Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 124: Withdrawal and the disappearance of Taal


Early on the second day

After hearing the news of Amu’s defeat, Grugesh stood silently in the camp, but anyone could see that he was on the verge of rage,



Glugesh finally couldn’t help but slapped the table in front of him with his palm. Unfortunately, compared to other ogres, Grugesh was too weak, but the table was not damaged at all.

However, although Grugesh’s angry look is funny, his power among the ogres is high enough,

The surrounding ogre chiefs and some tribal leaders were silent and did not dare to speak, unwilling to get into trouble.

“Go and ask Tal to come.”

Originally, in order to prevent the people of the Orc Kingdom from increasing their influence among the ogres, Grugsh was reluctant to allow Tarr to directly participate in the ogres’ discussions.

Grogesh and Tarr are still discussing alone, but the situation is urgent now. It will take another day at most for Thor’s army to approach Piaoxue City,

How to deal with it? Grugesh still wants to hear Tal’s opinion. It would be best to let the orcs contribute some more. After all, Tal himself is a strong man of the earth knight level.

“Lord Grugesh, Lord Tal is not in the camp, and the few people who came with him seem to be gone.”

“It seems that I haven’t seen Lord Tarr this morning.”

The messenger soon brought Grugesh another piece of news that made him angry and almost made him vomit blood.

At this time, Tarr had led several elite orcs to leave the ogre camp for dozens of miles,

Tahr and the others had no restrictions on their freedom in the ogre camp. Under Grugesh’s instructions, the ogre soldiers were more polite to Tahr and the others.

No one noticed after leaving for a while. It was not until Grugesh wanted to see Tal just now that the ogre realized something was wrong.

“Lord Tal, are we leaving like this?”

“Otherwise, do you really want to stay there and work for the ogres?”

Although he did not receive news of the defeat of the ogres, Tarr was not blind. He intercepted Thor’s troops when he discovered that there was a rout early in the morning,

Now that Piaoxue City has not been defeated, if we stay in the ogre camp, we may have to fight with the dragon knight Thor of the country.

Although Tarr is also a good player at the pinnacle of the earth, it would be unwise to fight to the death with an opponent of the same level as Thor in the human home field. There is no need for Tarr to fight for the ogres.

This time, whether it was to use the ogres to cause some trouble for humans or to test the human dragon knights, the purpose was achieved. If you don’t leave now, it will be later.

“But, Lord Tal, we can return to the wilderness with Grugesh, help him integrate the ogre tribe, and cause more trouble to humans.”

“He can’t make more waves. This time he just caught humans off guard. When humans really free up their hands, it may not be possible to completely wipe out the ogres, but as long as they keep chasing Grugsh As the main force, how can he integrate other tribes?”

This time Grugesh saw his attack on Piaoxue City fail again. Regardless of whether Grugesh could successfully return to the wilderness, this was a huge defeat, which greatly affected Grugesh’s prestige. blow,

It will be much more difficult to quickly integrate and integrate the ogre tribes in the wilderness. Before he can integrate the ogre tribes in the wilderness, humans will be ready to start an expedition into the wilderness.

The human side has absolute air superiority. As long as they recognize the truth, it is easy to find Grugesh’s whereabouts in the wilderness.

When the time comes, the tribes that follow Grugesh will be targeted, and even the banner of specifically attacking Grugesh’s men will be launched,

After a few rounds, the forces integrated by Grugash can be scattered.

Tal saw all this clearly and did not want to risk his life for an ogre.

“Okay, let’s speed up and find a village to resupply at night. Instead of worrying about the ogres, it’s better to save some energy and go back.”

“Yes, Lord Tal.”

As soon as he heard that he was going back, the orcs on the side did not feel relaxed at all, but instead became more solemn than before.

There is actually more than one way to enter human territory from the orc kingdom,

It is impossible for Tarr and others to enter the Golden Dragon Kingdom from the heavily guarded Longxing Pass,

The other way is to go all the way north, bypassing the extreme northern snow mountains, detouring from the endless snowfield, bypassing the entire ironwood forest, and then heading south into the wilderness,

But the endless snowfield is the hunting ground of snow giants. These giants are more than ten meters tall in adulthood and have the strength of the earth knight level. They are a powerful fighting race that can compete with the giant dragon clan.

The harsh natural environment and the dangerous giants determine that the endless snowfield is not suitable for military operations, not even for small armies,

At most, only a few elites can risk their way through. If they are targeted by the snow giant, they will really have no choice but to ask for their own good fortune.

Except for Tal, who could run away with his strength, everyone else in the team could only pray that the snow giant they encountered would not be interested in them.

Piaoxue City


“Golden juice, pour it!”

“Leimu, hurry up!”

The battle on the city is still fierce, but everyone can still feel something different,

Today, the attack power of the ogres seems to be a bit weak. More kobolds rush to die, while the proportion of ogres is very low.

Sander, who was quite keen, promptly sent someone to report the situation to Lint.

“Be prepared to leave the city. Once the ogres retreat, follow them. Don’t let them harm the surrounding villages anymore, although the villages along the way have also been harmed.”

This was Lint’s reply to Sander. Not far after the messengers left, the sword eagle knights in Thor’s army fell outside the Marquis’s mansion.

“Lord Thor and Lord Richard joined forces to defeat the ogres. They have broken through the ogre interception and the army is heading north! The defenders of Piaoxue City are ready to respond!”

Although the Sword Eagle Knight is a woman, she shouts in a loud voice. This kind of good news does not need to be concealed and can be announced directly.

Her shout was heard clearly by the entire Marquis and the surrounding people,

After a brief silence, a burst of cheers suddenly broke out. After the first batch of people who heard the news spontaneously shouted, everyone in the city soon knew the news of the reinforcements’ victory.

The gloom in the whole city since the defeat of the Jingbei Army in the Wilderness was finally dispelled by the cheers,

At the same time, the name Richard also became popular among ordinary people in the North…

South of Piaoxue City,

After a night’s rest, the reinforcements from the river valley and the Hunter family’s coalition forces marched toward Piaoxue City.

Nearly 60,000 troops marched neatly on the official road. After yesterday’s victory, the new recruits in the river valley seemed to have been reborn. They marched with their heads high and gradually gained the confidence of a strong army.

As expected, real elites are made through fighting. One victory may be better than ten training sessions, but the price paid is from sweat to blood donation…


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