, many small nobles gnashed their teeth with hatred. He always escaped the pursuit of various knights, but he suddenly ended up in Hunter. He suffered a big loss on his family’s territory, and he was deeply impressed by the peasant soldiers and well-trained soldiers who fought to the death. In the end, he had no choice but to flee the Hunter family’s territory with his men.

Now that the Hunter family has defeated the Will family and taken over the Will family’s territory, they are afraid that this area will not be easy to live in in the future. They take advantage of the chaos to grab the tickets and leave quickly, Aegon thought.



“Fighting! Yes, it’s a knight. Run.”

“Shoot arrows, don’t miss anyone.”

“What is that thing in the sky, ah…save me, let me down.”

Here, Richard led his team to Mopan Village and encountered Aegon’s men. As soon as the group left the village, they ran into the system soldiers led by Richard.

After receiving the mission, Richard left the Rock Castle with 20 spearmen, 10 shooters and six griffons, leaving only Ron and a few spearmen to guard the Rock Castle just in case.

After using the griffon to find out the location of the snow thief, he rushed towards Mopan Village, and then the scene at the entrance of the village happened.

Before they could recover, the dozens of snow pirates who had just sacked the village encountered a wave of accurate shooting from archers. Seven or eight of them fell in one fell swoop. Richard and his spearmen After another charge, the group of snow thieves completely collapsed. When they exposed their backs and fled, the griffins showed their sharp claws for the first time on this continent.

A battle that had no suspense started and ended suddenly. Several snow thieves who were deliberately left for questioning by Richard looked a little confused when they were brought to Richard.

“Tell me, how many of you are there and where are they?”

Although I don’t know how many snow pirates are looting in total, there are only about fifty snow pirates here. The mission issued by the council is 100. The mission has not been completed. Of course, there are other snow pirates.

“We are Boss Aegon’s men.”

After saying this, the answering snow pirate paused.

“If you want me to tell you where the others are, you must first promise not to kill me.”

Li Cha smiled when he heard this, looking very friendly.

“Okay, you cooperate and I promise not to kill you.”

“Boss Aegon brought two hundred people, and there should be more than a hundred people now. We originally planned to take the harvest to meet with Boss Aegon. They should be at the four-leaf village and black rock village.”

After hearing this, Richard began to direct the griffons to search in the direction of Four Leaf Village and Black Rock Village.

The gryphons that were still playing around let out a few eagle whistles in response, then fluttered their wings and flew away, and soon turned into a small dot in the air and left.

“Tie them up, don’t kill them, and hand them over to the villagers of Mopan Village.”

After Richard asked the question, he stood up and started giving orders. The spearmen moved very quickly, tying up several snow bandits and dragging them into the village in just a few clicks.

Anyway, I just promised not to kill him and hand them over to the villagers. Whether he survives or not has nothing to do with me. I am very honest. Richard thought silently.

“Okay, let’s continue chasing those bastards.”

After saying that, Richard mounted his horse and moved forward. The spearmen and archers quickly followed behind Richard.



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