Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 117: Plan and new week


East of Piaoxue City

An army of more than 6,000 people is marching south at an extremely fast speed,

Richard rode a red flame horse with a black mane and a red body and walked at the front of the team,

The output of Red Flame horses is not high. Only forty horses have been bred during this period. It is unrealistic to equip the army on a large scale.

For the time being, it can only be allocated to senior officers and nobles who have completely surrendered to Richard. Viscount Sauter and Richard’s two uncles each also took one, and the rest continued to be kept in the stables.

“Speed ​​up and get to the reserved location before dark!”

After leaving behind the cavalry, some auxiliary troops, and most of the senior personnel, Richard led the troops around lightly, and cleverly avoided the ogre’s detection through the detection of the Royal Griffin in the sky,

The light cavalry who stayed in place still tried their best to cover the battlefield in the northwest. There were still hundreds of auxiliary soldiers singing the empty city strategy at the place where they originally camped.

Unless the ogres attack in large numbers, relying on the kobolds’ reconnaissance, even if the kobolds break through the cavalry blockade and come near the camp, it will be difficult to see through Richard’s disguise from such a distance.

Of course, the worst result is that after the kobolds detect the location of the camp and send the information back, the ogres decide to destroy Richard’s support army first,

The cavalry will be able to escape by then, but none of these auxiliary soldiers will be able to escape.

But by that time, Richard had already taken the main force and joined forces with Thor to complete the surprise attack on the ogre division.

As for the danger of leaving auxiliary troops behind, we can only say that kindness does not control troops…


“Fire oil, fire oil!, quick!”

At this time, Piaoxue City finally faced a real test. While the kobolds dyed the moat red with blood, they finally filled in a passage directly leading to the city wall.

The first mixed team of ogres and kobolds finally set up the ladder on the wall of Piaoxue City,

Unfortunately, the ogre who climbed the ladder first had his head poured over by boiling oil that had been boiling for a long time before he climbed halfway up the city wall, causing him to fall down painfully.

“Car, car! Aim at the guardrail and hit!”

“Bang, bang, bang…”

The sound of continuous stone throwing suppressed the cry of killing for a while.

The dense stones continuously hit the ogre and pushed them onto the manhole railing, directly causing the manhole column to collapse.


Seeing the most intimidating manhole guardrail being smashed by a car, the defenders on the city wall cheered.

The city defense facilities of Piaoxue City are completely incomparable to Helburg,

The Lanster family is a military aristocrat. Piaoxue City has been the base camp run by the Lanster family for generations. The complete city defense facilities surprised Grugesh who was watching the battle.

Forget the moat, there are actually a lot of pits along the city wall,

In addition to the manholes that were smashed by a large number of vehicles with dense stones, there was also a manhole that fell into a pit just after it was pushed across the moat,

Forcibly, he was ignited by the fire arrow on the city wall and was about to reach the city wall.

“Woo, woo…”

As a low trumpet sounded, the ogre army that was still struggling to attack retreated like a tide,

This round of attack ended in an anticlimactic manner,

Only Grugesh’s gloomy face was left, looking at the majestic city wall of Piaoxue City,

I have to admit that the capture of the relatively strong Hel Fort made Grugesh a little arrogant. He thought that he could easily capture Piaoxue City with the same tactics, but now he felt a little bit like he was riding a tiger.

“Continue to let the kobolds attack until all safe passages are explored!”

“Yes, sir”

The night is dark

Li Cha led more than 6,000 coalition troops and quietly arrived at a place more than 20 miles east of Piaoxue City and set up camp after bypassing all ogre investigations.

The camp is now located in a place with terrain differences, mainly to block a certain amount of firelight and avoid being directly discovered by kobold scouts in the distance,

Because we were going to spend the night, the camp had to light up torches, but we tried to control the number of torches as much as possible,

If a camp of six thousand people has no light at all, it will be a disaster for an army.

Richard scattered all the griffins and ordered them to kill all the kobolds that came close to prevent the kobolds who were investigating from discovering his secretly marching army.

Gryphons have extremely strong night vision, and their eyes are as clear at night as during the day. All kobolds who may discover the coalition camp will have no chance of leaving alive.

Richard now has to deal with an intelligence gap and a time difference. Even if the kobolds don’t go back in time and alert the ogres, it will only be the next day.

Waiting for the ogre to react, Richard may have accomplished his strategic purpose.

In the dark night, most of the soldiers have fallen asleep,

Only Richard was still thinking about something in front of the candlelight in his tent.

“There is no choice this time!”

Today is the beginning of a new week. During the day, he was in a hurry. It was only at night that Richard opened the system and started studying it.

The Linzhong City itself is an auxiliary city, lacking functional buildings, and now there are no rare resources to build a fourth-level barracks. Nothing can be built this week. The depressed Richard can only recruit all the refreshed soldiers. Turn off the interface of Forest City,

The situation here at Stone Fortress is actually not much better, with only a blacksmith shop left to build,

After Richard skillfully recruited the soldiers who were refreshed this week in Stone Castle, he went to the construction interface to complete the construction of the blacksmith shop.

The function of the blacksmith shop has changed slightly from what I remembered,

Function 1: Provide a rune crossbow, which will automatically appear in the army after the war (free)

Function 2: Damaged treasures can be repaired after paying a certain price (the price depends on the value of the treasure and the damage)

Function 3: Ten sets of sophisticated equipment can be provided every week.

Richard cannot experiment with the first two functions now, but he has certain expectations for the rune ballista that can appear directly on the battlefield, and hopes to have some surprises.

The third function is a real benefit. Although I don’t know how sophisticated the equipment can be, based on the principle that the products produced by the system must be high-quality, Richard believes that these ten sets of equipment must be above the standard. Yes, at least it will not be worse than the cost-effective equipment produced by his ordnance factory.

Ten sets a week, add up and save money…

After repeated research, Richard, who could not find any new information, felt a little sleepy.

We still need to be mentally prepared for tomorrow’s battle…


Turn off the lights and go to sleep…


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