Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 144: Full credit


Although there are still many ogres in the camp, the real battle ended when Harang died and the flag in front of the main tent was cut down.

Although there are still many ogre warriors trying to continue fighting, it is difficult for them to cause any trouble to Richard and others in the chaos,

Once there are ogre warriors in the camp who tend to form a group to resist, they will be quickly exterminated by Ron or Zebul. At this time, a large number of ogre warriors are wandering around the camp like headless flies.

Many ogre warriors even began to quietly escape out of the camp under the cover of night after discovering that Harang’s death banner had fallen. Anyway, the night is the best cover for deserters, and it is difficult to supervise the battle. Even if you run away in the dark, the probability of escaping from the enemy increases infinitely.

So fighting at night is the time when the fighting will of the troops is most tested. From ancient times to the present, generals who dare to lead their men to launch night attacks either have absolute confidence in their men, or they are a complete fool.

Obviously, Richard is not confused. In terms of fighting will, no army can match the warriors produced by these systems, and they defeated the elite ogres guarding Grugash in the dark.

“Sir Richard, no ogre sacrifices were found near the camp.”

Obviously, at the last moment, Grugesh took advantage of the chaos and ran away,

In this kind of dark night, it is actually not easy to track down Grugesh with a small number of elites. In the already chaotic ogre camp, it is indeed difficult to find a small ogre team. Difficulty, but that is for ordinary armies,

For Richard, he only needs to spread out the Royal Griffins in his hand, and he can see all the surrounding situations like a radar. For marching and fighting, especially a small group of troops is simply a bug. ability,

Richard began to concentrate on accepting the message from the Royal Griffins from the air. After a moment, a smile appeared on his face,

He has determined the direction of Grugesh’s escape through the Royal Griffin,

You can’t escape,

“Zebul, Ron, leave the camp and chase southwest!”


At the same time, Richard also issued orders to the Manticore through his mind.

After receiving Richard’s order, everyone quickly gave up on the target at hand, leaving the Crusaders, Halberdiers and War Dancers to continue killing the chaotic ogres, faster than the centaur elites, Zebul, The scorpion lion chased in the direction pointed by Richard.

In fact, if Grugesh continues to hide in the camp, it will be difficult for Richard to find the target through the Royal Griffin so quickly. After all, there are many tents in the camp and there are also a lot of ogres.

But Grugesh chose to lead the team and ran towards the outside of the camp. It was very obvious that more than a dozen ogres were running in a group on the empty ground outside the camp. They could be spotted at a glance through the royal griffon. question,

This is not because Grugesh is stupid. There is still a risk of being discovered if he stays in the camp. After the resistance led by Harang was defeated, the ogres in the camp have fallen into chaos.

If Grugesh hides in the camp, although he will not be targeted, he is likely to be killed by a passing war dancer or even a halberdier, which would be even worse.

The direction Grugesh chose to escape was actually very particular.

He did not run in the direction of the nearby ogre tribe. You must know that there are several large ogre tribes guarding him for hundreds of miles around the Grugesh tribe’s station.

Richard’s successful sneak attack also came through the gaps between various tribes,

If Grugesh runs northwest or east, he can quickly reach the nearest ogre tribe,

But Grugesh knows very well that the enemy has four-legged troops,

And they are obviously coming for him. If he is not caught outside the camp, they will probably send troops to chase him in the direction where he may escape.

They can’t outrun those centaurs and human knights,

So he did the opposite. After leaving the camp, he circled back to the southwest and fled from the direction where Richard and others attacked.

The other ogre tribes in this direction are further away. I guess it is not the best direction to escape. You may be able to escape.

Unfortunately, Grugesh’s clever arrangement had no effect in front of Richard,

Richard doesn’t have to play that reverse thinking guessing game with Grugesh at all,

Using the royal griffon, we quickly locked onto Grugesh and others who had escaped a short distance from the camp,

“Da, da, da…”

Although the escape speed of Grugesh and others was not slow, how could they outrun Richard and others on horseback and the four-legged centaur warriors?

The sound of desperate horse hooves sounded behind them, and the pursuers came much faster than they imagined,

“Lord Grugesh, you go first, let’s stop them!”

The dozen ogre warriors and two ogre warriors who protected Grugash’s escape were indeed loyal enough,

The two ogre warriors stopped immediately after hearing the sound of horse hooves behind them. With more than a dozen ogre warriors, they wanted to block the pursuit of Grugash, leaving only two ogre warriors. Continue to protect Grugesh and continue to escape,



However, the efforts of the ogre warriors can only be in vain, and no miracles will happen because of their loyalty and bravery.

Richard and Zebul, who were charging forward, were not stopped for a moment by these loyal ogre warriors.

With one swipe of the Vulcan Sword, he split the iron armor on the chest of the ogre warrior who was trying to stop him, leaving a deep sword mark in front of him. It had obviously hit his heart. Survival is possible,

Then Richard did not make any stop, ignoring the ogre warriors who rushed up to get attention, he rode directly past them and chased Grugesh,

Then the ogre warriors who tried to stop Richard and others were overwhelmed by the centaur elite behind Richard, without causing any waves,




A circle of centaur elites formed a circular circle surrounding Grugesh in the middle,

The two ogre warriors who guarded Grugesh to the end launched a desperate counterattack, but were easily killed by Zebul with one sword,

Then Zebul put away the sword in his hand and stood aside,

Only Richard was left holding the Vulcan Sword and staring at Grugesh,

Of course, the honor of killing the two-headed ogre priest must be given to Richard. The centaur elites and Zebul around him are very knowledgeable.

“Is it because of those strange birds in the sky?”

Faced with a certain death situation, Grugesh calmed down instead,

I asked Richard in some weird human language, and wanted to confirm about the gryphon,

Discover new heroes,

Ogre Two-Headed Sacrifice-Glugesh



Before the system finished reporting the data, Richard stepped forward. Without a single unnecessary word, he waved the Vulcan Sword, and both Grugesh’s heads fell to the ground at the same time.

What is there to talk about with the loser? Richard has no intention of accepting this exotic species that has a blood feud with humans…


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