Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 115: Crisis


Piaoxue City

At this time, Piaoxue City has long lost the prosperity of the first city in the North. The city gate, which used to be full of merchants and pedestrians, is now empty.

The iron gate weighing 10,000 kilograms is tightly closed. The last time the city gate was closed in broad daylight in Piaoxue City can be traced back to the period of the first Marquis of the North.

After more than a week of marching, the main force of ogres led by Grugesh finally arrived at the foot of Piaoxue City. Almost all the lord castles along the way were ignored by the ogre army.

Except for some poor locations, the castles that happened to be stuck in positions that made the ogre army uncomfortable were easily removed. Anyway, as long as Piaoxue City is conquered, these castles can be taken down easily.

If you stand at the top of Piaoxue City and look down, you will see that the number of the ogre army is increasing instead of decreasing. Although the Jingbei Army led by Marquis Wade is extremely tenacious in resisting at Fort Hel,

Causing heavy losses to the attacking ogres,

But with the power of victory, Grugesh once again gathered a large number of scattered ogre tribes,

Although the quality is not as good as before, but in terms of quantity, it is definitely more terrifying than before,

Glugesh continued to increase his direct lineage to about 20,000, and after he captured Helburg, the number of small and medium-sized tribes willing to follow him increased exponentially, and there were also an even larger number of kobold vassals.

Fortunately, these kobolds are cheap and have small food intake. Otherwise, even if the ogre army is not picky about food, they will still encounter a food crisis.

Although the ogre tribe is relatively primitive, it is only primitive in terms of system and culture. As an intelligent race, the ogres are not stupid in their minds, especially the leaders of each tribe, who have no less Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts than the human nobles. ,

Originally, Grugesh only gained the allegiance of a small number of ogres due to his status as a two-headed ogre in the ogre legend.

More ogres are still in a dubious and respectful attitude. They will respond to his call if it is profitable, and ignore it when it is unprofitable.

Only a small part of the ogre tribes that were originally loose and even attacked each other were integrated by Grugesh,

It wasn’t until Grugesh defeated the main force of the Jingbei Army with the support of four large ogre tribes and his clever layout that more ogre tribes came to seek refuge.

This was the first expansion of Grugesh’s power, and after the capture of Fort Hel, Grugesh’s power began to improve by leaps and bounds,

The ogres can see that by following Grugash, they can win, grab things, use better iron tools, and live a better life,

The number of people following Grugash will naturally be greater, and as time and information ferment, more ogre tribes watching in the wilderness will join Grugash’s command.

Grugesh has almost completed the integration of the loose wilderness ogres almost by himself.

Ogre Camp,

Glugesh was standing on a watchtower in the camp, looking at the snowy city in the distance.

For the ogre’s attack, Piaoxue City was better prepared than he imagined,

Piaoxue City is dozens of times larger than Fort Hel, so more soldiers are naturally needed to garrison the city.

If you look carefully, you can see that the soldiers on the top of the city are not panicking at all, and all the defense equipment is complete. You can vaguely see many fires burning on the top of the city, and the iron pots on them are burning. You know everything without guessing.

This time’s opponent may not be as easy to deal with as Marquis Wade.

After conquering Piaoxue City and completely causing harm to the North, he will return to the wilderness to completely rectify all the ogre tribes. This is Grugesh’s plan,

Whether it is to completely eliminate human beings or to occupy the Northland, it seems to be very difficult to achieve now,

Originally I had this kind of idea, not because Grugesh was not smart enough, but because he was limited by what he could see. He only knew about the Jingbei Army, but he didn’t know how big the gap was between the ogres and the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom.

In the process of marching eastward, Grugesh’s understanding of the Golden Dragon Kingdom became deeper and deeper. He actually felt a little regretful under the continuous victory, and even felt that he had let the orcs be used as spearmen.

If the Golden Dragon Kingdom is really in a hurry and two dragon knights are called in regardless of the consequences, it will definitely be difficult for the ogres to resist.

However, there was no turning back when he opened his bow. At this point, he could not stop just by saying stop. Even if he wanted to withdraw to the wilderness, his tribe who had not yet had enough to eat might not agree.

“Conquer Piaoxue City, grab enough supplies and slaves, and then return to the wilderness.”

Grogesh made up his mind.


Piaoxue City

At this time, Piaoxue City was under the management of Lin Te, although people were panicking due to the arrival of the ogres, but the order was still good,

This is also thanks to Thor’s timely support of food and grass supplies after taking control of the river valley. If Piaoxue City does not have enough food to starve, no matter how great Linte is, it will be difficult to ensure the stability of the city.

“Master Lin Te, there is danger on the city wall. I am here. You should go back to the house first.”

“It’s okay, it will take a few days for the ogres to attack.”

Lint waved his hand, not caring,

At such a long distance, it is impossible for the ogres to bring the large siege equipment used at Helburg,

You can only build it again after arriving at Piaoxue City, but Lint had already started preparations when Helburg was besieged,

Usable wood cannot be found within more than ten miles of Piaoxue City. The ogre needs to go further to collect materials. The time it takes to come and go will be long,

Not to mention that Piaoxue City is different from Hellburg. Piaoxue City is located at the intersection of Xiaoling River and Da Ling River, so it will naturally take advantage of the location.

There is also a moat seven to eight feet wide surrounding Piaoxue City. It will take some time to fill out a passage in this moat. Now Lin Te is very safe standing on the city wall.

“Master Lint, Lord Thor’s letter.”

Lint took the letter and smiled slightly after reading the content.

“Master Lint, what did Lord Thor say?”

“Lord Saul has led the reinforcements out of Zhenbeiguan. Let us stick to Piaoxue City and not abandon the city.”

“Here, are Lord Thor’s reinforcements useful?”

Sander knew the composition of Thor’s army, so he naturally had doubts about the role of reinforcements.

“Of course!”

Lint’s words are very certain.

“Notify the whole city that Lord Thor, the dragon knight of the town, has led the kingdom’s 100,000 troops from Zhenbeiguan to reinforce the North. We must hold on until Lord Thor’s reinforcements arrive.”

“Yes, Master Linte.”

Surrounded by heavy ogre troops, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the situation in Piaoxue City is not optimistic, and any information that boosts morale is worth publicizing.


Compared to Thor, who has attracted a lot of attention, the coalition forces led by Richard have approached Piaoxue City very low-key at this time,

Settled a camp dozens of miles north of Piaoxue City…


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