Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 106: Army expansion and making money


Ironwood City

Early in the morning, the shouts of various vendors fill the streets and alleys of the city. Although Ironwood City is small, it is definitely popular. The wide streets feel crowded because there are so many people.

The war in the North seems to have had no impact on Ironwood City at all,

Because of the strength of the Hunter family, the Hunter Territory has not been damaged by the war. People living in this territory still live a very stable life, and the entire city continues to prosper at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Many people who fled have increased the population of Ironwood City. Under Richard’s order, these refugees have been properly resettled. In time, they will become a qualified source of tax revenue and troops for the Hunter family.

Richard led his men and horses into Ironwood City unhurriedly under the watchful eyes of the guards and surrounding civilians,

The reason why he was noticed was not only because of his identity, but also because of the twenty red flame horses that Richard brought with him.

There is a shortage of horses in the Northland. The horses in many people’s minds are Northland ponies that are only slightly taller than people.

Sometimes even a big horse in the West will attract onlookers,

Not to mention the Crimson Flame Horse, a BMW that is even bigger than the Westland Horse and is all red,

If Richard hadn’t had enough power in Ironwood City, everyone would have only dared to look at them from a distance, and they might have been surrounded by people who were surprised at this moment,

On the contrary, the two coffin-like boxes on the carriage in the team were ignored by everyone.

Through the bustling crowd, Richard quickly returned to Ironwood Fort.

“Master Richard is back!”

As soon as he entered the castle, Richard heard someone announcing loudly, and the maids and guards passing by also saluted him.

“A new circus has arrived in the city today. The Viscount should still be there.”

Viscount Sauter’s three major hobbies are martial arts training, hunting and circus watching,

Originally, after the development of Ironwood City, there were also some small opera troupes performing. Viscount Sauter went to see one for the sake of being arty.

The performing opera troupe arranged the best seat for Viscount Sauter. Unexpectedly, Viscount Sauter fell asleep while sitting in the front row, and his snoring almost drowned out the actors’ voices.

Since then, Viscount Sauter has been very conscientious about being a country noble, and has never tried to cultivate any elegant hobbies.

“Mrs. Calyn should be in the garden.”

“Well, let’s ask Manager Egger to come to the meeting hall.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

After chatting with his mother for a while as usual, Richard came to the meeting hall.

“Master Richard.”

Iger had already arrived at the meeting hall first. When he saw Richard coming, he immediately stood up and saluted respectfully.

“Uncle Egg, no need to be polite, just sit down.”

In front of his own people, Richard didn’t have much airs. He sat down on the chair first and then asked Egger to sit down as well, trying his best to show his mastery.

Although Egger has always been very low-key in the Hunter family, Richard is very clear about his role. When he goes out to fight, Viscount Sauter alone cannot be relied on in the rear. Viscount Sauter can only be responsible for force,

Manager Egger is his main internal affairs talent. Without him, Hunter Leader’s operation in all aspects would definitely not be as smooth as it is now.

“Master Richard, due to the expansion of absorbing refugees and the expansion of the Flying Bear Army, as well as the construction of road facilities, the expenditure has increased by more than 3,000 gold nairs this month, which is much more than the original plan.”

What Iger meant implicitly was that he had no money and had to save money.

In fact, Hunting’s income has increased significantly every year under Richard’s management,

In the Northland, let alone other viscounties, even the earldom’s financial income is probably not as good as that of the Hunter Territory.

But Richard can not only make money, but also spend money. The Hunter Territory stall is getting bigger day by day,

Anyway, money is not enough at any time, especially for a power that is on the rise, it really needs to increase expenditures in all aspects.


After listening to Egger’s report, Richard nodded, and then said:

“The Flying Bear Army will immediately begin to expand its army. This time it will expand its army to 10,000.”


“Master Richard, we can’t afford that much money.”

Iger almost thought he heard wrongly. This time Richard’s request was to expand the army by five thousand, which meant initial settlement expenses, equipment expenses, and a mess of several thousand kinaar.

The treasury is almost empty, so there is no money left to expand the army.

“First use the land certificate to calculate part of the cost, and then issue a bond of 30,000 gold nards in the name of the Hunter family, paying one cent as interest.”

In fact, the Golden Dragon Kingdom has already had a precedent of issuing bonds, but those are the patents of the great nobles, including the wealthy nobles of the river valley.

But for these poor lords in the North, except for the Lanster family, issuing bonds is actually a joke,

With the financial resources and credit of these small nobles, no one is willing to buy the bonds they issue.

That is to say, the Hunter family is now winning consecutive battles, and part of its strength has been revealed, so Richard dared to try to issue bonds.

“Here, let me try it.”

Ige responded with some uncertainty. He had never heard of issuing bonds before, and he didn’t know much about it.

“Let the nobles of the Bender family and the Nader family subscribe for a part of it according to their own circumstances, and then sell it to merchants and wealthy people.”


Li Cha actually had no foundation, so he could only play some rogue tricks and force the nobles who were attached or semi-attached to him to buy some.

If you promote it more, other merchants will see that all the lords have bought it, which will somewhat increase their trust.

“Also, the soap in Factory No. 1 can start mass production, and it will be sold under the name of our Hunter family.”

The Golden Dragon Kingdom does not have products similar to soap. A product extracted from purple flowers has a similar effect to shower gel and is highly sought after by the nobles of the kingdom.

But the output of this thing is low and the price is ridiculously expensive. Not to mention the common people, even the poorer nobles cannot afford it. Anyway, the Hunter family couldn’t afford it before Richard started running it.

As for soap, the manufacturing process is simple and the output is large. The experience of using it may not be as good as purple flower liquid, but it is cheaper in price and is definitely a huge profit product. It can completely occupy the sinking market that purple flower liquid has given up.

If managed properly, the Hunter family will definitely become one of the richest families in the kingdom.

Of course, it was precisely because he had too much money that he was never released by Richard.


Iger hesitated after hearing this. As one of the core figures of the Hunter family, he knew about the existence of soap. The more he knew, the more cautious he became.

“Don’t be afraid, we can keep it.”

Richard naturally knows what Iger is worried about. Iger is a knowledgeable person and naturally understands how beneficial the soap that Richard created previously will be.

Such a huge benefit could never be preserved based on the previous strength of the Hunter family, so it has been hidden since it was produced,

It is only now that Richard has been promoted to the Grand Knight and has two more diamond men under his command who can compete with the Grand Knight, and then he dares to release such a hugely profitable product,

There is another reason, of course, that Richard is short of money, the kind that makes him jealous.

“Compared with the price of purple flower liquid, there is no need to set the starting price too low.”

“Yes, Master Richard.”

Seeing that Richard had a firm attitude, Iger no longer hesitated. Richard’s decision-making was always correct. This concept was not only instilled in ordinary citizens,

Iger also subconsciously accepted this concept.

“The military expansion and bond issuance must be completed this month.”

Richard thought for a while and emphasized the date. He was afraid that time would drag on for a long time and that by then the statues of the divine-eyed birds in the market would be gone, and he would be on the verge of crying.

“Little Richard, come back!”

As soon as Richard arranged things, Viscount Sauter’s voice came from outside the castle.

Richard rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

Viscount Sauter’s loud voice can probably be heard throughout the castle,

In the entire Hunter Territory, there were only Viscount Sauter and Mrs. Kellyn.


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