Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 116: Fighter



In the countryside near Piaoxue City, several scouts were chasing a small group of escaping kobolds,

Cleaning up kobold scouts has almost become a regular entertainment program for the Northland Cavalry,


Another kobold was chopped down from behind by human cavalry,

Kobolds basically use their own lives to conduct reconnaissance. As long as they encounter human scouts, they can only flee.

In the past, these kobolds could still get away with a few by virtue of their numbers and their own flexibility, but this time the situation has changed a little,


The griffin in the air flew down. The kobold who had already fled away was picked up in the air by the griffin without the ability to resist. It circled around a few times and dropped it playfully.

Although these griffons are very docile in front of Richard, they are actually extremely ferocious omnivorous animals.


With a heavy sound of landing, the kobold’s screams suddenly stopped, and the entire kobold investigation team was wiped out.

This is the order Richard issued to cover the battlefield after approaching Piaoxue City. He used his own cavalry and air superiority to completely clear out the ogres’ eyes and ears.

More than a thousand cavalry in the coalition and dozens of griffons in Richard’s hands have been operating at high load, trying not to let go of a single kobold.

In this way, even if the ogre army wants to kill him first, it will not be able to find the specific location of Richard’s army.

Ogre Camp

“Lord Grugesh, nearly 50,000 human troops have appeared in the south.”

A few days after Richard’s army arrived near Piaoxue City, the reinforcements from the valley, which were obviously much closer, finally slowly approached the battlefield,

Compared with Richard, who only sent troops to rely on a dozen or so lords, after Saul set out from Zhenbeiguan, dozens of nobles from the south followed him, bringing their own dry food.

On the road from Zhenbeiguan to Piaoxue City, the number of troops actually increased, from more than 40,000 people to more than 50,000 people walking, so that Sol had to stop on the road. The army reorganized for a few days before setting off, and it was only now that the ogre discovered its specific location.

“Let Amu lead three thousand-man troops, and then recruit a few tribes to keep an eye on them.”

Grogesh paused and told his arrangement,

Glugesh’s goal is very clear, destroying the human army is no longer his main purpose,

Attack Piaoxue City, take away the city’s wealth and craftsmen, and then return to the wilderness. Only after completely integrating all the ogre tribes can you be qualified to continue the confrontation with the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

“Yes, sir.”

Amu is one of the ogre chiefs under Grugesh. For him to lead three thousand armored ogre elites and a larger number of tribal warriors to keep an eye on Thor is considered serious,

Even if they cannot defeat the River Valley Legion, they can still contain it and wait for Grugesh to send people for support.

“Lord Grugesh, all the kobolds in the northwest have lost contact.”

A thousand-man team was trapped in the northwest direction, and several tribes were wiped out. Of course, Grugesh would not ignore this threat,

It’s just that Richard is much slipperier than Sol. The terrain in the river valley is not suitable for cavalry combat, so there is no tradition of cavalry.

In the earliest days, heavy infantry was the dominant force in the river valley. Of course, the heavy infantry in the river valley is not that good now.

The consequence is that there are not enough reconnaissance cavalry in Sol’s army. They can only rely on the attached Northland nobles to organize a light cavalry, and there is not enough air power to cooperate, so it is difficult to do something like Richard completely covered the battlefield like that.

“Continue to send kobolds for reconnaissance. Regardless of whether there are kobolds returning to camp, send kobolds to the northwest every day to double the number.”

“Yes, sir”

In response to Richard’s use of cavalry and air superiority to obscure the battlefield,

Grugesh quickly figured out a way to deal with it,

Anyway, Grugesh doesn’t take the lives of the kobolds seriously. As long as he keeps sending out kobolds for reconnaissance, if the kobolds in any direction cannot come back, it will naturally mean that the enemy is in that direction.

Although we cannot completely determine the location, we can have a rough idea and be prepared.


“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

On the top of Piaoxue City, it finally became noisy after being calm for a while,

Under the commander’s orders, the defenders on the top of the city rained down arrows in waves,

Every volley can bring out the screams of countless kobolds. Bows and arrows, which are almost ineffective against ogres, are still very effective when used against kobolds.

But these kobolds seem to be endlessly killed. No matter how many corpses are left behind, they can always replenish enough numbers in time.

Under the supervision of the ogres in the camp, they continued to fill the moat with soil, sand and gravel. In a few days, they almost filled in a passage for the seven to eight feet wide moat.

In the distance, the ogres pushing the huge manhole rails and ladders also began to move. When several passages were filled in, the real attack began.

“Lord Richard, we have contacted the reinforcements in the valley. Lord Saul asked us to act easily on our own.”

In the coalition camp, Richard has also been paying attention to the fighting situation in Piaoxue City. Although most of the griffins participated in the battle to cover the battlefield,

But Richard still retained two griffons to closely monitor the situation in Piaoxue City,

He could see that in the past few days, the ogre’s attack preparations would be completed, and then he would find an opportunity to enter the battlefield. If nothing was done, with the ogre’s current combat power, Piaoxue City would be destroyed. But I can’t last a few days.

“Pass my order, the whole army is ready to leave. Don’t make any changes to the camp, bring as little capital as possible, and move quickly!”

“All cavalry will stay where they are and continue to clean up the kobolds, and try to expand the coverage area to another five miles.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Of course Richard would not carelessly lead his troops under Piaoxue City. If he was bitten by an ogre, all his troops would be trapped.

Just through the advantage of investigation, Richard was keenly aware of a hint of opportunity, and the opportunity to break the situation was right in front of him.

Reinforcement military camp in the river valley,

A sword eagle knight landed in the open space in front of the camp gate,

“Lord Saul, news from the Hunter family…”

The letter on the Sword Eagle Knight was delivered to Thor as quickly as possible.

After reading the letter, Saul fell into thinking for a long time, seeming to be weighing something, and finally made up his mind:

“Tell the Hunter family that we will cooperate with their actions and let them do it with confidence.”

“Yes, Lord Thor.”

“Lord Thor, are they really that strong?”

Watching the messenger go away, Kurtz couldn’t help but say that he was confused,

In the letter, the Hunter family claims to have eight thousand elite warriors, with more than 60 knight-level warriors and three great knights.

This kind of strength is not inferior to some of the top nobles in the kingdom. It is hard for Kurz to imagine that a small noble from the North can have this kind of strength.

“It doesn’t matter, he doesn’t dare to lie to us.”

Even if there is intelligence from other channels showing that the Hunter family is powerful, it is certainly not as detailed as the intelligence given by Richard, who is a tyrant like himself.

Saul is actually doubtful about the strength of the Hunter family, but he believes that the nobles who can manage such strength are definitely not crazy,

If he didn’t have the strength to show off, let alone being accused of lying about military intelligence, Saul could have sold Richard directly on the battlefield. In this case, bragging is meaningless, and no one would risk their own lives. Just kidding.

“Go down and prepare, be ready to send troops at any time.”

“Yes, sir”


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