Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 141: Night Raid 2


“What’s going on!”

The huge movement also woke up Grugesh from his sleep,

“Lord Grugesh, we were attacked by the human army!”

The ogre warriors on duty outside the big tent have come in to report the situation,

Glugesh is very concerned about his own safety. He is no better than those tribal chiefs. He himself is the supreme force of the tribe,

As a two-headed ogre priest, he did not master any other spells. He only knew the natural bloodthirst spell. His physique was not strong enough, and his actual combat ability was not even as good as that of an ordinary ogre warrior.

Generally, there are more than a dozen ogre warriors surrounding the Grugash camp. Almost half of the ogre warriors in the entire camp are arranged around Grugash.

There are also more than a hundred elite armored ogre warriors, all direct descendants of Grugesh. They all reacted and gathered around Grugesh’s tent.

“Where’s Harang, come find Harang!”

Although Grugesh is calm on the surface, he is actually a little panicked. In the dark, it is difficult to confirm how many enemy troops there are.

And Grugesh was not mentally prepared for a surprise attack. Normally, with so many ogre tribes in the wilderness, even if the human army went on an expedition, he should have discovered them in advance.

How could anyone lead a group of people like Richard, who just passed through the gaps between the various ogre tribes and went directly to Grugesh.

“Lord Grugesh!”

Soon, Harang, who had already put on his armor, also came to Grugesh’s tent, giving Grugesh a sense of security.

Harang is a chief-level ogre strongman. With the addition of Grugesh’s bloodthirsty technique, he can exert a strength close to that of an earth knight. He has always been the force responsible for Grugesh’s side. Responsible for protecting Grugesh’s safety.

“How many people are there in the enemy army?”

“I’m not sure. There aren’t many people who heard this, but they should be an elite force.”

“Lord Harang! The enemy has broken through the perimeter of the camp and is attacking us!”

“Put up the flag, gather the torches, and order all soldiers to gather under the flag!”

Ogre tribes, especially the direct descendants of Grugesh, naturally have their own formations like humans,

However, when attacked in the dark night, most of the unprepared ogres were still scurrying around like headless flies, which could not stop Richard’s attack. On the contrary, it would make the camp even more chaotic.

It is the most correct choice for Harang to raise the flag, focus the firelight on it, and bring all the people together,

He was basically certain that the number of humans who attacked was not that large, and they were able to create such a big chaos now just by taking advantage of the cover of darkness,

As long as we can hold on until dawn, the attacking humans will retreat,

Not to mention that there are several tribes not far away from each other, and they will react to the rescue after a while. Time is on his side.

“Lord Grugesh, I will hold on to this place. You should retreat outside the camp first.”

Although Harang’s idea was good, after all, it was a complete exposure of his own side, and the risk was not small. After making arrangements, he wanted to ask Grugesh to evacuate.

“No, I’ll just stay here.”

Grugesh shook both his heads at the same time, rejecting Harang’s request to evacuate first.

Although Grugesh was a little panicked, it was not to the point of chaos.

After all, he was responsible for causing trouble for the ogre tycoon in the North, so his mind is still very clear at the moment,

If an ordinary human army attacks, perhaps Grugesh will let Harang take command here just to be on the safe side, and leave with some guards while Harang attracts the attention of the enemy.

The army attacking this time is obviously extraordinary. Just listening to the eagle’s cry in the sky, you can tell that he can’t escape easily.

The two-headed ogre is too obvious in the team, although the night is the best cover,

But judging from the frequency of attacks by these strange birds, it is obvious that they are not troubled by the night. If he leaves the tent now,

If you bring too many people, it will affect Harang’s persistence. If you bring fewer people, you may be captured by the strange birds in the sky.

It is better to concentrate our strength and stand firm in front of the tent with Harang.

“Da da da, da da da…”

“Protect Lord Grugesh and fight to the end!”


Unable to tolerate Harang’s further persuasion, the sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer. It was obvious that most of the ogre warriors on the periphery were still sleeping and did not have any blocking effect on this human army.

The human army has actually rushed directly to a place not far from Grugesh’s tent in a very short period of time.

“Form up, form up!”

After Harang set up a big flag and lit a huge bonfire, many chaotic ogre warriors had gathered around Harang,

Including the ogre warriors who were originally guarding Grugash, there are now five to six hundred ogre warriors gathered around the tent, as well as a dozen ogres. Warrior,

It is a powerful force, and the number of ogre warriors is still increasing. Many ogre warriors who reacted from the chaotic night gathered towards the big flag under the firelight,

As long as you resist for a while, you will be safe,

The ogre warriors gathering around him made Harang feel a little more at ease.



“Heaven! What is in the sky!”

After Richard blew the horn, a group of harpies appeared out of thin air from the sky and launched a fierce attack on the ogres in the dark night.

An ogre warrior was not noticed for a moment, and was stabbed directly from the back by the long knife in the hand of the harpy that fell from the sky, letting out a fierce scream.

Although these ogre warriors quickly reacted and counterattacked, chaos inevitably appeared in the newly formed formation,

Although these harpies have a quasi-knight level of attack power, with the addition of Richard’s offensive skills, they can cause fatal damage to ordinary ogre warriors,

But the harpy is a bit weak after all. If it gets hit by an ogre warrior when it is descending to attack, it will immediately fall to the ground and be dead or disabled.

While forcibly attacking the ogres, these harpies also suffered very heavy casualties,

If it were the Royal Griffins, Richard would generally be reluctant to drive them to attack such a strict formation,

But the harpies are different. These harpies summoned by the horn have a time limit. Even if they are not lost, they will be gone when the time is up. It would be too hard to create.

The harpies pounced on the ogre warriors gathered under the banner like crazy,


Harang knocked down a harpy without eyes that tried to attack him with one blow. The powerful force smashed half of the harpy’s body on the spot, without even having time to let out a cry.

However, Harang’s mood became heavier and heavier. These harpies were just a small trouble,

The cavalry that followed was the real threat. At this time, Harang thought that the rumbling hoofbeats were human cavalry. In the dark night, he did not realize that most of the enemy cavalry were centaur warriors.

A red light is getting closer and closer. The leader, Richard, wields the fiery Vulcan Sword in his hand to guide the charging team.

He could already clearly see the ogre warriors gathered together under the banner,

Defeat them and this battle can be decided…


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