Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 119: Breakthrough


“Get ready to fight!”

At this time, the intercepting ogre army has appeared in front of the coalition forces led by Richard. As long as they break through them, they can directly enter the main battlefield and complete the operational intention of enveloping them on both sides.

The Flying Bear Army, which ran for dozens of miles and jumped directly into the battle, showed no signs of fatigue and entered combat mode after Richard gave the order.

On the other hand, the subordinates of various lords were slightly tired and panting, but their morale was still high and they could immediately go into battle. After all, they had fought with Richard for several battles without losing a single one, so he had a good mentality. A strong army.

“Whether to place the rune ballista.”

As the two sides continued to approach, the system suddenly issued a prompt,

Richard was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood, it was really the effect of the blacksmith shop,

After scanning the surroundings, Richard placed the rune ballista in the system army team behind him,

Under the cover of the tall Crusaders around, the rune ballista, which was only about 1.5 meters tall, appeared out of thin air without attracting the slightest attention.


A low sound of bowstring sounded,

A two-meter-long arrow shot out from the human camp and penetrated an elite ogre in the front row, both human and armor, with one blow.

The ogre pierced by the crossbow arrow fell to the ground in pain. There was basically no chance of survival from such an injury.


In just ten seconds, there was another muffled sound, and another ogre fell to the ground lifeless.

Ordinary soldiers didn’t react at all, but senior officers and some lords were a little strange. They clearly remembered that they didn’t bring a bear hunting crossbow this time because they were on the road, but they were a little confused at best and didn’t think much about it.

Richard basically figured out the effect of the rune ballista through these two attempts,

The power and rate of fire are greater than the bear-hunting crossbow. From the time the ogre reaches the maximum attack range of the rune crossbow to the time of engagement, the rune crossbow can shoot seven or eight crossbow bolts, and it comes with its own crossbow bolts, which is extremely trouble-free.

It’s a pity that only one can be placed at a time. For the scale of the battlefield that Richard has to deal with now, the effect is still too small, and it can only be considered better than nothing.


“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

After the two sides approached a hundred steps, the arrows from the human side fell first. Unfortunately, they could only cause great damage to the kobolds. Only the marksmen produced by the system posed some threat to the ogres, but the number was still too small. .

“Open the box!”

After seeing that the two sides were close to a distance of fifty steps, Richard ordered the box containing the two diamond men to be opened.

No matter what the other lords think, Richard will never admit that he is carrying two coffins.

Several soldiers quickly opened the “coffin” that had been carried in the team,

Two diamond men with crystal blue bodies stood upright from the “coffin”,

There are so many scenes


Fortunately, the human coalition knew that this was one of their own, so there was no commotion.

And the lord who thought he had some knowledge guessed that the two people that Richard had always brought with him as treasures were things like war golems from ancient ruins. Although they were rare, they had always heard of them.

As for the ogres getting closer and closer on the other side, what does it feel like to see this scene?

Sorry, the Ogre is actually much scarier than the Diamond Man. In appearance, the Diamond Man even looks a bit thinner.

But no matter what you think, the enemy is right in front of you now, and there is no possibility of retreating,


Richard pulled out the Vulcan Sword and held it high in the air. Under the infusion of fighting spirit, the entire sword turned from black and gray to dazzling fiery red, and fire waves erupted from the tip of the sword for more than two feet.

This dazzling fire, coupled with Richard’s handsome red flame horse,

To put it mildly, Richard really looks like a **** descending to earth at this moment,

Of course, to put it more realistically, this time the stubborn dog can no longer survive. Not only can it no longer survive, it has also become the biggest battlefield magnet.

But fortunately, Richard never makes fun of his own life,

In addition to believing in the fighting power of the Flying Bear Army, there are fifty knight-level crusaders around Richard, including Ron,

There are also two powerful knights with diamond men accompanying them,

The number of ogre warriors in the ogre army on the opposite side will never exceed the number of hands,

This time, Richard is going to rely on his superiority in high-end combat power to make a head-on breakthrough against the ogre.

“Come with me!”


“Whoosh, whoosh…”

At the last distance, the ogre threw a round of rocks,

It caused some casualties to ordinary soldiers, but it did not affect the overall situation.


This time Richard took the lead and rushed into the enemy formation,

Although the charging distance is not long, the Red Flame Horse accelerates very fast, and the collision distance of dozens of steps produces a powerful impact,

The red flame horse is several times stronger than the previous northern horse, and it directly knocked away the leading ogre,

Richard, who has the strength of a great knight, wielded the Vulcan Sword on his war horse, and actually mowed down a group of ogre warriors like mowing grass.

At least until Richard’s fighting spirit is exhausted, there is hardly any danger.

Seeing that the coach leads the way, the soldiers behind him will only join the battle at a faster speed,

Before the ogres could complete the siege of Richard, Ron had already rushed forward with the Crusaders. Nearly fifty Crusaders ignited their fighting spirit and cooperated with the killing, directly clearing the area around Richard. A clearing,

The two sides fought for less than a hundred breaths, and the ogres suffered nearly a hundred casualties, while the casualties on the human side were only dozens,

This kind of casualty ratio is unimaginable for the ogres. The ogre army, which had been so full of morale just now, was hit hard in an instant.

The more terrifying thing is yet to come. The Diamond Man, who did not attract the attention of the ogre at first, also entered the battlefield a little later.


The dull collision sound was not the sound of weapons clashing, but the mace of an ogre hitting the Diamond Man on the head.

The Diamond Man didn’t react at all after receiving such a blow, which made the ogre warrior feel weird and ridiculous. Even the human knight couldn’t take the blow with his head.

But the ogre warrior didn’t wait long for doubt,

Looking back, the Diamond Man punched the ogre warrior in the stomach,

The powerful force directly punched the ogre warrior’s iron armor through his belly, and the scene was much bloodier than being stabbed by a sword,

The two diamond men moved forward mechanically like bulldozers on the battlefield. All the ogres blocking them were no match for one punch.

Li Cha on the horse is more efficient. Every swing of the Vulcan Sword is like group damage. The casualties he causes are slightly greater than those of ordinary knights. And in this ogre team, There was no strong person who could restrain him, so he could only let Richard be trampled on by the army like Kai Wushuang.

Unknowingly, there were fewer and fewer ogres around me…


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