Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 146: A glimpse


“Lord Grugesh! Lord Grugesh!”

Shortly after Richard left with his troops, four ogre chiefs and some of their men rushed to Grugesh’s station from different directions.

If Richard had left just a little longer, he might have been dumped by a group of violent ogres,

Fortunately, Richard once again passed the Royal Griffin’s reconnaissance, successfully avoided the returning ogre tribe, and led his army to jump out of the tens of thousands of ogres!

When the four ogre chiefs rushed to Grugesh’s camp, they looked at the messy camp and felt a thump in their hearts.

However, I still held on to a glimmer of hope and ordered my men to start searching for the whereabouts of Grugesh.

“Report! Lord Harang’s body was found in the center of the camp.”

Richard led his army in a hurry and did not have time to clean up the battlefield. He only concentrated his own people for cremation and ignored the ogres.

So the ogres who have arrived at the camp now can even basically review the night’s battle through the traces in front of the tent,

“Harang, this waste! Keep looking! We must find Master Grugesh!”

The ogre chiefs did not feel sad about Harang’s death. In their eyes, only the two-headed ogre Grugesh was the most important leader.

If anything happens to Grugesh, Harang, the guy responsible for guarding him, deserves death.

While several ogre chiefs were anxious, the ogre responsible for the search finally made a discovery.

“Sir, we seem to have found Master Grugesh.”

In the open space southwest of the camp, more than a dozen high-level ogres, including four chiefs, surrounded the city in a semicircle. The atmosphere at the scene was somewhat solemn.

Although I don’t want to believe that the legendary messenger of the ogre died so easily, the headless corpse that fully matches the physical characteristics of Grugesh cannot lie,

Richard was not honest in what he did. He took off his head and ran away. As a result, Grugesh’s body was left in the wild in the middle of the night and already showed signs of being eaten by wild wolves.

“Let’s bury Master Grugesh first.”

After a circle of ogres remained silent for a long time, someone finally remembered to clean up Grugesh’s body first,

In order to prevent Grugesh from being dug out by any wild beasts again, the soil was dug very deep and the sealing was very strict,

Originally, ogres did not have this habit of burying themselves, but Grugash gradually advocated it in recent years.

Several ogre chiefs are all direct subordinates of Grugesh. Naturally, they have been affected to some extent and have already taken half a step from barbarism to civilization.

“Although Master Grugesh has returned to the embrace of the ancestral god, we must inherit your wishes,

To fulfill your ambition, you must have a new leader. I think among the four of us, I am the most suitable. ”


“I am the strongest with my strength!”

“You say you are the strongest, you are the strongest!”


After handling the funeral affairs for Grugash, the four ogre chiefs sat together and began to discuss the future arrangements.

The core issue is naturally the distribution of power in the future. Obviously, the ogres do not have the spirit of humility. Even if they were accepted by Grugash’s cronies before, they are still arguing now.

Although Grugesh died, no one wanted to go back to the original state after tasting the taste of power.

During this period, relying on Grugesh’s prestige and strong strength, they each annexed many ogre tribes,

It can be said that together, they are the most powerful force in the wilderness, and no tribe dares to resist,

If they are divided into four tribes, even if they are still strong, they will no longer have the overwhelming advantage.

The four ogre chiefs have followed Grugash for so long, and naturally they also understand some of the advantages of cooperation and grouping. This is why they just want to fight for dominance after Grugesh’s death, rather than directly pulling the lever to break up. Reason.

“Okay, okay!”

“In the future, the four of us will discuss the affairs of the tribe. Whoever avenges Master Grugesh will be the leader!”


“Then it depends on each person’s ability.”

Finally, an ogre chief proposed a plan that everyone could accept, which temporarily stopped the dispute.

In principle, everyone is still a united body and is unanimous in dealing with the outside world. As for how long it can last, it is of course hard to say.

“Is there no news yet from the chasing team?”

“I didn’t catch them, but they should be the human army from the previous castle.”

Hearing this, several ogres fell silent again,

That castle naturally refers to the Demon Suppression Castle, which was the former Hel Castle.

Although under the command of Grugesh and the combined efforts of the orcs’ foreign aid, the ogre army captured Helburg and wiped out all the defenders,

But as full participants in that battle, several ogre chiefs knew how difficult that castle was to defeat,

Originally, under the leadership of Grugesh, each tribe could still attack with all their strength,

Now that Grugesh is gone, their tribe is equivalent to their own private power,

It’s okay to let them unite and annex other ogre tribes, or it’s okay to chase Richard in the wilderness,

But if they are to fight against the Demonic Castle again, not to mention whether they can defeat it, that kind of loss is something they are not willing to bear now,

“Send people to continue chasing.”

“Notify nearby tribes to intercept human troops immediately if they discover them.”

After making some insignificant arrangements, several ogre chiefs tacitly agreed not to mention attacking the Demon Suppression Castle again.

Compared with attacking the Demon Suppression Castle, it is more important to strengthen the tribe,

Well, this is to accumulate strength. Sooner or later the Demon Suppression Castle can be defeated, there is no need to fight to the death now.

As for whether to fight in the future, let’s wait until we have enough strength.

At this time, Richard has led his army for hundreds of kilometers,

The ogre’s pursuers cannot catch up anyway,

At this time, Richard had slowed down his marching speed slightly, and he was walking side by side with Gandolf.

Although Gandalf cannot enjoy the bonus of Richard’s two treasures, the Red Flame Horse is indeed a BMW produced by the system,

Carrying Gandolf, a burden with poor riding skills, he managed to keep up with the army,

No wonder everyone envies Lu Bu’s horse, it’s really different to ride on it,

“Sir Gandolf, have you found any way to study this magic crystal?”

Not long after he started running, Richard threw a small piece of magic crystal he deliberately left behind to Gandalf for study,

Gandalf completely ignored the bumps on his horse and kept concentrating on this small piece of crystal, not even eating his lunch meal.

“Wait a minute, I can feel the magic contained in it, and I’m still trying to figure out how to channel it out.”

“It should be like this, and then extract the magic power. It seemed that the route was wrong just now, but this time it should be fine.”



As Gandolf chattered, a fireball the size of a fist appeared in his hand,

Then he lost control and flew into the air with a “swish”, close to Richard’s cheek, and then exploded in the air, forming a brilliant fireworks.

Of course, Richard was not in the mood to enjoy the fireworks,

“Fuck! I was almost disfigured!”

Richard thought,

He could completely feel the warmth of the fireball that just passed by him. If he really wanted to catch it face to face, now he really had to consider killing the old man first and then find an iron mask.

Gandalf on the side didn’t seem to realize how big of a mistake he had just made, and he had just recovered from his surprise.

“I, I finally succeeded in casting the spell, I succeeded!”

Gandalf, with his gray beard, was as excited as a child,

After being annoyed at the beginning, Richard began to seriously evaluate the power of the fireball technique just now,

Although this is the first time for this old man to release the fireball technique, the power is already comparable to the knight’s blow infused with fighting spirit, so it should not be underestimated.

And fireball is generally an entry-level spell,

If this old man develops some other spells, the value will be…

Thinking of this, Richard’s expression when he looked at Gandolf became a little subtle…


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