Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 122: Victory and Upgrading



Amu’s mace collided with the Vulcan Sword, and the flames on the Vulcan Sword seemed to swallow the mace directly.

Just one blow made Amu feel quite uncomfortable. Although he blocked Richard’s condescending sword, the burning sensation from the sword made Amu quite painful.

This burning pain is quite intense, more intense than being directly injured by a sword,

The horse that walked away from the opponent’s seat was also extremely abnormal. When he was fighting with the opponent’s weapons, he raised his iron hoof and kicked him up, acting very aggressive.

The red flame horse was already very powerful, and it threw it with one hoof. Even the Amu chief-level ogre’s physique couldn’t bear it, so he had to take a few steps back.


Li Cha, however, was unyielding and took the initiative to leap off the horse, raised his sword with both hands and slashed at Amu,


Although Amu successfully withstood Richard’s sword due to his strength advantage, the burning sensation during the stalemate made Amu cry out in pain.

It has to be said that ogres do have an overwhelming racial advantage compared to humans. Although Richard had the upper hand in the scene, he did not cause real damage to the ogres. He only burned the opponent’s skin, which made Amu was in more pain.

It is difficult to determine the outcome of the battle for a while, even if Richard can win with the Vulcan Sword, it will take some effort,

But Richard has never been a person who believes in one-on-one fair fighting. Instead, he is particularly keen on bullying the minority with more and overwhelming others with power.

During the time when Richard and Amu were fighting, two slower diamond men also caught up.



The approach of the two diamond men naturally aroused Amu’s vigilance,

After recovering from the battle with Richard, Amu smashed the mace at the diamond man beside him,

Diamond Man’s movements are slow, and he relies on his abnormal defense ability to withstand any attack. Amu’s blow directly hit the head of Diamond Man on the right,

The huge force hit Diamond Man slightly, and some pieces fell off his head. This was the first real injury that Diamond Man suffered since joining the war,

If Amu could fight the Diamond Man in a duel, he might be able to take advantage of the Diamond Man’s slow movement and slowly dismantle the Diamond Man, but now there is no chance,

Although the diamond man on the right was hit on the head by Amu, his hand movements did not stop at all.

A heavy punch hit Amu directly,


The heavy armor on Amu’s body is obviously thicker and of much better quality. The defensive strength is not comparable to that of ordinary ogre warriors wearing iron armor.

This punch did not penetrate directly like before, but it also made a deep dent.

The heavy force directly made Amu feel his internal organs surge,

Amu has already felt a fatal threat. Faced with the siege of Diamond Man and Richard, he has no chance.

But when he tried to retreat, he discovered that another diamond man had blocked his retreat


The Vulcan Sword was withdrawn from the ogre chief’s chest. The high temperature of the sword body directly sealed the wound, and it had the effect of instantly stopping the bleeding.

However, although there was no blood loss, Amu’s internal organs were almost cooked by the Vulcan Sword. At this moment, he was really beyond saving.

Obvious irregular marks on the armor can be seen on the heavily fallen body, which is obviously the work of two diamond men,

“The ogre leader is dead, the ogre leader is dead!”

Richard found a steal and inserted the severed head into the gun head wound,

Returning to Chiyan, he immediately raised the broken gun high and showed it to the entire battlefield,

Although the ogres in the distance could not understand his shouting, they were still attracted by the sound and saw their leader’s head being held high in the air, which dealt a major blow to their morale.

The effect is even better for human soldiers who can understand the shouting. Their morale is completely stimulated to the extreme, and victory is already in sight.

“Not bad”

On the other side, Thor, who was still leading the charge, was also attracted by this scene. Richard’s brave figure left an excellent impression on him,

The way Richard held the Vulcan Sword before was very dazzling on the battlefield, even more eye-catching than Thor in terms of appearance,

Saul, who never praises others easily, also came out with two words of affirmation.


“Work harder, don’t fall behind!”

Looking back, Thor no longer used his fighting spirit sparingly, and the ogres who had been besieging and restricting them according to the orders were completely killed and dispersed.

Even the Valley Legion, which has been performing poorly, has gained high morale and even pushed back the ogre front line.

The defeat of the ogres can no longer be reversed. It is the nature of creatures to fear death. No matter how brave the ogres are, they have no determination to continue fighting in the face of a battle with no chance of winning.

The rout began where Sol and Richard passed by. Without unified command, the ogres no longer had the ability to stop the advance of their troops led by Sol and Richard.

When the ogres had collapsed in large numbers, the belated kobolds reacted and tried to escape but it was too late. They were the good labor force that Richard was eyeing, and they could just be used to make up for it. Labor shortage caused by large-scale military expansion.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Congratulations on gaining 45,000 experience points!”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”

This is the most experience Richard has gained at one time, and he completed the upgrade without any surprise.


Level: 9 (18400/80000)

Strength: 22.1

Physique: 21.5

Agility: 21.4

Spirit: 8.2

The Breathing Technique of the Beast (Grand Master) is the highest, the Qing Qi Entraining Technique (Advanced), and the Offensive Technique (Advanced).

Specialty: Control

Available skill points: 1

The four-dimensional attributes have increased a little, but there is no qualitative improvement in strength. No new skills have been acquired, and no skill points can be used.

Richard guessed that he would have to reach level ten to gain new skills.

The cleaning up work of the battle lasted until sunset. The corpses were piled up on the plain before they could be collected. The blood almost covered the entire ground. The earth was dyed dark red. Thinking about this place, The land can be very fertile, and the coming year should be a good one.

“Ah, save me!”

“Quick, quick, there is hope.”

From time to time there will be wailing sounds on the battlefield, and there are many injured but not dead people struggling for help,

If it’s an ogre, just give it another blow, and if it’s a human, you can save them if you can, but if it doesn’t, you can only send them on their way happily.

“Sir Richard, Mr. Saul has summoned you.”

While Richard was inspecting the camp of wounded soldiers to consolidate his image of loving his soldiers like a son, a messenger brought an order to summon Saul,

“Yes, I’ll go right away.”

Saul’s summons was not surprising to Richard. He performed so brilliantly on the battlefield, and anyone who was not blind could see the shining Vulcan sword clearly.

And Richard is an important contributor to this victory. Saul will summon him regardless of emotion or reason.

However, after hearing the news of Sol’s summons, Richard was still a little nervous,

It’s not that nervous about meeting a big shot. Richard has never seen anything like this before.

It’s because Sol’s identity and status are just like Yang Lin, the patron king of the Sui Dynasty in the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and he is still an enhanced patron king,

Of course, a young man like Richard, who has had second thoughts about the kingdom from the beginning and wants to poach the kingdom’s corners when he gets the chance, will be a little nervous about meeting Thor face to face.

If Thor sees something, Richard, the great knight, is no match for Thor with his strength.

“Lead the way.”

You have to see it if you don’t see it anyway…


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