Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 132: Leave


Piaoxue City

Shortly after the funeral of Marquis Wade, James legitimately inherited the position of Marquis and became the new Marquis of the North, and was quickly recognized by the kingdom.

However, James is the first Northern Marquis in many years who does not have the strength of a great knight,

Of course, at this time, it was not just the Marquis who was weak in the Lanster family. The strength of the entire family was also at its lowest point, and several great knights were all killed.

Only some powerful knights are holding up the scene. The only one with the strength of a great knight, Sander, is not strictly a member of the Lanster family.

The Lanster family suffered such a heavy blow that it would take at least twenty years of rest and recuperation to recover.

However, James, who had just inherited the title, did not realize that he had taken over the mess. Instead, he was secretly happy.

Does a high-class aristocratic family like the Lanster family have family ties? Maybe there is still a little bit of it. It is definitely impossible for James to not feel a little sad about the death of Marquis Wade, but in comparison, power and status may be more fragrant.

The position that was almost out of his reach actually fell to him like this,

Coupled with the fact that he successfully escaped the ogres after coming out of the Helburg tunnel this time, he felt that he was also a person with great luck.

After all, the tunnel at Fort Hull was not far away at that time. The heir to the Hull family fled with him, but was discovered by an ogre patrol halfway.

The Hull family was entangled by the ogre, but James luckily escaped and returned to this snowy city, becoming the only person qualified to inherit the title.

“Lord Marquis, in the newly formed legion, almost all of Master Lint’s people have withdrawn from the legion, and legion commander Sander did not go to the legion’s headquarters today.”

“What did you say?”

“New Legion…”

“No, the previous sentence.”

“Lord Marquis?”

The confidant who was reporting intelligence to the new Northland Hou James sounded hesitant.


James suddenly burst out laughing. Because Marquis Wade died and the funeral had just been held, James felt little joy in his heart and did not dare to express it at will.

Now there are no outsiders in the room, and I hear my confidant calling out the title I once dreamed of,

Emotions that had been suppressed for several days suddenly burst out,

Facing James who was laughing nervously, the confidants on the side were a little embarrassed, so they had no choice but to cater to him and force out a smile.

Finally, James stopped after venting his emotions, turned around and asked:

“Where is my fourth brother?”

Although James is not as brave as the boss and not as capable as Lint, he is not stupid. He knows how influential Lint is during this period, but the non-threatening existence of the third brother has been completely ignored by him.

“Master Linte moved out of the Marquis Mansion yesterday.”


“Why does he have to do this? Let him come to see me. The Lanster family has been so severely damaged. We brothers have to work together.”

Not to mention that James’ words were somewhat true, Lint had already packed his luggage, carried it on Sander’s back, and walked towards the city gate.

When he was in charge of the overall situation of Piaoxue City, he knew how many people he had offended. He knew that he could not practice, and James would not be able to tolerate him now,

But after all, he has already taken control of the Lanster family. Even if he is just a firefighter, he has still sat in that position.

Who can guarantee that James will feel a thorn in his heart when he thinks of this incident in the future?

And now there are many people in the Lanster family who want him to be unlucky. Just talking about that group of elders makes him hate him. If it weren’t for Sander’s strength as a knight, he would have been in trouble from the first day he handed over power. I’m afraid someone is going to cause trouble for him.

Leaving, leaving now, is actually the best choice.

“Master, the Dark Riders have all withdrawn from the Jingbei Army according to your instructions.”


Previously, the newly formed legion lacked enough officers, so Lint made up for it with the strong men in his dark cavalry regiment.

Now it is impossible for James to tolerate that half of the officers in the entire Jingbei Army are Lint’s people.

“How are the sales of properties in the city going?”

“Because the selling price is lower than the market price, I have already sold all of them, but I have made some losses.”

“It doesn’t matter, this Piaoxue City will be a stagnant water from now on. Maybe it was the same before, so there is no point in keeping it.”

“Master, where are we going now?”

“Excuse me, is this Master Linte?”

Sander had just finished asking, when a middle-aged man dressed as a trafficker suddenly came to the side.

Sander subconsciously stood between the opponent and Lint, pressing his right hand on the hilt of the sword. Fortunately, the opponent did not come closer and stopped at a safe distance.

“Who are you?”

“I work for Richard Hirano, Uncle Hirano invites you to get together at the Demon Suppressing Castle.”

“Look, isn’t there a place to go?”

Sander: “…”



A few cavalrymen escorting a carriage just left Guancheng and walked north,

“How far is it from us to the Demon-Suppressing Castle?”

A head poked out from the carriage window and asked several cavalrymen.

“Lord Gandolf, we have just left Zhenbeiguan. At the current speed, it will take about ten days to arrive.”

Gandalf was the court mage who asked for help in Thor’s mansion before. After Thor sent him to Richard, he did not ignore him completely. Instead, he sent several elite cavalry to **** him to avoid this incident. Something happened to the old man and the young man on the way.

“It’s going to take so long, can we hurry up?”

The cavalry leader on the side is a little embarrassed. If you want to say fast, you can definitely go faster. The current speed must be so slow to take care of the old and the young.

It took several days of hard work. If the two men couldn’t stand it soon and something went wrong and they couldn’t get the person safely, he wouldn’t be able to give Saul a report.

“It’s okay. We are both mages and have been practicing for many years. We are not afraid of this bumpy situation. Let’s speed up.”

“Okay, sir, if you can’t bear it, just tell me.”

“Don’t worry, I know it myself.”

The leading cavalry hesitated for a moment, but decided to listen to Gandolf’s instructions. Although he didn’t know what level of big shot the court mage was, since it was the person whom Lord Thor personally ordered to escort, he should not offend him. of.

“Then sit tight.”

“Speed ​​up, drive!”


The carriage, which was originally traveling at a normal speed, suddenly accelerated with the trotting of the horses.

Gandalf couldn’t sit still and almost fell over. After the jolt, Gandorf’s first action was to put his hand into his pocket and hold down the letter of introduction given by Thor, for fear of accidentally touching it. Lost.

Only Luo Lin, who was sitting in the car with him, clung to the stool of the carriage and expressed his strong dissatisfaction.

“Old guy, you are going to die!”


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