Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 114: Go south and north


On the official road leading from Hunter to Piaoxue City,

Richard led an army of more than 6,000 people and headed south in a mighty manner,

Because the team carried a lot of equipment and was dragging more than a dozen bear-hunting crossbows, the overall speed was not very fast. If you look closely at the team of equipment behind, you can also find two strange coffins. Those who didn’t know better thought that The commander went out carrying the coffin to boost morale.

The number of troops is still increasing, and nobles attached to the Hunter family are joining the army along the way. It is expected that the final number of troops will reach more than 8,000,

Logically speaking, the Hunter family is not qualified to recruit these lords to send troops to participate in the war, but the current strength of the Hunter family is unreasonable in the North,

After Richard gave an order, the lords who had previously been attached to Richard consciously followed the previous standards and took their soldiers to join the team heading south.

Of course, the reason why these lords are so conscious is not entirely due to the strength of the Hunter family. They have a certain degree of enthusiasm. After all, they will be rewarded for their merits by following Richard in the war, and they can also gain some military exploits.

Richard’s headquarters army is also stronger than before. After a few days of reorganization, thousands of peasant soldiers with combat experience were added to the original Flying Bear Army, forming the current army led by Richard. The main army,

So far, almost all the peasant soldiers who first belonged to the Hunter family village have been recruited into the regular army,

These farmers and soldiers have been trained for a long time, and their fighting will and discipline are also guaranteed. Basically, they have participated in the initial war with the Will family,

After joining the Flying Bear Army, you will be given a set of sophisticated equipment, and after a few days of familiarization and training, your combat effectiveness will be guaranteed.

But if we expand the army later, it will be impossible to just join the army and drag it into the battlefield. Doing that is almost equivalent to murder,

Including the Will Territory, the territory controlled by the Hunter family has expanded more than seven or eight times compared to the original. Lords such as Nader Territory and Bandel Land who have pledged their services to the Hunter family have also been included in the Hunter family’s farming war. System,

Unfortunately, the time is still too short to provide Richard’s army with high-quality farmers and soldiers as a supplement,

In this expansion of the army, Richard still left two flag regiments of 10,000 people to continue training in Hunter Territory and stationed in Hunter Territory by the way.

If there is an emergency, there is no big problem with these 10,000 new soldiers being used to defend the city.

“Sir Richard, are we going to directly support Piaoxue City?”

The one who was asking questions was Baron Band. Although his territory was not the closest, he arrived not too late. He should have set out immediately after receiving the news.

“No, wait and see first when you get to the place.”

Richard understood that Baron Bender was a little worried, and he actually knew it, and he was not inflated just because he was promoted to Grand Knight and recruited two diamond men.

Originally, there are more ogres than them, and the quality of individual soldiers is generally higher than that of human armies. Even Richard has no confidence in high-end combat power, but there are strong men of the Earth Knight level on the opposite side,

Currently, there is no one in Richard’s army who can fight against the opponent,

Besides, Richard had heard too much about encircling a point and calling for reinforcements in his previous life. He had never eaten pork in his previous life, and he saw pigs running around every day. If you just look through a few battle cases in modern history, you can find traces of surrounding a point and calling for reinforcements. .

Although Richard knows that even if the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, he can’t send them off. Now sending troops is more of a gesture.

We should send out troops, but it is indeed a little earlier than Richard planned. According to Richard’s idea, we should wait a few more days until the ogres are about to arrive at the gates of Piaoxue City before sending out troops.

But a few days ago, Richard received an unexpected military order, ordering him to lead his army to rescue Piaoxue City,

The order was issued by the Dragon Knight of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the interim governor of the river valley… Thor, the supreme commander of the Northland battlefield,

The list of titles made Richard a little confused. Although he was not sure how he attracted the attention of such a big shot, it did not prevent Richard from knowing that this was a big shot that he could not afford to offend.

Sending troops now is also a gesture for Richard. With the griffon’s aerial reconnaissance advantage, Richard can firmly control the initiative of whether to participate in the war without worrying about being attacked by the ogres first.

Anyway, if you find something is not right, you can run away to give the big shot face, but if you want Richard to use his own army to build it, that will definitely not work.

And even if Richard and his men do not directly participate in the battle, as long as they appear near Piaoxue City, it will be a kind of containment for the ogres. As long as the other party is not stupid, it is impossible to ignore Richard who is near the battlefield.

“Okay, let’s stop and rest at a suitable place to camp ahead.”

After seeing that it was getting late, Richard issued the order to set up camp and rest,

Richard did not engage in any emergency march. The number of troops increased. This would greatly affect the combat effectiveness. Just keep the normal march speed to Piaoxue City.

River Valley,

Temporary Governor’s Residence,

Since the news of the fall of Fort Hel came a few days ago, Saul has not smiled on his face,

“Lord Thor, the garrison is ready to go.”

“Second order, the garrison army and the new first army in the river valley will go out tomorrow, and the new second army will be stationed at Zhenbeiguan to strengthen defense.”

“But, Lord Thor, the time it took for the two new armies to form an army was too short.”

Kuz on the side was a little worried. The garrison was okay. Originally, there were more than 6,000 well-trained veterans, and some nobles’ family soldiers were also added.

Even though there are still nearly 10,000 new recruits, they still have initial combat effectiveness after a few months of training with the old and the new,

But the two newly formed legions are completely new troops. The training time is not long and there are not enough qualified grassroots officers.

The only thing I bring to the table is that the equipment is quite good and can be used as a commodity after being pulled out.

With the same number, they may not be able to defeat the peasant soldiers under Richard’s command,

If this happens against an ogre, it will collapse in no time to show the commander.

“We have to send out troops. You can take it slow. First leave Zhenbeiguan, organize a military discipline team on the way, and then pay attention to military discipline. Select some from the veterans of the garrison to expand the size of the supervising team.”

Saul’s thinking is very clear. At this time, he must lead his troops out of Zhenbeiguan. Even if his army’s combat effectiveness is pitifully weak, just going north is a gesture.

He did it to show the lords of the North. The fall of Fort Hel caused great panic to the lords of the North.

Even Piaoxue City, with Lin Te in charge, showed signs of commotion,

As long as Thor goes north with tens of thousands of troops, he can somewhat appease people’s hearts and stabilize the situation.

Especially to give some hope to Piaoxue City, Sol still doesn’t know what Lin Te’s methods in Piaoxue City are like,

He gave the Lanster family an order to stand firm and wait for help. He also had to give them some hope, lest they abandon the city and flee in despair.

The situation in the Northland has completely collapsed,

In a sense, Thor’s ideas coincide with Richard’s. Both are acting, but Richard is acting for Thor, while Thor is acting for all the lords in the North. look.


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