Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 129: Sad Egg


Ironwood City

The entire Ironwood City has been in an atmosphere of joy these days,

The news that Richard led his army and cooperated with the dragon knight Thor of the country to defeat the ogre and was granted the title of earl has spread in the city,

Not only the members of the Hunter family are preparing to celebrate this happy event, but thanks to Richard’s popularity in the Hunter Territory, the people of the entire Hunter Territory feel proud.

Only the Hunter family’s chief manager, Egger, was in a somewhat complicated mood. Richard was really able to spend money. Once the territory expanded, according to the nature of Richard’s territory, road infrastructure, city and castle renovation, and village management were all set.

The territory’s finances, which had finally improved slightly through the soap trade, are beginning to be tight again,

Although these investments will eventually yield greater returns, it is obviously a long-term process, but Richard has been taking a very large pace of expansion, always making crazy things on the edge of bullshit.

“Controller Egger.”

“Urgent message from Lord Richard.”

Iger, who was working on the case, tensed up for no reason when he heard Richard’s letter.

After reading the letter, Egger’s worry turned into substantial anxiety.

Not to mention receiving a new army of 20,000 people from the river valley, the letter also requested to continue to expand the army and expand the Flying Bear Army to 20,000 people to form a legion.

He also ordered people to be sent immediately to the river valleys to purchase grain to prepare for a possible famine,

Iger really had the urge to give up his money. He issued a large amount of bonds some time ago and finally had some money on hand, but Richard immediately withdrew most of it for no reason.

Hunter’s leadership as the general manager is simply not a human thing. In other words, Richard is just a human being when it comes to spending money.

At this time, Richard was still unaware of Egger’s collapsed mood. He was walking back to Ironwood City with Zebul’s newly recruited soldiers from the Rock Castle this week.

The Rock Castle is not far from Ironwood City. Now that we are at the doorstep, we naturally have to go back.

The strength of Richard’s troops at this time is

Centaur Elite (140), Halberdier (130), War Dancer (75), Marksman (125), Great Elf Archer (24), Royal Griffin (56), Crusader (53), Diamond People (2), Champion Knight (1)

There were originally only six royal griffons per week, but because Richard held the God-Eye Bird statue, the output was two more.

The troops of the Bulwark (elves) forces are still in Ironwood City,

Most of the troops are still staying in the Demon Suppression Castle to prepare for any emergencies in the wilderness,

Only a small portion of this week’s production was brought along.

Because they are all system soldiers, they can move quickly, and they have the double bonus of knight gloves and walking boots. Without the drag of turtle soldiers like diamond men, Richard and others quickly left the Stone Fortress. Back to Ironwood City.

“Master Richard is back! Master Richard is back!”

“Young Master Richard, now I want to call you Uncle Hirano, Lord Earl!”

Although the Hunter family is an aristocratic family, the rules in the family are actually not as strict as those of some older aristocrats. In addition, Viscount Sauter and Richard don’t care much about this, so when it doesn’t matter, the servants behave It’s more casual.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty.”

The servants who were reminded along the way did not start to change their words, and Richard also responded slightly,

Until Viscount Sauter also appeared in front of Richard and shouted:

“Our lord, the Earl of the Hunter family, is back. We didn’t say anything in advance, otherwise we would have gone out of town to greet him.”

Richard rolled his eyes when he heard this and ignored his father’s joke.

Viscount Sauter asked for trouble, rubbed his head and followed back,

In addition to Viscount Sauter, Richard’s two uncles and more than a dozen relatives of the Hunter family also came out to welcome him, surrounding Richard into the banquet hall like stars holding the moon.

Although Richard did not say hello in advance, the Hunter family has now become a noble family. They started preparing before Richard entered the city, and now they have several tables of good meals.

“Come on, let our Lord Earl sit on the throne!”

Richard’s second uncle and third uncle pulled him and pressed him on the main seat,

Richard can feel that the joy of these relatives is indeed from the heart. Now the Hunter family is very close. After all, strictly speaking, it can only be inherited for two generations, and it is not the same as the Lanster family who has been a nobleman for many generations. Still different.

To be honest, although Richard didn’t make any arrangements in advance, this feeling of returning home in fine clothes was really good.

No wonder people like the Overlord of Western Chu and Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, like to go back to their hometown to show off after becoming famous. It feels really good.

No matter how warm the atmosphere was, Richard, who didn’t like drinking at first, made an exception and drank some.

Everyone looked at Richard with a thick smile when he was drinking. Only when Richard looked at Butler Egg, he saw a pair of resentful eyes.

The banquet has dispersed. Considering that Richard is currently busy with affairs and Hunter’s finances are almost ruined by Richard, this celebration is not complicated.

The drunken ones have been carried away, while the drunken ones have always remained sober.

“Master Richard, Lord Earl! You really can’t carry out your order. The soap business has just begun. There is not so much income. The previous military expansion has already reached its limit.”

The original expansion of the Flying Bear Army to 10,000 people was already money dug out from between the teeth. Based on the size of the Hunter family, even with the dozen or so noble families attached to the Hunter family, it would only be a few dollars. With a population of 100,000, and the original lords still have to take away most of the tax revenue, the remaining money is not enough to support more than 10,000 professional soldiers.

Fortunately, the Hunter family had other ways to make money besides land, so they could barely survive. Now Richard not only accepted another 20,000 soldiers, but also continued to expand the army. This would cost Egger his life.

“The army must be maintained, as long as the newly acquired territory recovers,

Send people to go to the river valley to sell soap, and by the way, sell some Hunter family bonds to the gang of big dogs in the river valley, starting with 50,000 gold nuggets. ”

Iger was stunned when he heard Richard’s operation. Let’s not talk about why others should subscribe. Last year, Hunter’s total income was only more than 10,000 gold naars. What year is this money? They all have to be borrowed and spent.

“It’s okay. Just let this period of time pass and wait for the soap market to open up? The kinnar earned back will definitely be more than this amount. No one knows finance better than me. You are right to listen to me.”

This sentence is not that Richard is bragging. Originally, Richard was from the School of Economics and Management, and the knowledge he has learned is definitely at the pinnacle of this era. In his hometown, this set of operations is all basic.

“You can not issue bonds in the name of the Hunter family, but directly use Ye Bo’s name. It is best to mention Mr. Saul’s name when purchasing food and selling bonds.”


Richard was planning to use Sol all together, but Egg was a little hesitant.

“It’s okay, just go ahead and do it, Egg, and send people there as soon as possible. Food procurement and army expansion cannot be stopped.”

“Yes, Master.”

Iger finally opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but seeing Richard’s firm attitude, he had no choice but to comply.

Of course Richard won’t worry about Thor being dissatisfied with him for borrowing his name. Richard can find a way to get money from the nobles in the river valley on his own, and it’s not too late for Thor to support him.

Compared with Saul’s method of forcing each family to provide money and food with a knife, Richard’s deception and abduction to sell bonds can be said to be very civilized.

However, after Egger took the order and left, Richard was a little troubled,

With the expansion of territory, even an old man like Iger is not enough,

Ask him to manage the Hunter family’s basic territory step by step. Egger can still basically be competent, but now that the territory has expanded so much, Egger’s ability is a bit reluctant.

For no reason, Richard thought of Lin Te’s handsome face,

“Maybe you can try it…”


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