Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 136: Put it on the agenda


“You’re saying that the ogre priest can use magic most likely by relying on the magic crystal to supply magic power?”

“Yes, I can feel that the mainland is still in a state of depletion of magic power, and it is impossible to support him to cast such a large-scale bloodthirsty spell,

The only other possibility is that a mana crystal mine appeared in the wilderness, and the ogre priest relied on the magic power of the mana crystal mine to cast his innate bloodthirsty spell. ”

After negotiating the terms, Richard began to understand the details,

When Gandolf mentioned the word magic crystal, Richard couldn’t help but perked up,

Crystal does not exist alone on the mainland. There is only magic crystal. If nothing else, this is a rare resource that has been blocking Richard from building new buildings.

Originally, this thing disappeared in the era of the Elf Empire. Yusi under Richard spent a lot of effort to find such a name, and then completely cut off the line, leaving Richard to pay attention to the subsequent construction. Construction was once a little frustrated and could only rely on random market refreshes to try its luck and wait for resources.

I didn’t expect to hear this word again here, probably in the wilderness.

“Then do you know where the previous mages lived?”

Seeing that the mage in front of him seemed to be a learned man, Richard suddenly thought of something and asked.

“Of course I live in the mage tower!”

“Thousands of years ago during the Elf Empire, every official mage would have his own mage tower. The mage tower was equivalent to the castle of the knights. They lived in it and could use the mage tower to defend themselves against powerful enemies.

There is usually a small town that serves mages completely around, and mages have a high status…”

When he mentioned this, Gandolf started talking completely, and even talked a little excitedly, as if he was about to return to the era when mages were supreme.

“Well, do you know where there is a mage tower now?”

Li Cha already had a guess in his mind, so he asked again


At this time Gandolf stopped talking and said with some embarrassment:

“You have to know that mage towers are built with precious materials. After the mage lost his magic power, most of the mage tower ruins were dismantled into original materials. Hundreds of years ago, there may still be mage towers in the kingdom. Now…”

“In other words, even the ruins of the Mage Tower can’t be found now?”

“That’s not absolute. There may be mage towers remaining in some remote places.”

“For example?”

“For example, on the endless snowfield.”

When Richard heard this, he felt like the little old man in front of him was making fun of himself. The endless snowfield was so big, and there were snow giants that were more dangerous than ogres. In this environment, he had to look for a mage like a needle in a haystack. The ruins of the tower,

If he really finds it, he will believe that he is the son of destiny, and he will just rush to the front in future battles.

“My lord, there is a map handed down from the Elf Empire in the library of the palace, which accurately records the location of every mage tower on the continent,

If you want to find the ruins of the Mage Tower, I am willing to go to the endless snowfield with you to look for the Mage Tower after your trip to the wilderness. ”

Gandalf also saw Richard’s interest and doubts, and cleverly put forward a condition, as if to give Richard a little more leverage to send troops to the wilderness for him.


Richard nodded and did not answer the question. Instead, he issued an ejection order tactfully.

“You’ve been working hard all the way, so go down and rest first.”

He still has a lot of things to do, and doesn’t have much time to spend with the old and the young who can’t create value for him yet.

“Then, Lord Earl, when will we go to the wilderness?”

“It takes some time to prepare. You should take a good rest in the Demon-Suppressing Castle during this time.”

“It shouldn’t take long.”

Looking at Gandolf’s anxious look, Richard finally added.

“Then, sir, let us know when you have set the time, and we can set off at any time.”

After that, Gandolf and Luo Lin returned to the room under the guidance of the waiter. Although he was a little anxious, he did not dare to continue to make Richard unhappy.

However, Richard’s answer was not perfunctory. Indeed, he was not willing to wait too long,

The development of the two heroic invincible cities has been stagnant for a long time due to the lack of crystal resources. In fact, he is also in a hurry,

Originally, he planned to stay in this Demon Suppressing Castle for a while,

When the new territory is completely restored to its vitality, bring the soldiers of the two legions, accumulate hundreds of Crusaders and more other troops, and directly bulldoze Grugesh in one wave.

Anyway, the balance of time is on his side,

In fact, both Grugesh and Richard are holding back their bad intentions. Grugesh wants to spend some time and rely on his own strength to integrate all the wilderness ogres step by step. He no longer thinks about it as before. He became a big fat man in one bite, and finally formed a powerful force completely under his control before heading eastward again.

But Richard is different. If it is just for the ogres, the balance of time is on his side.

Generally speaking, there is probably no lord in the North who has accumulated strength as fast as Grugesh,

If the kingdom is still unable to free up space in a few years, it will probably be a more serious ogre disaster,

But with Richard as an outlier, Grugesh will only become more desperate the longer he delays.

But now the situation has changed. After Zebul joined, Richard’s subordinates no longer have any shortcomings in high-end power. With the news of the magic crystal, Richard is not willing to delay for so long.

Wait for another month, the Tiger and Leopard Army will be thoroughly trained, accumulate some troops in the hero invincibility system, and then obtain some treasures and troops that can enhance their strength from the refreshed market, they should be able to launch a crusade against Grugesh .

Richard has a new task that he has not yet completed

“Source of unrest: 1. Kill the two-headed ogre priest Grugesh.

2. Basically eliminate the main force of the Grugesh tribe. ”



“A sneeze, a sneeze…”

Grogesh’s two heads sneezed at the same time.

Grogesh just inspected the newly recruited tribesmen,

Currently, Grugesh has changed his previous gentle approach and relied on the strength of his direct lineage to coerce and lure other small and medium-sized tribes, asking them to join his tribe.

For tribes that really don’t obey, they will directly send people to attack,

Glugesh himself has the mythical bonus of the two-headed ogre, and he also has the most powerful force in the wilderness,

When he began to forcibly annex the tribes, the resistance he encountered was not as great as expected. It can be said that the power of Grugesh’s subordinates was increasing every day, and he soon returned to his previous peak level.

And because of the plundering of a large number of craftsmen, the equipment level of Grugesh’s subordinates is also constantly improving.


An eagle’s cry came from the distance,

Grugesh looked up and saw the strange bird that disgusted him again,

“Sooner or later you will pay the price.”

PS: Three updates of vomiting blood, please subscribe and vote


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