Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 12: End and Beginning



Blood flowed out from Viscount Will’s back along the sword.

“I actually wanted to run away and almost deceived me.”

There was a bit of disdain in Viscount Sauter’s tone. Just now, Viscount Will, his old enemy, looked like a madman, which really frightened Sauter. He thought he really wanted to fight for his life, but he didn’t expect it to be a feint. Gun, found an opportunity to turn the horse’s head and wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, he was entangled by Ron who came over. Viscount Will finally lost his courage and was killed by Sauter from behind with a knight’s sword without any honor.

“Ron, you are hurt.”

After all, it was a dying counterattack by a senior knight, and Ron seemed to be injured.

“It doesn’t matter, go and support Lord Richard first.”

“Well”, after all, the fighting was still going on. Viscount Sauter was not an old silver coin who was particularly good at playing the role of a polite corporal. He ordered the cavalry beside him to cut off Viscount Will’s head and continued into the battle.

With the addition of two knight-level combatants, Viscount Sauter and Ron, the already somewhat shaken Will family cavalry began to collapse. In the end, there were only two quasi-knights and a dozen cavalry, fleeing the battlefield from different directions. .

Richard did not ask to continue the pursuit. He slightly reorganized his remaining cavalry and observed the main force of the Will family’s peasant soldiers. The infantry without cavalry cover simply had loopholes everywhere.

Leading the remaining cavalry, he easily penetrated the Will family’s line from the flank, and kept shouting that Will was dead, and showed Will’s head to the army.

The great collapse inevitably began. The peasants and soldiers decisively dropped their weapons and turned to flee. Even the quasi-knights and personal guards who had been bravely taking the lead began to waver.

One by two, they fled, triggering a chain reaction in the end. However, several quasi-cavaliers gathered together and tried to organize the fleeing peasants and soldiers to mount a futile resistance, but were attacked by Richard and the cavalry. , when the last few resisting quasi-knights fell under Richard’s sword, the war had lost any suspense.

The peasants and soldiers of the Will family fled in all directions on the snowy field, while the peasants and soldiers of the Hunter family chased with red eyes. In their eyes, these people now have military glory at their fingertips.

It wasn’t until Richard ordered the killing of deserters that the Hunter family’s farmers and soldiers reluctantly stopped.

Until the last chasing peasant soldier returned, there was no trace of the Will family soldiers on the snow except for the prisoners lying directly on the ground.


After a brief cheer, the soldiers of the Hunter family began to clean up the battlefield. In the relatively iron-deficient Northland, these iron armors, knight swords and even gun heads are good treasures. After cleaning up, you can collect almost a hundred pairs of armors. Even if some are damaged, you can find a blacksmith to take them apart and use them to sew cloth armor, laying a certain foundation for Richard’s subsequent army expansion.

And finally some surprises appeared in Richard’s consciousness.

A brilliant victory

Loss: 216, enemy destroyed: 898

Reward experience 5560

Congratulations on the upgrade

Richard: Human Race

Level: 3 (3280/5000)

Strength: 6.2

Physique: 6.5

Agility: 6.5

Spirit: 2.8

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Master) can be improved, General Air Entrainment Technique (Beginner) can be improved.

New skill – primary offensive technique (the attack of soldiers under his command is increased by 10% – can be learned)

Available skill points: 3

Richard first tried to learn basic offensive techniques and used a skill point. Then Ron and a quasi-knight from the city guard were called to ask respectively. Ron bluntly said that he felt strengthened, but the other quasi-knight was a little confused about Richard’s question.

Richard sent the two of them away without explaining carefully and then started to think about it.

After confirming that the offensive technique was only effective for soldiers produced by his system, Richard fell into a dilemma.

After much thought, Richard added skill points to the Beast Breathing Technique. There were too few soldiers in the system, and adding offensive techniques was of little use now. The quality of generic products such as general air-entraining techniques was too low. It’s a waste to use skill points to improve, so let’s see what the Beast Breathing Technique that you have already practiced at its peak will look like if you take it one step further.

After investing two skill points into the Beast Breathing Technique, Richard clearly felt a sense of relief in his body, and his strength and five senses were obviously improved.

Even the improvement plan for further strengthening the Beast Breathing Technique emerged in his memory, which meant that this set of breathing techniques was equivalent to a perfect improvement of the Beast Breathing Technique, and he could teach it to everyone in the Hunter family. .

I intuitively looked at my property panel through the system, and it has now become

Richard: Human Race

Strength: 8.6

Physique: 8.5

Agility: 9.2

Spirit: 3.0

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Master), General Air-Entraining Technique (Beginner), Offensive Technique (Beginner)

Army: Lancers (10), Archers (10), Swordsmen (1), Crusaders (1)

At this time, Richard’s physical fitness has been greatly improved. Without taking into account his fighting spirit, based on physical fitness alone, Richard is no weaker than a senior knight who has been in the knight class for many years and introduced energy to temper his body to its peak. .

It was already dark, and the soldiers who had finished cleaning up the battlefield set up camp. The main members of the Hunter family gathered around the campfire to discuss matters.

Richard did not choose to march to the Rock Castle overnight. In this era, marching overnight is a very dangerous thing. The night is full of too many accidents. Even the most experienced elites will not march overnight unless they have to.

Now that the Will family is meat on the chopping board, there is no possibility of escape, so there is no need to take risks.

In addition to the cheers of victory, the mood of everyone around the campfire was not high at this time. Although this battle was a complete victory, the Hunter family suffered a lot of losses, not to mention that two system swordsmen were killed under Richard’s command. Soldiers, two of the three quasi-knight-level centurions in the city guard were killed in the battle. One of them was the son of the second uncle’s family, Richard’s cousin. The city guard even died in the battle in order to stop the quasi-knights from the Will family. Hundreds of people were killed, and the farmers and soldiers suffered the heaviest losses. They lacked armor and were cut down like grass in front of the would-be knights of the Will family.

Although the Hunter family was founded by force, this was the first time they had experienced such a heavy casualty war.

After making some simple arrangements, Richard also spoke a few words of comfort. Although the effect was not great, everyone finally lifted their mood.

Li Cha didn’t say anything more and asked everyone to go back and have a rest early.

Only Richard and Viscount Sauter were left.

“You know, during today’s battle, old guy Will saw his son dead. His eyes were really scary. I thought he really wanted to trade his life with me, but I didn’t expect that he actually wanted to run away. ”

“Haha, I didn’t expect that my father would be scared sometimes on the battlefield.”

“Who knows, I thought he loved his son as much as I do.”

“…” Richard suddenly fell silent. He had never been a person who liked to say sensational words, and he didn’t know how to answer them.

“But, when I think about it carefully, he is right. If he could run away and bring some troops back to the Stone Castle to defend it, we might not be so relaxed now.”

Saote didn’t pay attention to Richard’s silence and continued.

“Richard, if one day, your father also dies on the battlefield, will you desperately seek revenge, or will you continue to plan rationally?”

Damn, give me a proposition.

I have to say that this sentence also confused Richard. Richard prides himself on being a rational and well-planned person. If the person who died in the battle today was not his cousin but Viscount Sauter, he would still be able to maintain his integrity. Is it sane?

“I don’t know the answer until I get to that point. In order to prevent myself from encountering such a problem, I think I will try my best to prevent my father from going to the battlefield again.”

“You go hunting, drinking and watching circuses in Ironwood City. I will invite all the most popular circuses in the Golden Dragon Kingdom to show you. You can enjoy yourself and leave the rest of the hard work to your son.”

Richard actually avoided this problem.

Escape is shameful, but it works.


“You, hahahaha.”

“What you are saying sounds like a prince in a bard’s story who seeks to usurp the throne.”

Richard also smiled. His authority in Hunter Territory is now that of the king, so there is no need to usurp the throne.

Once you take over the Stone Fortress, it will be a new beginning.


The camp tent was rustling in the night wind, and the entire camp except the patrolling soldiers had fallen asleep.


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