Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 13: The End of the Rock Castle


The Stone Fortress built against huge rocks stands in the center of the Will family’s territory. Under the sunlight, the white walls of the Stone Fort reflect sparkling light, making it look somewhat majestic.

But everyone knows that the majesty of the Will family in this territory of Boulder Castle is gone. In the battle by the Xiaoling River, almost all the members of the Will family from Viscount Will on down were killed, except for two A quasi-knight from the side branch, along with a dozen personal soldiers, gathered more than a hundred defeated peasant soldiers and hid in the Stone Castle.

Even if the Hunter family does not come to seize the Stone Castle, no one will inherit the century-old foundation of the Will family in the Stone Castle. There are no knights in their family to inherit the title. It will either be taken back or transferred to the kingdom after verification.

“Sir Richard’s order is to leave the city and surrender to avoid death.”

A Hunter family cavalry was cautiously shouting under the boulder fort.

At this time, the silence in the giant stone castle was terrifying. Everyone had anxiety and uneasiness written on almost everyone’s face. The dull atmosphere made the sensitive young children cry incessantly, which made people even more upset.

“Shall we surrender?”

At this time, in the Stone Castle, the only three remaining quasi-knights of the Will family gathered together to discuss matters.

Two quasi-knights who were lucky enough to escape back to Stone Castle alive and one quasi-knight who had stayed behind.

“There is no man in the Will family who can surrender. Stop saying such spineless words as surrender.”

“You also escaped from the battlefield.”

There was a loud bang on the table.

“Yes, I escaped from the battlefield, but I never thought about surrendering, and I don’t plan to run away again this time!”

“I don’t agree to surrender either. The Hunter family has no reason to let those of us named Will go.”

Another would-be knight who had been silent also spoke.


With a sigh, Stone Castle has made its final decision.

Soon, a sharp arrow was shot at the shouting cavalry from the heights of the Stone Fortress.

The arrow was slightly missed, and the cavalryman who shouted quickly turned his horse’s head and left. The attitude of Stone Castle was obvious, there was still a battle to be fought.

Richard arranged for the soldiers of the Hunter family to set up camp and wait for the production of siege equipment. There was no shortage of wood in the North, and the entire camp became busy under the command of the craftsmen.

Excluding the soldiers who escorted the injured back to Ironwood City for treatment, there were more than 1,500 Hunter soldiers gathered under the Stone Fort at this time, and there were only 150 defenders in the Stone Fort at full strength. They were still a group of low morale. of defeated troops.

Even the cautious Richard does not think there is any suspense in the battle at this time. At this time, he only needs to surround the defenders of the Stone Castle to prevent them from sneak attacks, and wait until the siege equipment is completed to clear away the last stubborn resistance. generation.


“Dong, dong, dong dong”

After several days and nights of hard work, the siege equipment was completed. As the dull drums sounded, three tall wells were pushed close to the high wall of the Stone Fortress from three different directions by the peasants and soldiers.

The Stone Castle is 20 meters high and built according to the terrain. After a century of management by the Will family, it can definitely be regarded as a strong city that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It is a pity that no matter how strong the fortress is, it still needs people to guard it. If there is still a knight, a dozen quasi-knights, and hundreds of peasant soldiers stationed in the Stone Castle at this time, Richard will never be willing to storm such a castle.

This is also one of the reasons why Richard led the Will family to take the initiative. Richard wanted to capture this huge stone castle. Otherwise, with the efficient mobilization speed of the Hunter family, he would be able to catch up before the Will family’s farmers and soldiers were assembled. Attack into the territory of Weir, arrive at the foot of the huge stone fortress, and then look at the city and sigh.

The wells are getting closer and closer to the wall of the Stone Fortress. Burning arrows are fired from the stone castle in an attempt to burn the wells. Unfortunately, all the wells have been treated with fire protection, and not a single spark can ignite them.

The archers on the well railing also began to fire arrows at the defenders on the castle. The Rock Castle was obviously on the defensive side, but was actually suppressed by the Hunter family’s archers.

Especially the Jinglan equipped with more than ten system archers. The archers produced by the system were even more terrifying under the reinforcement of Richard’s primary offensive skills. The precise and powerful arrows directly cleared a section of the city wall, regardless of the officer. No matter how they drove them away, no soldiers were willing to stand on the section of the wall near the well.

After losing more than a dozen soldiers, three wells approached the Stone Fortress one after another. The peasants and soldiers who were following the wells carrying ladders rushed out from behind the wells with shouts and set up the ladders. The city wall began to climb, and there was a heavy reward for those who climbed first. This group of peasant soldiers who were selected to participate in the attack had already put their life and death at risk.

And the top of the well was not idle either. The heavy wooden planks were smashed directly from the well to the city head, creating a passage to the giant stone castle for the elites in the belly of the well.

Ron was the first to rush out of the well. After a few days and nights of rest, his previous injuries were no longer serious. Ron, who rushed to the top of the city, directly ignited his fighting spirit and chopped down the enemies who came to stop him. The army was resolved, and subsequent troops poured into the city in a steady stream.

The other two Jinglans also successfully attacked the city, because the two Jinglans were also personally guarded by Viscount Sauter and Richard.

With almost the overwhelming momentum of Mount Tai, without giving any chance, when the three knights jumped onto the city at the same time, no peasant soldiers were willing to fight anymore, except for the three quasi-knights of the Will family and the loyal bodyguards. There was no hope of resistance.


As the last rebel died under Richard’s sword, there was no longer any obstacle to the way into the Rock Castle.



“Investigate the identity of the people inside the Stone Fortress, maintain good discipline, and punish those who dare to take advantage of the chaos to loot and **** women on the spot.”


“Team 1 and 2 follow me.”

Quil is one of the centurions of the city guard and the only surviving centurion in the Battle of Xiaoling River. He is the fresh blood promoted and trained by Richard in recent years. He is a bit rigid, but he obeys Richard’s words. It’s also easy to use. Of course, the graves of those who worked under Richard have grown three feet tall in recent years.

Richard knows very well that there will always be hot-headed people after such a killing experience. Some armies even use looting and killing after breaking the city as a means of boosting morale. Richard does not need and does not bother to use it. This method is used to boost morale, and strict military discipline is definitely the first priority.

“Let’s go into the castle together.”

Looking back at the battlefield, Richard called Viscount Sauter and the surrounding guards to go inside the castle.

The intensity of the entire battle was very low. Compared with the previous Xiaolinghe battle, it was like child’s play. What was more rewarding was that Richard had gained more than 500 experience points through the system upgrade just now, and he was closer to the upgrade.

When Richard and others walked through the short streets of Stonehenge Castle and arrived at the living area of ​​the castle, Quill had already restrained the soldiers, and the remaining Will family women, children and maids in the castle were also gathered in the hall.

Li Cha glanced over and saw mostly women and children.

“Let’s send the maids away first. As for the Will family members, bring them back to Ironwood City first.”

Richard ordered.

Richard continued to wander around the Stone Castle, and Viscount Sauter followed Richard around with interest.

In one fell swoop, they wiped out their old rivals, the Will family, and turned the entire Rock Castle into a trophy. These things that could only appear in Salter’s dreams in the past still feel a bit unreal, so you have to watch more. Eye.


Quil also followed out of the hall at this time.


“Do the women and children of the Will family want to…”

Richard was silent for a moment. He understood what Quill meant. Cutting the weeds does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze will bring new growth.

Ron on the side opened his mouth, but finally said nothing. He always felt a little bit unbearable.

“The direct line will be dealt with, and the other branches will be taken back for custody first.”

Richard thought for a moment and made a decision. Richard was not the Virgin. He could make the decision to kill prisoners if necessary, but he would not kill women and children unless necessary.

Forget it, keeping it is still useful. If you can get a group of women and children to take revenge with your leading management knowledge and golden fingers, then you might as well die.



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