Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 149: Agreements and new developments


“Ping Yehou?”

Is it too fast?

“Yes, Your Majesty, Mr. Hirano was promoted to Marquis just a short time after he was promoted to earl. It’s too fast.”

“I heard that Mr. Hirano is only eighteen years old. Although he is a hero, he is still too young.”

“Your Majesty still needs to consider the feelings of the Lanster family.”

In the Golden Dragon Palace, after Ren had just proposed the idea of ​​conferring a title on Richard, most of the officials raised objections.

The main reason is that Richard is too young and has just become an uncle.

If you are more reliable, bring up the Lanster family. After all, Northland defaults to the Lanster family’s territory,

This is just like the Western Region defaults to the Ross family of Rose Duke,

The kingdom cannot easily seal off a noble with a similar status. This is an act that destroys political tacit understanding.

It may even give a wrong signal to the dominant princes like the Ross family – the kingdom is trying to balance the big nobles everywhere,

Some are out of consideration for the stability of the kingdom, and some are out of complete jealousy of Richard,

Anyway, no one can help Richard at the moment,

“I think Richard Hunter should be made a marquis.”

At this moment, Thor, who had always been silent in the Golden Dragon Palace, stood up,

“Military honors are the foundation of the kingdom. The previous rewards have been issued. Does the kingdom still want to take them back?”

Saul stood on a moral high ground as soon as he came up, regardless of the various reasons of his opponents,

Just one sentence, if you have enough military achievements, you should be given the position of marquis.

After Saul spoke, the opposition quickly stopped.

Saul has a special status and high prestige. When discussing matters in the palace, he usually stands there and only listens but does not speak.

When he suddenly spoke, he spoke more easily than Ren,

Even though Ren regarded Thor as the pillar of the kingdom and the Charman family all believed in Poseidon, he still felt a little complicated at this time.

And Saul came forward after careful consideration this time,

In fact, he was willing to help Richard become a marquis, not for the bright reason of being rewarded for his merits,

Thor is not short of political IQ, and of course he understands that the Lanster family will not feel too well when Richard is granted the title of Marquis,

On normal days, Sol might still stand still. At most, he could get some benefits for Richard later as compensation,

But now, with Jin Long about to leave, whether or not to break the political tacit understanding is no longer important,

Now the princes who defend one side should be as capable as possible, and the stronger the better,

Obviously, the Lanster family can no longer shoulder the responsibility of guarding the Northland, or there are more suitable choices in the Northland,

Of course, there is also the factor that Saul himself has a very good impression of Richard,

Richard thought he was licking the empty spots, but in fact it still had some effect,

Perhaps many people will reject ordinary dog ​​licking, and some may even be bored, but most people cannot refuse capable elite dog licking, and they will leave a good impression no matter what.

After Saul spoke out, people from the military immediately broke their silence and began to stand up to support Richard’s enfeoffment.

And the nobles who originally opposed it no longer dared to take the lead,

Although important figures like the Left Chancellor and the Right Chancellor are not afraid of offending Saul, the matter of Richard becoming a marquis actually has little conflict with their interests, and there is no need to offend anyone.

Ren is obviously also inclined to grant Richard the title of marquis. Since Renn took a heavy blow on the issue of inheritance law, the weight of his words has also increased a lot.

“Does anyone else have any objections?”

“Then it’s decided. Richard Hunter will be granted the title of Marquis of Pingye, and the wilderness will be added as his fief. Let him come to the capital before four months to receive the title.”

The matter of Richard becoming a marquis was successfully completed with the acquiescence of Ren and the promotion of Saul,

It’s just that the royal capital attaches great importance to the enfeoffment of marquis and above,

Like when Richard was promoted to earl before, the king only sent someone to read the king’s edict and gave him a piece of paper to prove it.

But the Marquis needs to go to the royal capital in person, swear allegiance to the king in person, and then go through a ceremony to complete it.

As for the so-called sealing the wilderness as its territory, it is ridiculous. This is not the kingdom’s land. In Richard’s eyes, it is already his own territory.

If the kingdom dares to entrust the wilderness to other nobles after he completely eliminates the ogre threat, then Richard can guarantee that they will kill each one.

For Richard, this is to entrust his own things to himself. The only meaning is to legally confirm Richard’s jurisdiction over the wilderness,

This point is important. When the kingdom is strong, Richard does not dare to openly resist the kingdom’s decision. Even if he can use underhanded tactics, it will be more troublesome.

Let’s just say it’s not important. Richard now has strong soldiers and horses, and he has the power to defeat the ogres. Even if ordinary little nobles come, they will immediately kneel to Richard.

Even if the wilderness is given to the current Lanster family, the Lanster family will have to carefully consider Richard’s attitude.

The thing that really has practical significance is the title of Marquis, which seems to have no practical benefits.

The Hunter family is on the rising highway at this time, and will pose a challenge to the Lanster family intentionally or unintentionally,

Although the Lanster family suffered heavy losses this time, the power of death is still there,

There is always a threshold for becoming a marquis. The Lanster family, who holds the position of marquis, still has greater appeal in the North than the Hunter family.

Even though the Hunter family is now slightly stronger than the Lanster family,

Even though status has no actual benefits sometimes, it still has a heavy invisible influence.

Nowadays, when most people think of the first family in the North, they still think of the Marquis Lanster family, not the Hunter family.

But with the title of Marquis, the Hunter family has the status of directly competing with the Lanster family,

This potential influence is subtle.


At this moment, Richard didn’t know that Jin Longdu had a lot of controversy over his affairs, and he didn’t know that the position of Marquis would soon fall to him.

Right now, Richard is still standing in front of the open space of Stone Castle, experimenting with the combat abilities of senior monks,

Nearly three weeks have passed since he obtained the magic crystal. Richard finally built a magic tower and a fifth-level human barracks temple, and upgraded the temple to a high level.

In the first-level magic tower, Richard learned a blast technique, which can bless himself or other units with the blessing of wind and increase the speed of action.

But after all, the trick is that Richard has no blue bars, or there is no magic in the environment of the entire continent. Richard also needs to hold the magic crystal for orchids like Gandalf before he can release the spell.

Now there is an acute shortage of mana crystals. Richard has used up all the mana crystals he looted from the Grugash tent this round.

This spell seems very useless now. Perhaps if the wilderness is completely developed and more mana crystals are collected, these spells can work wonders.


The monk in blue robe hit Richard with another sudden missile,

Richard used the blade of the Vulcan Sword to scatter it,

“Okay, stop!”

At this time, Richard probably tested the strength of a senior monk,

Although it is suitable for both near and far, its real combat power is only at the peak level of knight level,

At present, it is only slightly better than the Crusaders. The only advantage is that it has an additional healing skill that is quite effective, which can be regarded as making up for the shortcomings of Richard’s subordinates in rescuing the wounded.

After testing the strength of the senior monks, Richard opened the city panel as usual and recruited all the troops this week,

Then the Pegasus Cavalry in Linzhongcheng looked awkward,

Damn it, there aren’t many magic crystals left to upgrade her to a high-level Pegasus Magic Fountain,

I have developed obsessive-compulsive disorder, so I have to find a way to get some more magic crystals in the wilderness…


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