Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 139: Go to war


“Drive, drive…”

In the early morning, a very fast-moving team arrived near the Demon-Suppressing City under construction,

This team is not large in number, but it is particularly eye-catching, because this time Richard not only brought the soldiers from the Stone Castle, but also brought most of the troops from Linzhong City,

There are a large number of centaurs and great elf archers in the team. Among other things, these elite centaurs armed with battle axes and wearing half-body armor are quite capable of fighting at a glance.

If the leader hadn’t been Lord Richard, the lord of Demon Suppression City, who had disappeared for a few days, the entire city would have been on alert by now.

When these elite centaurs were originally recruited from Linzhong City, they had a long-handled ax gun and a fairly sturdy helmet like in the game. In Richard’s opinion, this equipment was a bit crude.

But games are games and reality is reality. When Richard found out that the centaur elite were unarmored units, he immediately ordered the ordnance factory to create a batch of half-body cloth armor based on the centaur’s physique. The armor plates on the front were also added. Thick,

With the strength of the centaur elite, putting on this armor does not affect the movement, and the combat effectiveness is greatly improved.

People’s attention is mainly attracted to the elite centaurs. Although there are centaurs on this continent, they are still separated from humans by the Kingdom of Orcs. Humans rarely see this legendary creature.

On the other hand, the appearance of the big elf archers is relatively ordinary. Although they do look more handsome, it is a pity that the aesthetics of the Northlanders are not biased towards this one. In the eyes of the Northlanders, Thor is probably The burly and muscular ones are the real handsome guys,

Furthermore, the appearance of the big elf is very similar to the half-elves commonly seen in the northern subway woods. They directly regarded the big elf and the war dancers in Richard’s team as half-elves attached to Hirano Bo.

Inside the City Lord’s Mansion

After Richard entered the city, he summoned Lin Te to discuss the expedition.

“Only prepare dry food for three days?”


“Are you prepared to fight to support war?”

Richard nodded again.

“How many people are you planning to bring?”

“A capable force of no more than one thousand.”

“I think we should take a long-term approach, this is too risky.”

With Lin Te’s wisdom, he could barely keep up with Richard’s jumping thoughts and knew that Richard wanted to lead his group of extremely powerful elites to directly engage in a beheading battle against the ogre tribe.

This is not impossible,

Although Grugesh has a large number of tribes, he has four major tribes as his base, and has swallowed up a large number of small and medium-sized tribes. If he gathered them together, he could already raise a fighting army of 20,000 to 30,000 men,

But the ogres are still nomadic in the wilderness. It is impossible for so many people to gather together. Even the direct descendants of Grugesh will only gather when they are summoned, which is usually the case. Living scattered everywhere.

Usually Grugesh only has a few thousand ogres and some kobold vassals around him,

Of course, other tribes are not far apart and can support each other if anything happens.

Richard led his army to directly behead Grugash. Not to mention that the strength around Grugash was not weak, it was hard to say whether Richard could take advantage of him.

Even if Richard can gain the upper hand, he is very likely to be surrounded and trapped by the ogres. Richard’s plan is too risky and undesirable in Lint’s view.

“It’s okay. Just prepare as I told you. Just guard the Demon Suppression Castle and be ready to respond. Even if we can’t win completely, I’m sure to escape unscathed.”

Richard is such a life-loving person, so of course he will not make fun of his own life. He really has his own confidence, so he dares to say that he wants to go for a wander in the wilderness. At this time, the strength of his heroic invincible system army has greatly increased:

Centaur Elite (240), Halberdier (200), War Dancer (120), Marksman (170), Great Elf Archer (72), Royal Griffin (96), Crusader (73), Diamond Human (2), Champion Knight (1), Manticore (1).

Halberdiers and centaur elites are already elites that can compete with ordinary ogre warriors. Although the defense ability of war dancers is worrying, they are still pretty good with the addition of Richard’s intermediate defense skills. It also has good lethality in melee.

Not to mention the Crusaders, a powerful unit that has reached the level of a peak knight with the double bonus of Ron and Richard. The key is scale,

A large ogre tribe will not have more than ten ogre warriors at most. Even if the ogres around Grugash are of higher quality, there will not be more than thirty ogre warriors. It’s completely double the difference,

In terms of high-end power, Richard also has the Diamond Man, Champion Knight and Manticore Lion, especially the Champion Knight and Manticore Lion. These two guys have the strength to enter the earth for the first time. They can kill ordinary ogre warriors and kill them. Like chopping melons and vegetables,

Richard himself can also display the peak combat effectiveness of a great knight,

As long as Richard seizes the opportunity, it is not impossible to defeat the Grugesh camp and chop off the head of Grugesh.

Even if things don’t go smoothly, Richard is sure to escape unscathed,

With the addition of magic boots and knight gloves, the system army, which originally had better marching ability than ordinary armies, has a marching speed that is almost as fast as that of ghosts and beasts,

With the griffons in the sky for reconnaissance, Richard was sure to avoid unnecessary battles. Under the guidance of the royal griffons, he directly targeted the headquarters of Grugesh and launched a perfect surprise attack.

Of course, he couldn’t explain these things to Lin Te clearly, so he could only forcefully express that he was sure and would not change his plan.

In the end, Richard had no choice but to act arbitrarily under Lin Te’s suspicious eyes. Lin Te had no choice but to follow the order and try his best to do the logistics and support work.

“Lord Earl, shall we set off now?”

The court mage Gandolf was following Richard on a red flame horse, followed by nearly a thousand soldiers produced by the system,

The dry food for nearly a thousand people was prepared very quickly. From the moment Richard made the decision, it was ready to go early the next morning.

Gandalf was a little dizzy after receiving Richard’s order and has not yet recovered.

Although Gandalf cannot enjoy the bonus of Richard’s treasure, equipping him with a red flame horse will not slow down the marching speed.

As long as Gandolf’s body can bear it, but Richard sees that the old man is obviously in good health and energetic, so it shouldn’t be unbearable,

After all, finding magic crystals that may exist in the wilderness is also one of the important purposes of his expedition to the wilderness, so he must bring a professional with him,

“Of course, haven’t you been looking forward to this day for a long time?”

Gandalf scratched his head. Although he was looking forward to it, it did come a bit suddenly. According to his idea, Richard sent an elite team to accompany him to secretly search and investigate. Richard looked like this He looks like he’s going to war.

“Let’s go!”

Without waiting for Gandolf to ask, Richard issued the order to set off. For the system army, Richard does not need to make too many acting commitments to improve morale. He is the envoy of God. As long as he is where he is, The morale of the system’s army is always at full value.

Seeing the troops begin to march, Gandolf quickly rode up to catch up. Although it was a little different from what he had initially thought, it was absolutely impossible for him to give up.

Gandalf’s riding skills were average. Fortunately, the Red Flame Horse was quite docile under Richard’s control and did not make Gandorf embarrassed.

Richard was very low-key during this expedition and did not hold any ceremonies. After all, these loyal warriors did not need any sense of ceremony from Richard,

Only Lint appeared at the city gate.

“Don’t die in the wilderness, you still owe me a lot of money.”

Richard who was riding on the horse smiled when he heard this but did not respond.

He only led the army towards the wilderness at an extremely fast speed…


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