Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 131: Throw it to Richard


“You mean, the two-headed ogre priest uses spells?”

Though Thor did not see Grugesh using the bloodthirsty technique with his own eyes, he was still deeply impressed by the intelligence that directly led to the defeat of the Jingbei Army,

At first, Thor only thought it was the effect of some kind of treasure in the ogre tribe, and did not think about the magic.

After all, mages have only existed in some classics for as long as Thor can remember. It is normal not to think about it for a while. Now, after receiving the reminder from the court mage in front of me, I have taken it a little more seriously.

“Yes, that’s right! It should be the signature spell of the ogre priest a thousand years ago, bloodthirsty thaumaturgy.”

“There are also records in the royal palace’s classics. It must be a spell. The ogre sacrifice definitely contains the secret of spell casting. We must master this secret.

I believe Lord Thor also knows the power of spells in war. Ogres have a single spellcasting ability. If we master this secret, we can cast more powerful spells. ”

Although the old man was excited, he spoke in a very orderly manner. He knew how to arouse Sol’s interest,

For people like Thor, magic is a strange thing, but as long as he is told that magic can be used in war, he will be interested.

“What help do you want from me?”


The old man secretly thought, when Sol asked this question, it already showed that he was interested.

“I hope you can send someone to protect us and go to the wilderness to investigate. It is best to capture the ogre priest and maybe torture something out.”

The old man couldn’t wait to express his request,

But as soon as he finished speaking, before Sol could respond, Kurtz frowned on the side,

If there is a chance to catch Grugash, you still need to tell me.

Saul didn’t respond. Even though Kurtz felt it was outrageous, he couldn’t speak for Saul. The hall suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Obviously Sol is still thinking about something,

The so-called secret of spellcasting is just a possibility and a guess in Thor’s opinion. The possibility is not certain,

Thor has not experienced the age of magic, and he does not have enough knowledge of the power of magic.

It was obviously impossible for him to delay returning to the Northland for something with an uncertain outcome, but for him to give up, he felt a little regretful, and Thor was entangled.

Looking at the silent Sol, the old man became nervous. He came with great hope this time,

The old man learned a complete set of magic knowledge from his teacher, but he never successfully cast a spell,

Successfully casting a spell can be said to be his lifelong wish. With his knowledge, he should have a good life no matter where he goes, but he spends all his time reading various magic books that no one has successfully practiced for hundreds of years. Ku Yan has been raised like a charity by the royal family, and has received a lot of looks from his eyes.

Originally, he had been desperate after trying for so many years. He deceived a successor and wanted to pass on his useless magic knowledge.

But accidentally knowing the war situation in the North, he suddenly seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, and rushed to the river valley with his young disciple, hoping to seek help from Thor.

“I don’t have time to help you investigate in the wilderness.”

After thinking about it for a while, Thor still gave up the idea of ​​returning to the Northland,

Hearing Sol’s decision, the old man’s heart felt as if he had fallen into the bottom of the valley, and his whole spirit was sluggish.

“Then please take care of this child. If I don’t come back, please let him inherit my position as court mage.”

The court mage has always been inherited from master to disciple. There are usually three court mage. Now, except for the old man, the others are basically living in the name of the Charman family and waiting to die based on the ancestral teachings of the Charman family.

He is the only one who is still really studying magic. Now he has decided that if Sol does not agree, he will go to the wilderness to find a chance. However, without Sol’s help, he is an old man with no power. Going to a dangerous place like the wilderness, the survival rate can be imagined,

Ogres may dislike him, but kobolds are not picky eaters, but when he comes this time, he is ready to fight to the death.

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening.

“Teacher, don’t go, let’s go back.”

Luo Lin, who had been silent on the side, suddenly became anxious. Although he had always felt that he had been deceived by this old man, after two or three years of getting along with him, apart from not teaching him magic, this so-called teacher treated him well in other aspects. There are still some, and naturally they don’t want to see this old man go to the wilderness to die on his own.

“I can’t go, but I can introduce you to someone. Take my letter and he will help you.”

Saul had a headache when he saw these two people looking like they were parting from each other. He hasn’t finished speaking yet, could you please stop being so sensational.

“Thank you, Lord Thor.”

It doesn’t matter who he goes to, Sol is willing to find someone to help, which is the best result for the old man.

“Take my letter and go to Richard Hirano, I believe he will help you.”

After Richard got so many benefits by using his name, he must be allowed to pay back some interest.

Soon, the old man took Sol’s letter and left with a lot of thanks,

Maybe the noble spellcasters thousands of years ago would have crawled out of their graves in anger when they saw their successors being so humble.

It makes people sad when they hear it and sheds tears when they see it.


Magic Castle

Richard is sitting in the newly decorated room listening to Column reporting information,

After more than ten days of work, the internal building that was originally destroyed by the ogre was finally habitable. Richard was not particular about it and moved in directly after returning from Ironwood City.

After all, this place has just received a 20,000-strong army, and these soldiers are not natives of the Hunter family.

His time with Richard is not long now, and Richard is afraid that something will be difficult to deal with if he disappears for a long time.

“Sir Richard, you asked Yusi to pay attention to the news about Piaoxue City. There is new progress,

After the funeral of Marquis Wade, the Lanster family had already begun to discuss the matter of the Marquis’ successor. ”


“If there are no accidents, James, the second son of Marquis Wade, should inherit the title.”

This is indeed not a surprise. Marquis Wade’s four sons, the eldest son who was originally trained as an heir, have died in battle,

The third child is only a quasi-knight and is not qualified to inherit the title,

Although Lin Te has outstanding talents, it is a flaw that he cannot practice.

Since James, the second oldest brother with knight-level strength, has returned alive from Fort Hel, which is now the Demon Suppression Castle, it is a certainty that he will inherit the title.

What a pity Lint.

“I’m afraid the fourth young master of the Lanster family is not having a good time now…”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

After receiving Coren’s affirmative answer, the corners of Richard’s mouth turned up slightly…


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