Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 130: Wang Du Ke


River Valley, Burai City

The nobles in Burai City are in a good mood these days, not because Sol led the soldiers in the valley to win the battle,

They didn’t pay attention to the war in the North at all. They didn’t believe that the ogres could break through the natural barrier of Zhenbeiguan,

What really makes them happy is that the demon king Thor finally shows signs of leaving. Once Thor leaves, it is estimated that the nobles of the river valley who have been suppressed for a long time can hold banquets to celebrate for a few days.

They are quite afraid of Thor and dare not speak out when they are angry.

Saul asking them to pay and provide food was like poaching for meat, but seeing the fate of the Sade family, he could only hold his nose and admit it. After all, in front of Saul, their little tricks were not on the table at all. , nowhere to start.

Even after the battle was over, there were still people using Thor’s name to extort money and food from them, because the newly formed legion was left behind at the Demon Suppression Castle. Richard put it another way, crazily hinting at this when buying food and selling bonds. It means Sol,

With Sol’s reputation in the river valley, these nobles in the river valley really don’t dare to spend a cent.

Burai City, Saul’s temporary residence.

“Sir Saul, the Hunter family uses your name to purchase grain at low prices from the nobles in the valley, and they are also selling bonds.”

Richard’s behavior of blackmailing the valley nobles in the name of Thor was soon discovered by Kurtz and others,

In the view of Kurtz and others, this kind of behavior is taking advantage of Sol to gain benefits. Sol has also taken the blame and must be stopped.

“It doesn’t matter, there’s no need to deny it, just let him go.”

Comparatively speaking, Thor doesn’t have a good impression of the people in the river valley, and he doesn’t care if they hate him any more.

“Yes, sir.”

Although Kurtz was a little unhappy about Richard using Thor’s name privately, he didn’t like the nobles in the river valley very much. Thor didn’t say anything and he wouldn’t say anything more.

“Lord Thor, there are two people outside claiming to be from the palace who want to see you.”

The guard outside the door suddenly came in and announced a piece of news.

“Come from the palace and want to see me? Who are they?”

Thor was a little strange, why would someone from the palace be looking for him at this time.

“They call themselves court mages.”

The soldiers who reported the news were also full of doubts. After thousands of years of vicissitudes, mages have been extinct on the mainland for a long time. Most people have never heard of this word at all. Even if they have heard most of it, they just listen to it as a story. Only Very few people know their former glory.

The two people claiming to be court mages at the door were also very ordinary in their clothes. If it weren’t for the authentic accents of the royal capital, the guards at the door might not be willing to come in and report.

Compared to the personal guards who knew nothing about court mages, Sol and Kurtz knew that there were such people in the royal capital.

The decline of magic power has been going on for thousands of years. Hundreds of years ago, the founding monarch of the country, Charlemagne I, still had one or two wizards who could create a fireball as big as a fist.

Finally, people can still see the existence of magic, but in Ren’s generation, let alone making fireballs, the orthodox court mage can’t even make a flame, and he is worse than a street juggler.

That is to say, the royal family of the Golden Dragon Kingdom abides by the ancestral precepts and has always maintained several court mages to study magic that almost no longer exists.

Kuz followed Thor all year round and often visited the palace before he knew that there was a job like a court mage in the palace.

After all, Saul is also an important member of the Charmaine family, so he naturally knows a little about the ancestral precepts left by Charmaine I.

Compared to Kurtz who directly regards the court mage as a freeloader, Thor can still understand information from hundreds of years ago.

After thinking about it, I realized that there was nothing to do now, so it wouldn’t hurt to meet him, so he opened his mouth and said to the bodyguard:

“Invite them in.”

“It’s your lord.”

In front of Sol’s temporary residence,

Two people in simple robes were standing at the door obediently,

One old and one young. The old man’s beard has turned gray, but he still looks energetic.

The boy on the side is only thirteen or fourteen years old and looks a little thin.

“Teacher, are you really good friends with Lord Saul?”

The young man stood next to the old man, obviously a little unconfident. The man who worked in this mansion was the famous dragon knight Thor of the country. The guard standing outside the door had piercing eyes, and he couldn’t stand even looking at each other.

The young man was really afraid that his teacher would brag and trick the guards at the door into reporting the situation, and then someone would come out and break both legs.

“Luo Lin, you have to trust the teacher. I told you that I am a court mage. In the future, you will inherit my mantle and become the guardian of the kingdom like the Dragon Knight of the Kingdom.”

“Tsk, I believe you are the only one who has ghosts.”

The young man curled his lips, obviously not believing the old man’s words,

The young man named Luo Lin is a “good seedling” discovered by the old man in the royal capital,

Luo Lin, who was born into a family of small businessmen, has always had a dream of becoming a knight. Unfortunately, he was born weak and obviously did not have the conditions to become a knight.

In an accidental meeting, Luo Lin was attracted by the old man in front of him who claimed to be a court mage.

The old man looked enigmatic in front of Luo Lin, and blew up the so-called magic. Luo Lin, who originally had a great yearning for extraordinary power, was soon taken to the ditch,

I can’t become a knight anyway, so becoming a mage seems like a good idea, and Luo Lin’s parents are small businessmen who are somewhat philistine,

I heard that the old man wanted to take Luo Lin as his disciple and teach him how to read and write for free. Although he didn’t know what the master of Nao Shizi was, he readily agreed to Luo Lin’s apprenticeship. After all, reading and literacy is also important for a small businessman’s family like this. It’s a considerable expense.

In this way, Luo Lin became the disciple of the court mage. However, the good times did not last long. The smart Luo Lin soon discovered that learning magic to become a mage was a huge pitfall, and he no longer respected the old man.

“Traitor! How can you talk to the teacher? I tell you, with magic, you can learn profound things and destroy cities and countries, no less than a knight!”

“Come on, last time you were beaten up by a few gangsters and your nose was bruised and swollen. If I hadn’t gone to fetch the security team and scared them away, you would be a floating corpse in Longjiang now. ”

“You little bastard! I…hum!”

As the old man spoke, he could only end with a cold snort. He was too embarrassed to refute.

“Sir Saul, please come in.”

At this time, the personal guard who sent the order promptly relieved the old man’s embarrassment,

“Did you see, I told you that I am very familiar with Mr. Saul!”

“Let’s go in later and don’t make any noise and embarrass me.”

The old man held his head high and led Xiao Luo Lin into the gate with his personal guards.

At this moment Luo Lin obviously hasn’t turned around yet, and is even a little surprised,

“Didn’t this old man lie to me?”

In a daze, he followed the old man and entered the mansion.

“Lord Thor, long time no see!”

Before the personal guard reported, the old man greeted Thor in the hall with a hearty voice.

“Well, who are you?”

Saul’s somewhat confused voice came from the hall.


Luo Lin, who was still dazed at first, couldn’t help laughing.

This is the normal rhythm…


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