Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 133: Coming one after another


A few days later, Demon Suppression Castle

Richard was sitting at the table, dizzy and busy,

When Demon Town Castle was founded, many things were still in the process of being standardized. This is the time when there are the most things going on,

Not to mention the formation of a new legion. The replacement of officers and the change of numbers have to be handled by Richard personally. He will not completely change the establishment of this team.

Some positions must be replaced by yourself to feel at ease,

Fortunately, the new regiment in the river valley was established not long ago, and there were not so many intricate and complicated relationships in it. Although Richard’s adjustment also harmed the interests of some people, no one jumped out to oppose it.

Originally, in Ironwood City, Egg was managing all these chores. Richard made more decisions on major matters, and was more hands-on with the army.

But now that he is here at the Demon-Suppressing Castle, it is impossible for Egg to abandon the daily affairs of Ironwood City and come to the Demon-Suppressing Castle,

With the current size of Ironwood City, if both Richard and Egg are separated at the same time and the affairs are handed over to Viscount Sauter…

Richard shuddered when he thought about it. Although Richard brought some skilled stewards and some government school graduates with sufficient education to assist in handling affairs,

But there is always a lack of talent who can coordinate and straighten out everything, so Richard has no choice but to go into battle himself for the time being.


After Richard slouched, he picked up the tea in front of the table and took a sip.

The soaking is a bit rough and the astringency is a bit strong, obviously it was done by a rough hand,

Originally, those maids who did detailed work did not have time to be assigned to the Demon Suppressing Castle.

For Richard, who was used to living a comfortable life, these days were simply unbearable.

“Lord Richard, Lint Lanster, whom you asked to pay attention to, is almost at the Demon Suppression Castle.”

When Richard was feeling a little sad, Colen came in and brought good news to Richard.

“Huh? We’re already here! Let’s go, let’s go…”

Li Cha, who was still leaning on his chair, stood up and became energetic when he heard that Lin Te had arrived.

After these days of busy work, Richard understood why Zhuge Wuhou became ill from overwork, and he realized more clearly how important it was to have several capable internal affairs talents under his command.

“Go get Zebul and Ron.”

Richard ordered to Column as he went out.

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

“Wait a minute?”

“What other orders do you have, sir?”

Colen, who had already gone out, was stopped again by Richard.

“Tell me, should I wear shoes or not wear shoes when I go out?”

Colen: “…”

Obviously, Column can’t take on Richard’s plot at all. It seems that this continent still doesn’t pay enough attention to talents, and there has never even been a story about forgetting to meet him.


“Sir, the Crusaders have all assembled.”

Ron reported to Richard on the side, while Zebul was holding his Red Flame horse and standing on the other side. Anyway, whether riding or not, the Red Flame horse can be seen wherever Zebul can be seen. horse,

Richard would occasionally suspect that Zebul had planned to spend the rest of his life with his horse when he refused the marriage arranged by him.

In front of the three people were more than fifty crusaders standing neatly, standing quietly with swords in hand, waiting for Richard’s order,

Richard looked at this group of mighty crusaders and nodded with satisfaction.

“Well, let’s go and show off our momentum later.”

Richard led Ron, Zebul and all the Crusaders under his command towards the outside of Demon Suppression City, but Richard still wore his shoes and went out.

After all, the room is still some distance from the castle gate. Walking so far on the ground with bare feet, even if the ground is not cold, would be too much for Richard’s slight mysophobia.

When recruiting talents, in addition to showing your sincerity, you also need to show your strength.

Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and invited Zhuge Liang to assist him, relying on his sincerity.

In the early days, Yuan Shao was able to get many top talents to actively join him because of his strength.

Richard is different. His approach is called a two-pronged approach, and he vows to capture this top talent for his own use.

“Master Lin Te, look ahead!”

Lint, who was approaching the Demon Suppressing Castle, followed what Sander pointed at and saw a group of soldiers with sparkling armor standing on both sides of the city gate, and one person standing in the middle. If you look closely, you can already recognize that it is the person who was there before. Richard, whom we met once.

“Hey, the battle is not small.”

Soon, Lin Te and the two walked to the gate of the castle,

Li Cha took the initiative to greet him.

“Master Lin Te, long time no see.”

The two of them looked at each other with smiles. Only Sander on the side was not so relaxed. He could feel that none of the soldiers around him was weak.

Especially the knight holding the BMW beside him gave him a strong sense of crisis, making him unconsciously want to reach out and touch the sword at his waist, but he restrained himself.

After all, this is Richard’s territory. If Richard has bad intentions, it won’t make much difference whether he draws his sword or not.

On the other hand, Lin Te didn’t care at all and continued to have a relaxed conversation with Richard.

“Master Richard, what does this mean?”

“Master Lin Te is a great sage. Do you think I am worthy of your service?”


Richard’s words were a bit straightforward, and Lin Te didn’t know how to react for a moment.

In fact, he accepted Richard’s invitation to come to the Demon Suppressing Castle with the intention of observing it, but he didn’t expect Richard to hit a straight shot.

“Cough cough”

Lint coughed a little to relieve his embarrassment.

“Master Richard asked me to be a guest and stand at this door?”

“It’s because I didn’t entertain you well. Simple meals have been prepared in the city, please.”

After Richard made a gesture of invitation, the others walked towards the city. When Sander came over, Richard took the reins of the donkey and pushed Sander aside.

Li Cha’s attitude is one that even those who have not been baptized by five thousand years of culture would probably be unable to withstand.

Just when a few people were approaching the city gate, the crusaders lined up on both sides simultaneously ignited their fighting spirit,

The strong fighting spirit light is actually a bit dazzling in the daytime,

Using knights as welcome flower baskets is such a luxurious practice. It is estimated that only the royal family in the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom can do this.

This scene is probably much more exciting than holding a welcoming ceremony and looking for hundreds of beautiful girls to dance for fun. Even Lin Te, who has seen strong winds and waves, was shocked by the strength displayed by Richard. ,

When the Crusaders were exuding fighting spirit, Zebul did not hide his strength. The strong fighting spirit allowed Lint and Sander to directly confirm Zebul’s strength.

It turned out to be the earth…

In addition to Lint and Sander, those who were shocked were also the master and apprentice Gandolf who had just approached the Demon Suppression Castle.

They could see the fighting spirit burning at the entrance of Demon Suppression Castle from a distance.

“Okay, so awesome!”

Luo Lin was already stammering when he spoke. Being a knight was already his dream, but he had never seen so many knights at the same time, and they all ignited their fighting spirit at the same time.

Gandalf, who looked calm on the side, was ecstatic inside,

Unexpectedly, Mr. Hirano has such strength. This trip to the wilderness can be more confident…


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