Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 138: New baby on the market


The conversation between the few people did not last long. After receiving Richard’s reply, Gandolf resigned and left.

In fact, rather than drinking tea and chatting with Richard, Gandolf prefers to read books by himself, practice those useless spells, and at most force Luo Lin to learn some useless magic knowledge.

Lint, on the other hand, doesn’t have that much time to chat with Richard. An emerging territory needs Lint to regulate and regulate all aspects,

In the end, only Richard, the salted fish, was left in the territory. Of course, there is nothing wrong with salted fish. Trying to recruit talents to develop the territory is just to make your life more comfortable. Being a salted fish is a big deal. The ultimate goal that most people strive for.

Unfortunately, Richard didn’t have much luck. He had to go to the Stone Castle early the next morning to buy the products refreshed in the market, and then bring the soldiers accumulated in Linzhong City and the Stone Castle during this period back to suppress the demon. fort.


With the double bonus of the walking boots and knight’s gloves, Richard quickly ran to the Stone Castle on the red flame horse,

Seeing that it was Richard, the soldiers guarding the city quickly opened the city gate. Richard rushed straight into the city gate and outside the market without even slowing down.

“Good day, Lord God.”

As soon as Richard walked into the market of Castle Rock, he saw Grandet’s old smiling face. He didn’t know if there was usually no one in the market of Castle Castle. Would Grandet be complacent? Autism,

Richard nodded to Grandet as a response, then walked straight to the counter,

“Show me this month’s new items.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

Soon Grandet showed Richard this month’s new products.

Same as last time, there are still four categories of products

Treasure category:

Horn of the Harpy

Effect: Blow the sound during battle to summon a hundred harpies to fight for you (duration: 30 minutes, cooling time: one month).

Price: 15,000 Jinnar


Strength Potion X2

Effect: The user will immediately gain a little strength and the effect will not weaken.

Price: 1000 Kinnar

Types of soldiers:

Poison Manticore X1

The sixth-level promotion unit of the dungeon force, a ferocious hunter with the ability to fly short distances.

Price: 1500 Kinnar

Resource class:

Gem X5

Can be used for castle resource consumption.

Price: 500 Jinnar

Seeing this wave of refreshes, Richard’s eyes almost turned green. There was nothing he didn’t need urgently,

Although the Harpy’s horn worth fifteen thousand jinnar is not as good as the Divine Bird statue in the long run, it is exactly what Richard needs urgently now,

As a second-level unit in the dungeon, the harpy still has the strength of a quasi-knight. If it can enjoy Richard’s skill bonus, it should have the strength of a senior quasi-knight.

It also has air superiority, which is not very useful against ogres who have almost no air power.

The potion that can permanently increase strength is also a must-buy item. It directly increases the strength by two points, which is a big improvement even for Richard, who is a high knight.

Needless to say, the Scorpion Lion is a mid-level soldier in the sixth level, but after all, he is a sixth-level soldier after promotion. He must be at the level of the earth, buy it!

And the five extremely expensive gems on the market are also must-buy items for Richard, although they are not used for the time being.

But Richard has not yet found a gem that can be recognized by the system in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, so buying it now is just for emergencies.

After knowing that he could not use Lao Shizi’s status as a divine messenger to make cheap purchases, Richard didn’t say much. With a wave of his hand, he spent 20,000 gold to clear out the entire market, just like a luxury goods shop. A big dog who scans goods in the store.

If you want to ask Richard why he is so rich,

Then we have to start with Lin Te. Before Lin Te took refuge with Richard, he had always had his own power and accumulated a lot of wealth. When he left Piaoxue City, he also disposed of many properties and replaced them with Cash, compared to Richard who is so poor that he wants to break a silver coin into two for use, he is really a rich man,

After Lint, who was rich and wealthy, joined Richard, he took down all the unissued bonds of the Hunter family in one fell swoop.

The reason why I ask is that I have confidence in the Hunter family or in Richard, and I will definitely make money by buying this bond.

After Richard confirmed the purchase, the gems appeared directly on the system interface. The column that was originally 0 became 5. Richard owned five units of gems.

Potions and Harpy Horns appeared on the counter,

The appearance of the potion is no different from the last divine potion, but there seems to be some slight difference in color,

Richard was not taboo, he opened the potion on the spot and drank two bottles of potion in succession. The system could not harm him anyway, this thing is not poisonous,

The effect of the potion was very fast. Apart from a burst of heat and soreness on the body, there was no particularly strong feeling. It returned to normal after a few minutes. Richard could clearly feel that his strength had been slightly enhanced, and it was also very intuitive on the attribute panel. It can be seen that the strength has increased by two points.

Look at the harpy horn next to the medicine box,

The Harpy’s horn is dark brown in color and looks a bit small and unattractive. Richard casually took it and hung it around his waist,

Who would have thought that this inconspicuous horn on his waist could attract a hundred quasi-knight-level air units to help.

But he didn’t want to experiment with the Harpy Horn. The cooldown period for this thing was a full month. He was about to conquer the wilderness, but he didn’t dare to hand over the skill casually.

The last Manticore still walked out from behind the door in the market like the Diamond Man. That door was simply a door to another dimension.

The dark red manticore is roughly the same as the one in the game, a lion with fleshy wings and a venomous stinger on its tail,

The body is five meters long, and if you include the tail, it is nearly seven meters.

It was much stronger than the lion in Richard’s previous life, but this extremely ferocious-looking creature put away its fleshy wings and claws in front of Richard, and rubbed against Richard’s feet, just like a A big cat that wants to be **** by humans.

Richard leaned down and stroked the manticore’s thick hair a few times with his palms, thinking that it would be too cool to keep this thing as a pet.

Richard habitually tested the strength of the Manticore,

The Manticore thought that Richard was playing with it, so it excitedly pressed Richard under him several times, making Richard almost out of breath.

In the end, Richard came to the conclusion that the Manticore Lion should barely have the strength to enter the Earth Knight level for the first time. It is weaker than the Champion Knight Zebul, but definitely stronger than the Diamond Man. With his bonus, it should be It’s still enhanced, but it shouldn’t be a match for a peak earth knight like Thor.

“Sir, please go slowly, welcome to come again next time!”

“I won’t give it away. I hope Mr. Grandet can give me a discount next time I come. I don’t know which **** it is.”

After finishing scanning the goods, Richard took all the troops accumulated by Stone Castle during this period and left towards Linzhong City,

There are still many soldiers accumulated there, and now Richard is not worried at all about the power of centaurs and great elves being exposed,

In the whole Northland, who can do anything to Richard?



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