Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 140: Night Raid



The army led by Richard is staying at a natural lake to replenish fresh water,

For this expedition, Richard has done a lot of work, so he naturally knows where to replenish fresh water,

The playful manticore took advantage of a short rest and hunted back a bison,

However, this bison was obviously pierced by the manticore’s scorpion tail, and it could only enjoy the manticore’s venom.

After testing that the water in the lake was non-toxic, the army began to replenish fresh water. The system army also needed supplies,

The previous battles were all conducted on human territory. They were basically internal operations, and the logistical pressure was not great.

Now we have to consider logistical issues when venturing into the wilderness,

In order to ensure the speed of the march, Richard ordered to rush into the wilderness with only three days of dry food. This would be a crazy decision for anyone with military ambitions,

Fighting to support war is just an idea. The specific implementation must be adapted to local conditions. Ogres can use war to support war against humans regardless of logistics. That is because humans are accustomed to settling down.

The population is relatively dense at night, and it is easy to reach human villages,

The ogre tribes in the wilderness are mainly nomadic and are difficult to find. The population is still sparse. If you want to use war to support war against the ogres, regardless of whether you can win or not, it will be very difficult. Maybe he got lost in the wilderness before finding the ogre tribe.

But these two points are not a problem for Richard,

With the Royal Griffin’s cheating reconnaissance, Richard actually had a rough idea of ​​the wild mountains and landscapes.

Dozens of griffins were scattered out, completely becoming a precise scanner, avoiding all ogre tribes along the way,

With the addition of knight’s gloves and magic boots, Richard led his army into the wilderness and covered a terrifying distance of more than 800 miles in just three days, crossing into the wilderness without alerting an ogre tribe. hinterland,

This kind of marching speed, let alone the armies of the same era, even the mechanized troops of the Earth during World War II would be difficult to achieve this marching speed.

Fortunately, the physiques of the soldiers produced by these systems are as strong as each other, and the three days of forced march hardly caused any discomfort,

On the contrary, Gandolf, who had been riding on the horse and receiving intensive care, was as tired as a dead dog, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted for the magic crystal.

“Let the soldiers no longer save on rations. Eat all the dry rations on your body today and maintain your strength. We are almost there.”

Richard ordered Ron while biting the dry food.

Dry food is made a little solid in order to be easy to carry and does not take up much space. It is a bit rough to bite, and the taste is actually quite bad. And Richard is generally a person who likes to enjoy life. This kind of dry food and Richard Daily food is no different from pig food.

However, when marching and fighting, Richard could not tolerate pretentiousness. Together with the soldiers, he swallowed the dry food with water and got up to prepare for departure.

The sky gradually darkened, and the army became more and more careful in their march. They had reached a place less than thirty miles away from the tribe where Grugesh was,

Using the Royal Griffin’s reconnaissance, they directly bypassed the large ogre tribe scattered around the Grugesh tribe,

The most recent time, they were no more than ten miles away from a tribe, almost passing by.

“Sir, there should be the ogre camp ahead.”

In fact, without Ron’s reminder, Richard knew that the core tribe of ogres was in front of him, and the largest tent in the middle should be where Grugesh lived,

Richard has locked it for a long time through the Royal Griffin’s aerial reconnaissance.

At this time, Richard was looking at the ogre camp in the darkness and couldn’t help but lick his lips,

There are still some bonfires lit in the camp, and through the light of the fire, we can vaguely see the ogre warriors patrolling at night,

As the core tribe of ogres, the direct lineage of the direct lineage, the ogres guarding Grugash are indeed somewhat interesting,

Judging from the layout of the camp, it has broken away from the original random camping method of the ogres. The entire layout has become a bit like a human army,

Unfortunately, Richard saw clearly through the Royal Griffin in the air and found the flaw in the camp.

“All troops, don’t make any noise and approach slowly!”

After observing the ogre camp from a distance, Richard ordered to approach again.

Don’t make any noise. This kind of order is harsh for ordinary armies, but the system army can almost carry it out to the end. Even the centaur elites will lift their horses’ hooves gently and try not to cause too much noise.



One Mile

Darkness is the best cover. There is almost no light source in the wilderness except the ogre camp in front of you.

Richard led the army directly to the base of the camp.

One hundred and fifty meters

One hundred meters

“Woo woo woo…”

A low horn sound sounded, and Richard blew the harpy horn he had been carrying.

The more alert ogre noticed something when he heard the horn, but it was already too late.

After blowing the horn, Richard pulled out the Vulcan Sword from his waist with a “clang” sound. Under the infusion of fighting spirit, the Vulcan Sword emitted a dazzling flame and spit out two feet of tongues of fire.

Especially eye-catching in the dark night sky.

“Come with me!”



“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

As Richard reached the distance of one hundred meters, it no longer made sense to continue hiding,

Immediately led the centaur elite to launch a charge, while Manticore and Zebul followed on the left and right, both as arrows and to protect Richard’s safety. Without the support of these two high-end forces, how could Richard dare? It’s easy to take risks.

Although Richard led the centaurs to the front, it was the long-range troops in Richard’s army that showed off their power first,

The engine of the rune crossbow made a soft sound, and each crossbow bolt could take away the life of an ogre. The night had no effect on the rune crossbow at all,

Also unaffected by the night are dozens of great elf archers, whose arrows accurately hit the ogre warriors who were patrolling and standing guard,

The ogres, who were not afraid of arrows in the first place, seem to have lost their ability to resist in the face of these heavy arrows. Even the parts wearing iron armor will be penetrated by the arrows of the big elves and suffer some minor injuries. ,

Of course, with the great elf’s archery skills, more arrows were directed towards the door and neck, the fatal areas that were not armored, causing greater casualties to the ogre,

Only the sharpshooters were slightly inferior. Due to the long distance and lack of sight in the dark, they could only rely on their numerical advantage to shoot at the campfire in a covering manner, causing some trouble for the ogres.

The silent night suddenly boiled,

The ogre tribe that was suddenly attacked was a little panicked,

The patrolling and sentry ogres were hit hard by long-range attacks, and royal griffins continued to flutter down from the sky to attack the ogre warriors who were trying to gather to resist,

The ogre camp fell into brief chaos,


When Richard led the centaur elite into the ogre camp, he did not encounter any decent resistance. He broke through the fence and crashed into the camp…


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