Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 134: New heroes


Magic Town Castle, afternoon,

Lint asked Richard to punch him with a combination of courtesy and muscle flexing. He was a little dizzy and moved directly into the room arranged by Richard.

The maid whom Richard himself had not even had time to arrange was given priority to Lin Te. At this moment, Lin Te had acquiesced to serve Richard.

Richard, who was in a good mood, went to the school grounds after settling Lint in and inspected the army that had just been reorganized. After all, it was a new army, and he had to brush up on his presence every day.

At this time, there are a total of 30,000 troops stationed in the Demon Suppressing Castle, two flag regiments totaling 10,000 Flying Bear Army soldiers and one legion of new troops,

At this time, it was inappropriate to continue to call the new army in the river valley the new army. After adjusting the officers, Richard changed its name to the Tiger and Leopard Army, a name with some oriental characteristics.

Although Richard’s naming method is somewhat incompatible with the naming tradition of the Golden Dragon Kingdom’s legions, everyone still follows Richard’s preference for such a small matter. It sounds quite majestic anyway.

“The Tigers and Leopards have just made adjustments. Nothing unusual these days.”

“The military pay has just been released. The morale of the military is very stable and there will be no surprises.”

At this time, Kerry, who had just been promoted to the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Army, was accompanying Richard to inspect the troops. It turned out that the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Army was a confidant brought by Saul. After the handover, he had already left with Saul.

Kerry was promoted by Richard Rocket to become the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Army.

Quil and Kerry are both natives of the Hunter family. They are early graduates of Ironwood City’s official school and can be regarded as their absolute confidants.

The talents and talents are among the best among the students of the same period. They have been trained by Richard. The two of them are only in their twenties and have already reached the peak of quasi-knights.

But even with the talents of the two, if they continue step by step, it will take at least several years to accumulate before they can enter the knight level, and it is impossible to assume the position of army commander.

After the war, Richard gave two potions purchased from the Stone Castle market to the two of them. After all, they both had merit and loyalty,

The God-given potion is almost useless to Richard, who has advanced to a great knight, and he can’t make babies even if he keeps it,

It was Richard’s generosity that moved Quil and thanked him profusely.

Compared with the original Jingbei Army, there are also veteran armies such as the Western Border Army Longxiguan Guards and the Royal Capital Forbidden Army,

After Richard’s perfect ideological arming and scientific daily training, the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army are definitely not weak in terms of basic soldiers as long as they experience one or two actual combats. The bigger gap is still in the officers. In terms of strength,

Many of the captains of these veteran legions who lead 500 people are already powerful knights. Most of the flag captains must be senior knights, and the legion commanders are generally high knights.

In the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army, the general officers are still mainly quasi-knights. Even these quasi-knights were only recently supplemented by students from the Ironwood City Official Academy, and only at the level of the legion commander. It is held by Quill and Kerry, two knights who have just advanced. This is also the knight level that Richard himself has trained in the past few years, except for the relatives of the Hunter family.

Although the strength of the officers is a bit weaker, Richard still insists on his own way of cultivating talents to ensure the absolute obedience of the army. Otherwise, with the current expanded strength of the Hunter family, it may not make sense to recruit big knights, but recruiting some There is absolutely no problem with the Cavaliers’ effectiveness.

“Does the Tiger and Leopard Army lack something?”

After checking around, Richard found that there seemed to be no supplies to replenish, so he asked directly.

“The armor and weapons are all ready, even better than the Flying Bear Army. All we need to do is ensure the military pay and food.”

Kerry’s words are not to boast. Although the Tiger and Leopard Army has not been in the army for a long time, the treatment is definitely not bad.

Although Hunter Territory has developed well under Richard’s management, it is far behind the river valleys with developed industry and commerce.

It makes sense that the wealth of Thor’s nobles in the river valley will be enough to equip the new army. The materials used in their armor are no worse than those of the Flying Bear Army, and their helmets are also full of iron, not like those of the Flying Bear Army. Iron bone leather helmet,

Richard picked up a fully equipped legion for nothing this time and made a lot of money.

While Richard was chatting with ordinary soldiers at close range, making things happen, and showing off his character of loving soldiers as his own son, a guard from the city lord’s palace interrupted Richard’s performance.

“Your Majesty, Earl, a person claiming to be a court mage is looking for you. They also claim to have a letter of introduction from Lord Saul.”

“Where are the people?”

“Already at the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion.”

“Well, I’ll go there later.”

After speaking, Richard turned around and patted Kerry, who was following him.

“Don’t relax in training, the strings must be tightened. We don’t have much time, and we may fight the ogres at any time, so hurry up and train the Tiger and Leopard Army.”

“Yes, sir!”

After Richard encouraged Kerry a few more words, he followed the guards and left the school grounds.

The Demon-Suppressing Castle is either big or small. When the Demon-Suppressing Castle was originally called Hel Castle, it was the base of the Earl of Hull.

As the main city of an earldom, Hull Castle is naturally not comparable to the Hunter family’s Ironwood Castle or the Stone Castle.

Ironwood Castle and Stone Castle can accommodate at most a few hundred people. They are typical military castles of knights and nobles. Generally, only noble families and guards and attendants live there. There are not a large number of residents.

Richard’s Ironwood City also built an outer city around the Ironwood Castle so that more than 10,000 people could live there.

Although the Demon Suppression Castle is called a castle, it is actually a small town with a few thousand residents. In extreme cases, tens of thousands of people can be put in with all the troops stationed there. However, the original residents followed the ogres and broke down the castle. , went to disaster with the Hull family, and now there are no new residents except Richard’s army.

Richard’s ambitions are also very great. In the end, the Demon Suppressing Castle will still be used by him as the inner city. He plans to rely on the Demon Suppressing Castle to build a large northern city that is no less than Piaoxue City, but all this will have to wait for Li Cha. This can only be carried out after the threat from the wilderness has been completely eliminated.

The distance from the school grounds to the City Lord’s Mansion is not far, but within ten minutes, Richard returned to the outside of the City Lord’s Mansion,

I was seeing an old man and a young man blocking the outside of the city lord’s mansion due north. There were also several valley cavalry leading horses beside them.

“The Earl is back!”

The guards in front of the door saluted Richard one after another, and several cavalrymen in the valley immediately saluted Richard after being slow to react.

After all, they have seen Richard’s majesty a long time ago and do not dare to be rude easily,

“Good day, Earl.”

Although Gandolf is a court mage, the mages of this era have long lost the pride of spellcasters. Facing the recent rise in fame of Uncle Hirano, he still behaves very conscientiously,

But Richard’s attention is obviously not on the main character,

My eyes were already staring blankly at Luo Lin, who was at a loss…

“New hero!”



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