Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 137: January


The Lord’s Mansion of the Demonic Castle

Richard was sitting in the garden enjoying the warm spring sun, while a maid mixed some tea for him.

Since Lin Te completely took over the daily affairs of the Demon Suppression Castle, Richard has been freed from these tedious affairs and has time to bask in the sun in the garden, sip tea, and be a salted fish for a while.

“Sir Richard, here is the territory situation this month, as well as the amount of soap sales, please take a look.”

“No need to read, I can rest assured that you will do your job.”

Lint, who was sitting opposite Richard, was reporting to Richard on the daily management status of the Demon Suppression Castle.

Since he decided to work for Richard, Lint quickly got into the mood, and after getting a little familiar with it, he took charge of the daily affairs of the Demon Suppression Castle,

And he quickly showed his ability in internal affairs, which was even better than what Richard originally did.

With Lin Te’s surrender, what Richard got was not just a top talent,

Lin Te also has caravan channels, elite armed forces and even intelligence agencies, to use an inappropriate analogy,

Lin Te’s defection was equivalent to bringing a generous dowry with him. Richard recruited Lin Te and also annexed a large force in the North.

The funds brought by Lin Te greatly alleviated the financial difficulties caused by Richard’s military aggression,

And through Lin Te’s mature trade channels, the sales of soap have also been completely opened, and Richard has once again experienced a rare financial surplus.

“Nightingale, please ask Sir Richard to send someone to accept it as soon as possible.”

“I told you, just continue to take care of Nightingale. Others can’t take care of it now.”

Nightingale was Lin Te’s original intelligence agency, and it was not as professional as Yusidu,

After all, Yusidu’s intelligence concepts all come from Richard, and Richard absorbed thousands of years of experience and knowledge from his previous life on Blue Star to come up with a set of intelligence concepts that is extremely advanced in this world. Yusidu’s Being more professional than Nightingale is not something that makes Richard proud. They just stand on the shoulders of giants.

Although it lags behind Yusidu in terms of professionalism and philosophy, it is undeniable that Nightingale is already one of the best intelligence organizations in this era,

Compared with Yusidu, Nightingale has been cultivating longer and covering a wider area, which definitely has a great supplementary effect on Yusidu.

“Sir, you must send someone to take over Nightingale.”

Lint was very rare this time to be serious. Regardless of whether Richard was sincerely generous or pretending to refuse, an organization like Nightingale should not be in the hands of someone like him who had just taken refuge.

“In that case, you are still responsible for the operation of Nightingale. I will select a few smarter people from Yusidu and the official school of Ironwood City to go to Nightingale, and it will happen that Nightingale will be reformed according to Yusidu.”

Seeing Lin Te’s firm attitude, Richard thought about it and came up with a compromise solution.

In fact, he is really not worried about Lin Te causing trouble with Nightingale. Although the two intelligence systems cost manpower and material resources, one obvious advantage is that the intelligence from both sides can corroborate each other.

As long as the minds of the two intelligence organizations do not collude, they will never dare to deceive Richard, because no one knows whether the other line has obtained relevant intelligence,

In the presence of Yusidu, even if Lin Te had any selfish intentions, it would be difficult to hide important matters from Richard through Nightingale,

The most important thing is that Richard’s real trump card is the group of system soldiers who are loyal and will not betray him. With this army supporting him, Richard feels very secure and rarely becomes suspicious.

“That’s fine.”

Lin Te thought for a while and finally accepted Richard’s proposal.

“How is the progress of the recent expansion project of Zhenmo City?”

“There is no shortage of labor at present, but due to the large amount of work, it may take some time to complete.”

“But those kobold slaves are good at digging holes and quarrying rocks, and they don’t consume much food. It would be nice if they could have more.”

The project of expanding the Demonic City with the Demonic Demonic Castle as the center started after Richard sorted out the military affairs,

At this time, just after the ogres were raging, there are still a large number of refugees in the territory that Richard took over. They are all ready-made labor. Relief with work is the best way to deal with it.

All road and city projects have been started together, and the price that needs to be paid now is just basic food,

The expansion project of Zhenmo City is the key project set by Richard for this work-for-relief project.

It’s just that compared to Ironwood City, the expansion of Demon City is much larger,

Because of its location, Ironwood City can absorb 40,000 to 50,000 residents even if it is full. After all, although Ironwood City is the place where the Hunter family made their fortune, its location is still too remote, almost at the northernmost point of Northland.

The products are also relatively simple. There are only some timber merchants who will buy some timber, and there are also some sporadic leather goods markets. It is enough for small wealthy people, but it is difficult to have greater development. Ironwood City cannot support this level. Richard’s ambition,

The Demon Suppression Castle is different. Although it borders the wilderness, it is actually closer to Piaoxue City. The wider Daling River flows next to it. There are also some special products in the wilderness that can attract many caravans. The Hull family originally served as a transit point for caravans heading to the wilderness, and they became the first echelon of nobles in the North besides the Lanster family.

It’s just that the ogres in the wilderness are unreasonable and powerful. These caravans go to the wilderness to trade with their heads pinned to their pants. The ogres need their products to be genuine, but they can’t bear this. The group of ogres are like bandits and don’t understand the principle of long-term flow. As long as they encounter a tribe and have evil intentions, the entire caravan will have to answer.

Under such circumstances, caravans are willing to go to the wilderness to carry out trade, which shows that the benefits are high.

Of course Richard’s ambitions don’t stop there. Being the second in command of the Hull family simply falls short of standards.

What he wants to do is to completely conquer all the tribes in the wilderness, turn the dangerous wilderness into a safe passage for caravans, and bring the wilderness into his own territory,

The project volume of Demon Suppression City is at least five or six times that of Ironwood City, and the target is also the Lanster family’s Piaoxue City,

Of course, such a large project cannot be completed in a short time, and the meal must be eaten one bite at a time.

“Master Richard, Master Gandolf wants to see you.”

“Invite him in.”

“Yes, sir.”

While Richard and Lint were still planning their big plan, Gandolf finally couldn’t help but come to see Richard.

It has been almost a month since he moved to the Demon Suppressing Castle, and Richard has not given any confirmation when he will go to the wilderness.

Although he served delicious food and drinks all day long, he was always worried about something and his life was not comfortable.

“Lord Richard, Lord Linte…”

After entering the door, Gandolf said hello to the two of them,

After living in the city lord’s mansion for so long, Gandolf naturally understood Lint’s current status. When they first met, he wanted to accept Lint as a disciple because Lint had the talent to become a mage.

Unfortunately, Gandolf actually didn’t have any useful information, and Lint was not as easy to fool as Luo Lin, so the matter had to be dropped.

After hearing this, Richard asked Gandolf carefully if there was any way to detect the opponent’s talent.

After all, Richard has a system, so he naturally knows that Luo Lin and Lin Te have higher mental strength than ordinary people, and they are indeed suitable people to become Masters,

It was only in the face of Richard’s inquiry that Gandolf kept talking about it. In the end, he really didn’t dare to fool Richard, so he told the truth.

Whenever he meets someone with a weak body and a clever mind, he will trick them into learning magic from him. This is because such people have stopped being knights, so they are likely to be fooled by him.

Li Cha, who knew the truth, immediately lost interest.

“Sir Richard, it’s been a month, when can I go to the wilderness…”

Although Gandolf was anxious, he still suppressed his temper after entering the door and reminded Richard in a tactful tone.

“Your Excellency Gandolf, please sit down first.”

Richard pointed to the empty seat next to him and asked the waiter to also give Gandolf a cup of tea.

“Master Richard, what do you think?”

Gandalf now completely lacks the calmness that a mage should have. His mind is full of spells and magic crystals, and he is a bit more anxious than Richard.

“The time is coming soon. Just prepare yourself. We can set off in a few days.”

After saying that, regardless of Gandolf’s excitement, he turned back to Lint and said:

“There are also as many kobold slaves as you need. From this time on, you can have as many as you want.”

The market has been refreshed again. After a month of accumulation, Linzhongcheng and Stone Castle have more soldiers.

The time is almost here…


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