Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 120: Easy


Unknowingly, Richard and Ron led two Diamonds and fifty Crusaders to directly punch through the ogre camp,

The ogre warriors who came to stop him were easily killed,

The Vulcan Sword is easier to use than Richard imagined. With his top-notch breathing skills, Richard’s physical fitness is no weaker than that of an average senior knight.

With the Vulcan Sword to strengthen his fighting spirit, Richard’s real combat power is not weaker than that of the peak knight,

The ogres who came to intercept the Hunter family’s coalition this time didn’t even have a big knight. No one could survive a few moves in Richard’s hands.

And if you want to rely on the numerical advantage to besiege Richard, you can’t get around the battle circle of the Diamond Man and the Crusaders.

Richard, who had been struggling for many years, finally acted as the arrow of a charge.

Not to mention, the feeling of going in and out among thousands of troops is quite refreshing. No wonder Zhao Yun has to go in and out seven times.

As Richard directly broke through the formation, there were also Ron and dozens of Crusaders, and the slowest Diamond Man fell at the back of the team.

Generally speaking, it is very dangerous to fall behind during this kind of charge, and it is basically gone.

But the two Diamond Men were obviously not among them. Even the ogres blocking them in front of them subconsciously gave way to them. The ones that were really crowded and couldn’t let go were eliminated by the Diamond Men with one punch.

I am really scared of being beaten by the Diamond Man. Although the Diamond Man is not as lethal as some senior knights, his defensive power is too abnormal. This kind of mace is not damaged at all, but it can shock my own hand. It is a perverted thing. Son, I’ve never seen an ogre before.

On the ogre side, it is estimated that only a strong person at the chief level would have the chance to cause harm to the diamond man.

The two diamond men penetrated the ogre’s line as the ogre watched, and completed the rendezvous with Richard in front,

At this moment, the flying bear army on the front is still fighting the ogres vigorously,

First, after fighting the ogres for so many times, I was mentally prepared and had corresponding tactics.

Secondly, a large number of halberdiers with quasi-cavalier strength were left in the Flying Bear Army’s front and became the fulcrum on the front.

Furthermore, the Flying Bear Army itself is also well-trained and has a strong will to fight. It has been able to firmly hold the line even when the combat effectiveness of its individual soldiers is seriously weak.


A soldier of the Flying Bear Army shouted loudly to embolden himself, and waved the armor-breaking kite in his hand at the oncoming ogre. Even if his head might be smashed by the ogre’s blow, he would still Don’t dare to take a step back,

The Flying Bear Army has strict discipline. Once a war begins, there will be no retreat. A cowardly person will not only lose his life, but his family, friends, and even people in the same village will be implicated. No one dares to retreat easily.

There are also many warriors who have been stimulated by the Hunter family’s improved version of “Military Duke Recording” and become war-happy warriors,

Matt is one of the representatives. As a veteran of the Flying Bear Army, Matt has participated in all the battles since the formation of the army and has accumulated enough military merit in exchange for basic breathing techniques.

In addition, he has good talent, and his strength has reached the threshold of a quasi-knight. He has been promoted from an ordinary soldier to a centurion captain,

But people are never satisfied with basic breathing techniques. What they want even more is the top breathing techniques released by the Hunter family.

Because Richard used the Beast Breathing Technique before it was improved by the system as a technique to exchange for military merit, people like Matt who had already redeemed the basic Breathing Technique were jealous.

The reason why he wants to redeem the Breathing Technique of the Beast is also very simple. The better the foundation of the Breathing Technique is, the greater the chance of advancing to become a knight in the future. This is Matt’s real goal.

From villagers to knights, the plot is only found in bard stories. Now the road is laid out in front of you.


Matt and his Centurion were fighting against the armored ogre. Another soldier was hit by the ogre’s mace and flew several meters away. There was no possibility of survival.

“Make it up! No retreat allowed”

While shouting loudly, Matt himself took a few steps forward again. The two armies were fighting and could not retreat at all, even if they stood firm and died.


The ogre in front of him also let out a roar of pain. With the cooperation of several soldiers, the armor-breaking spine on Matt’s hand hit an ogre’s thigh hard.

The ogre crouched in pain for the afternoon. Before he could fight back, the surrounding Flying Bear Army soldiers saw the situation and swarmed forward. Several heavy soldiers smashed into it and completely eliminated it.

“The seventh one is still missing…”

Matt muttered silently, probably calculating his military exploits again.


This time, another Flying Bear Army soldier was knocked away by an ogre. Even with the flying bear army’s elite level and cooperation, they could not achieve a one-to-one exchange of casualties with the ogre. If you can replace one ogre warrior with four or five soldiers, it’s considered a profit.

“Hold on, hold on!”


The war scene was still very stalemate, but it was quickly broken. Soon the soldiers of the Flying Bear Army on the front felt that the pressure was greatly reduced, and the ogres began to be attacked from both sides, and they could no longer hold up.

After Richard pierced the ogre’s line, he turned his horse again and led the Diamond Man and the Crusaders in a back charge.

The next step is to keep coming in and out and then dividing and killing. A species as ferocious as the ogre can withstand such play,

Richard fought more and more smoothly, and the resistance he received became weaker and weaker, and the ogre completely collapsed,

The first to collapse were the ogre tribe warriors recruited,

Originally, they had been following Grugesh in a smooth battle. In their eyes, human combat power was just like this. How could they have ever encountered such a fierce human army?

After being charged by Richard several times, he began to leave the group of armored ogres and run away, and their escape soon caused a chain reaction,

Under Richard’s continuous pressure, the entire ogre army began to flee in all directions. More than 500 ogres fled back towards Amu’s army, and some towards Piaoxue City. Escape in the direction of Lugesh Camp,

Richard did not lead the army to kill them all as before. He just ordered the griffons to pursue them as much as possible and then began to reorganize his troops on the spot.

“Quickly form a team, quickly form a team!”

The Flying Bear Army was very efficient because they did not pursue the remaining enemies. When the ogre collapsed, they basically stayed in place.

As soon as Richard ordered the whole team, he quickly filled in some of the vacancies that were killed according to usual training. Only the more than a thousand soldiers from various noble families were relatively slow, but they were still within Richard’s acceptance range. After all, they were Or a professional elite warrior.

“Keep going, keep going!”

After a while, the team was finally reorganized,

Richard is still riding the red flame horse at the front, approaching the battlefield where the Valley Army and the ogre brigade led by Amu are fighting…


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