Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 127: Unlocked buildings and arrangements


The second day

Richard is mobilizing his men to repair the dilapidated Fort Hull,

It shouldn’t be called Helburg now. After Richard was awarded the title of Earl and obtained the ownership of Helburg, he gave Helburg a name that sounded a bit unflattering, Demon Suppression Castle, which was intended to be targeted. Very obvious,

And it is obvious that Richard is not satisfied with the existence of Demon Suppression Castle only as a military fortress. He wants to follow the model of Ironwood City, carry out extensive construction, operate Demon Suppression Castle as an inner city, and build a larger city on the periphery, completely Control the wilderness as your own backyard.

Fortunately, the original building of Fort Hel was strong enough, and the ogres did not destroy it for a long time. It only needed some simple repairs to be able to move in.

Although Richard didn’t flatter him in the right place this time, Sol was indeed generous enough to Richard,

In addition to the title of earl, Sol also gave Richard a fiefdom exceeding the specifications of an earl,

This fiefdom includes all the originally expected territory of the Hel family, as well as several noble territories that were wiped out when the ogres moved eastward.

These small territories are just between Helburg and Bander Territory, which is equivalent to dividing the current Demon Suppression Castle with a narrow strip of land.

Taken together, the population directly or indirectly under Richard’s rule has exceeded one million, making it the second largest force in the North after the Lanster family.

Although the rest of the people were surprised by the size of the fiefdom that Richard obtained, after all, Richard’s contribution was solid and did not directly harm their interests, so no one raised any objections.

The Lanster family, the only one who might object, was under Lint’s control at this time and did not raise any objections. Richard successfully obtained the position of earl, and also obtained territory that exceeded the specifications, and even Gained unlimited rights to explore the wilderness.

More importantly, after being awarded the real title and territory, the buildings of Invincible Heroes have also undergone certain changes,

New week

Richard opened the Stone Fortress interface, and after recruiting new troops as usual, he found that in the building interface, the upgraded building of the Council Hall and the Interior Hall had been lit up,

This is currently the only building that can be built in the Stone Castle. There is no need to hesitate and just build the Interior Hall directly.

“Department of the Interior: Provide you with 200 kinnars per week.”

Two hundred gold nuggets a week was definitely good enough when Richard was starting out, but now it’s a bit better than nothing.

However, with the idea that something is better than nothing, Richard upgraded the meeting halls of Linzhong City and Stone Castle to the interior hall. Together, the two parties can earn close to two thousand jinnar a month. In the future, maybe There is another important role, but Richard didn’t find it.

Inside the Chinese army’s tent,

Saul is still making arrangements before withdrawing. Although Grugesh has completely retreated into the wilderness, it is impossible for the coalition forces led by Saul to leave directly. They will have to wait for at least a few more days.

Richard will sort out the current Demon Suppression Castle and only after the Flying Bear Army has completely settled in will Saul lead his army to leave.

“Lord Saul, is the fief you granted Richard too big?”

When no one was around, Kurtz finally expressed his doubts. Kurtz was promoted from baron to viscount this time, but he had to follow Thor all the time and it was impossible to take the territory of the North. A manor around the royal capital was sealed.

Normally speaking, whether Richard is strong or not in the Northland, he has nothing to do with Kuz. However, although Kuz cannot be said to have no thoughts of his own, he is definitely loyal to the kingdom and a staunch royalist.

Richard’s ambition is almost written on his face, and you can feel it even if you know him personally.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as he is loyal to our clan.”

People look at problems differently when they stand at different heights,

If the Golden Dragon Kingdom were the only one on this continent, and there was no Orc Kingdom with a sharp blade hanging over its head at all times, Thor would restrict and suppress Richard Ye even if he did not directly destroy him.

But now, with the Golden Dragon about to betray its alliance and the foundation of the Golden Dragon Kingdom being shaken, the appearance of a powerful and ambitious lord like Richard in the North is not a bad thing for Sol.

Some things Thor knew clearly. He was a human first, and then the king’s uncle, the Dragon Knight of the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

Richard’s active performance in the war with the ogres this time was also a huge bonus in Thor’s eyes. At least Richard’s performance was impeccable on this big issue,

If Richard dares to sit back and watch the fall of Piaoxue City and the destruction of the Lanster family for the sake of profit this time, then what will come will definitely be Thor’s most determined suppression.

As long as justice is intact, Thor can accept being ambitious. Under the huge threat of the orcs, Thor’s bottom line has been stretched very low.

“What about Baron Dane?”

“It’s okay, he is actually the most suitable commander of the River Valley Legion now.”

This is Saul’s second more difficult-to-understand arrangement,

Dane was directly sealed in the River Valley. Not to mention regaining his title, he was returned to his post and became commander of the Army in the River Valley again.

Where did you really fall and where did you get up again?

Saul’s arrangement can be said to be both unexpected and reasonable,

Dane’s previous betrayal has caused him to renounce himself from the nobles of the valley. Thor cannot stay in the valley for a long time. He has no time, and it is against the rules to continue to serve as governor of the valley.

In order to prevent the garrison army from being corrupted by the nobles of Burleigh City again in the river valley,

After careful consideration, Thor once again placed Dane in the position of commander of the River Valley garrison,

Dane, who had skipped one counterattack, would never be able to win the trust of the nobles in the valley again. This time, Thor was able to accurately attack the nobles in the valley and make them pay and provide food, all because of Dane. Half a local snake leads the way,

Dane has offended the nobles of the river valley to the end. When he returns to the river valley again, he can only be a lonely minister, honestly fulfilling his responsibility of garrisoning and influencing the valley for the kingdom.

“Go down and prepare. In a few days, when the Hunter family has completely established a foothold, we should return to the capital.”

“Yes, sir.”

Saul treats Kurz and other close associates kindly, and Kurz dares to speak directly if he has any questions. However, what Saul decides cannot be questioned, and he will only implement it resolutely.

Piaoxue City, Lanster Residence

Lint is still sitting in front of the case handling government affairs, but he is obviously much more relaxed these days,

The current main force of the Jingbei Army is led by Sander and another army commander, who together with Saul sent the ogres out of the country. Lint did not leave the city with the army.

At this time, he had just received the news about Sol’s knighthood. He was not a knight, and this kind of thing would never happen to him.

After silently reading the letter, Linte murmured to himself:

“Uncle Hirano,

It’s time to leave…”


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