Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 123: Summoning and decision


“Sir Richard, please.”

Led by the messenger, Richard arrived outside Saul’s tent,

After a brief interception, the soldiers at the door let Richard in. It was obvious that these soldiers had some respect for Richard,

In the military, fists speak for themselves, and Richard’s performance on the battlefield today is indeed worthy of the respect of these soldiers.

After the soldiers on both sides opened the curtain of the big tent, Richard straightened his body and walked in,

Saul’s military tent is quite spacious, but the interior decoration is extremely simple.

There are only a few necessary tables and chairs at the entrance. Several officers wearing iron armor are sitting on the seats above. Only one of them is wearing a golden armor. Even though Richard has never seen Thor up close, You can also recognize each other at a glance,

“Richard, see Lord Saul.”

Richard saluted Saul knowingly.

“Sit down”

Thank you, Sir,

Thor’s tone was quite gentle. It was hard to imagine that this was the earth knight who had just killed everyone on the battlefield.

After getting Thor’s permission, Richard stepped back and sat down on a stool aside. Only then did he have the opportunity to look up and observe Thor carefully.

With a burly figure and a resolute face, his beard is a little sloppy, but it makes his temperament even better. He is simply the heroic protagonist in the model dramas of the 1960s,

No wonder Thor has such a high prestige in the military. His dignified appearance alone probably adds a lot of points.

“Richard Hunt”

“Lord Thor”

“Sit, sit”

Hearing Saul call his name, Richard subconsciously stood up to respond, as if he was afraid of being slow, and the next sentence became “This son is very ambitious, so he must not stay.”

With Thor’s strength, he might be able to defeat Richard with just one sword without having to prepare for a hand-to-hand fight with five hundred swords and axes.

“This victory is thanks to you.”

“It’s all due to Mr. Saul’s good leadership…”


The scene was a bit embarrassing, mainly because this battle was not led by Thor, but more of a supporter. Richard’s words were slightly embarrassing.

Li Cha suddenly realized that he had been the one being licked for too long in Beidi. He was not used to having to change roles suddenly, and his licking skills were not yet in place.

“If Lord Thor had not led his army to contain us from the front, our army would not have had the chance to make a surprise attack from the rear.”

Who is Richard? He quickly added another sentence to break the silence.

No matter what Saul thought about this, Kurtz and others behind him nodded, as if confirming Richard’s knowledge and not really taking all the credit.

“There is no need to be modest. It is your credit that is yours. For your contribution this time, it is more than enough to make you an earl.”

After Sol said this, Richard clearly felt that everyone in the tent was breathing heavier,

Barons and viscounts in the Golden Dragon Kingdom are relatively easy to obtain. Many knights with outstanding military exploits can be granted the title of baron. If their merits are greater and the superiors value them, viscounts are also quite common.

But going from viscount to earl is a hurdle. After crossing this hurdle, even if you enter the middle and upper noble class of the kingdom, whether it is the acceptance of the upper class nobles or the actual size of the fiefdom, it is much higher than that of the viscount. , so it is difficult for ordinary military merits to be awarded the title of earl,

Hearing that a count was directly promised, the people behind him who were calm at first were slightly jealous.

“Thank you, Sir…”

When it comes to awards, Richard is no longer modest. Being modest at this time is just showing off, and accepting it quickly is the right thing to do.

In Richard’s opinion, the title of earl is of limited use. What he values ​​more is the fiefdom.

A county must be at least four or five times the size of the current Hunter Territory. If the place is desolate and the population is sparse, it will be even larger depending on the situation.

“Okay, the specific rewards will be discussed after the war. I have called you here mainly to discuss the next step.”

“Tell me what you think.”

Richard frowned and looked like he was thinking, but in fact he did his work… and quickly said:

“Today, we will rest for the night and organize the army, and then we can march towards Piaoxue City as usual tomorrow.

If my prediction is correct, there should be no more fighting next. No matter how slow Grugesh reacts, he should know the news of the defeat of this partial division by now,

No matter what, I’m afraid I won’t dare to continue attacking Piaoxue City. When we get there tomorrow, Grugesh will probably be ready to retreat,

We only need to join up with the Jingbei Army in Piaoxue City and try our best to hold the ogres all the way to the wilderness to prevent them from destroying us again. ”


Thor nodded, obviously satisfied with Richard’s answer. After the victory, he immediately led his army to Piaoxue City to fight the ogre wave. Thor had not thought about it,

But firstly, soldiers fight continuously, which consumes serious physical strength, but the risk is too great,

Glugash can’t afford to lose, and Sol can’t actually afford to lose either,

The safest option is currently to force the ogres back into the wilderness first, then exchange time for space, and gradually strengthen the defense in the wilderness.

“Everyone obeys the order!”

“My lord!”

This time everyone in the tent, including Richard, stood up,

“Have a good night’s rest today, break camp early tomorrow morning, and gradually approach Piaoxue City.”

“Yes, Lord Thor.”

Obviously, Saul’s ideas and arrangements are consistent with Richard’s.

“Kuz, what do you think of this young man from the Hunter family?”

“He is a talented genius, but it is a pity that he is not from the Knights Academy.”

Kuz knew that Saul had developed a love for talents,

But he subconsciously added a question about his origin.


Saul shook his head inconspicuously and sighed. His close confidants Kurz and others were all from the Royal Capital Knights Academy.

He has been in charge of the House of Knights for a long time and can be regarded as a representative figure of the House of Knights.

The original intention of the establishment of the House of Knights was to select some talented children among civilians for training, break the nobility’s monopoly on cultivation, and train them to become one of the forces in the court that checks and balances with the House of Nobles.

Unfortunately, it seems to be one of human nature to form groups and form groups. The knights from the common people in the Knights Academy have gradually formed their own system, excluding officials from the aristocratic family.

In Kurtz’s eyes, Richard can be regarded as a figure of noble origin, so he is naturally not in the same camp as them,

This kind of thing is unavoidable everywhere. Although Thor can’t stand it, he himself is actually in the middle of the situation and can only sigh helplessly.


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