Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 110: Attack and Defense



“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh…”

Thousands of sharp arrows were shot at the city,

For a time, the attacking troops below the city let out a scream,

But if you look closely, you will find that the effect of bows and arrows is not great, and those shot to the ground are mostly kobolds.

The ogres themselves are thick-skinned and have a certain resistance to bows and arrows. At this time, the ogres participating in the attack are basically wearing crude iron armor, and ordinary arrows are more difficult to hurt them.

The so-called crude armor here does not mean that the armor has poor defense, but that the details are poorly processed, or there is no detail processing at all.

Human armor can be polished to some extent, wrapped with soft materials, or directly embedded in the clothes,

But if you look carefully at the Ogre City Armor, it basically has the same shape and can be worn,

It would be absolutely embarrassing if a human were to wear this thing.

You might cough up blood all over yourself before the battle begins,

But the ogres don’t care about their rough skin and thick flesh. They don’t look like that at all wearing these rough iron armors.

Since you don’t have to worry about these details, the ogre’s armor can be crafted very quickly.

For example, the direct lineage of Grugesh has almost reached half of its armor-wearing rate, and everyone above the Ogre Warrior level has armor.

The improvement in the equipment level of the ogres naturally caused greater trouble for the Jingbei Army.

“Let it go!”

Another round of arrows fell.

The two rounds of arrow rain did not cause much damage to the ogres. Only the semi-fixed bed crossbow on the city wall caused sporadic casualties to the ogres.

But for the overall number of ogres, it just scratches an itch.

“Archers attack the well railings and light fires!”

The manhole of the ogre army has slowly approached the city wall,

At this time, knocking down the manhole fence is the first priority for the defenders,

The kerosene and fire that had been prepared long ago were pushed up, and the archers of the Jingbei Army skillfully ignited the arrows and aimed them at the huge manhole in front of them.

“Let it go!”

For a moment, like stars falling to the ground, thousands of flames shot out of the sky, bringing up bursts of thick smoke.

The targets of the manholes are large and move relatively slowly. Basically, more than a dozen flaming arrows are inserted into each manhole.

“Continue, continue!”

“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh whoosh whoosh…”

Amid the commander’s hoarse roar, the archers fired another volley of fire arrows.

However, the seemingly powerful volley did not have a very good effect,

Except for one manhole that stopped moving due to the severity of the fire, the other manholes were still moving firmly toward the city wall with flames all over them.

“Damn it, who taught them how to prevent fire?”

The commander, who had been fighting for a long time, quickly understood what was going on.

These manhole rails are actually made of fireproof partitions, and the spaces between the wooden boards are filled with sand.

The disadvantage of doing this is that it increases the weight of the manhole rail and makes it difficult to push.

Somewhat natural, it can effectively defend against fire attacks from the defenders,

Obviously, the disadvantage of excessive weight is nothing to ogres, their strength is much greater than that of humans,

But the fireproof partition caused more trouble to the Jingbei Army defending the city.

Originally, the easiest way to deal with these wooden siege equipment was to attack with fire,

The flaming arrows are fired together, which can easily turn some of the siege’s large equipment into fireballs. Now this trick doesn’t even work on the ogres.

“Ballista, ballista!”

In fact, there is no need for the commander to remind them. Heavy equipment such as ballistas and carts on the city wall have already targeted these approaching big guys.

Hell Fort is, after all, a military fortress on the front line. All facilities are fairly complete, and there are semi-fixed defensive equipment on every wall.


A powerful crossbow directly broke through the baffle in front of the manhole, and the screams of ogres could be vaguely heard from inside the manhole.

No matter how thick-skinned and heavily armored he is, he is still as brittle as paper in front of such a large instrument. Even a knight-level expert will be killed directly if he is hit head-on by such a two- to three-meter powerful crossbow.

However, taking away an Ogre’s life will hardly be of any substantial help to the entire battle situation,

The most important thing is to destroy the siege equipment such as the well fence.


This time, a stone thrown by a car hit a manhole directly.

The huge stone knocked down the manhole railing directly, and the surviving ogres escaped directly from the manhole railing,

Unfortunately, in this era, the hit rate of large equipment is generally not high,

Most of the attacks still hit empty areas, and more than half of the manholes still successfully approached the city wall.


The wooden planks laid down on the well railing were directly placed on the city wall, directly building a road leading to the city wall.

“Fire oil!”

The planks placed on the city wall were directly poured with a layer of kerosene,

The commander personally took the torch and turned the entire plank into a sea of ​​flames,

However, the ogre braved the fire and rushed over from the other side of the well railing.


Commander Jingbei, who was guarding this side, took the lead in launching the attack.

This passage is not very spacious and can only accommodate two or three ogres walking side by side.

Faced with the thrusting spear, the ogre at the front had no room to dodge and had no choice but to take the shot.

The spear had a good effect. At least two or three of the charging ogres fell into the city.

But the large number of ogres that followed could not be stopped by just a few spears, especially when ogre warriors in heavy armor also swarmed up the city wall.



“Don’t let them rush in!”

Chaos began to arise on the city wall, and the Jingbei Army tried its best to suppress the ogres who had boarded the city in the corner.

More soldiers are still dealing with more ogres and kobolds below the city who are trying to rush up to the tower through ladders.

Although the ogres are powerful, the Jingbei Army still has a numerical advantage on the city wall,

Every ogre who climbs up to the city wall through the well railing will face more than a dozen Jingbei Army soldiers waiting for work.

Them climbing the city wall did not dampen the Jingbei Army’s fighting will, but instead aroused the Jingbei Army’s **** spirit. At this time, the Jingbei Army had no way to retreat.

Not only the Jingbei Army, but also the original owner of Fort Hull, Earl of Hull, personally joined the battle. For the Jingbei Army, this battle was a situation where there was no way to retreat.


At this time, an accident occurred at a pass. More than a dozen Jingbei Army soldiers were beaten and flew backwards. The knight responsible for the defense of that section was also knocked off the city wall.

A chief-level ogre climbed onto the city wall…


Facing the chief-level ogre, the surrounding Jingbei Army was slightly stunned, but this time, they did not escape like the last time,

The section of wall that had just been emptied by the Ogre Chief was filled again by the Jingbei Army. This time the Jingbei Army really had no retreat.

In the distance, Grugesh looked at the battle on the city wall,

Since the beginning of the siege, the expression on Grugesh’s two faces has never calmed down, and the casualties are too tragic.

Even if there were sufficient siege equipment, the siege party was still at a terrain disadvantage. Many ogre warriors who could fight more than a dozen were easily killed by the fire oil on the city wall, which really made him feel distressed.

Now the fighting will of the Jingbei Army was far beyond his imagination, and he believed that the smooth arrival of the well fence would mean victory,

Unexpectedly, the Jingbei Army used a spirit of fearlessness to firmly restrain the ogres who climbed onto the city wall. The fighting at the top of the city was still stalemate…

Do you have to use that magic again? The consequences of using up the magic are really huge. Unless it is a last resort, Grugesh really doesn’t want to use it anymore…

On the city wall, Marquis Wade and two other high knight-level legion commanders watched ordinary soldiers resisting the ogre chief with their lives but remained indifferent.

They are also conserving their strength, waiting for something,

This time, we have to wait for the ogre to reveal his trump card first…


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