Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 105: Quan


Piaoxue City, Northland Marquis Mansion,

“Lord Thor has served as the interim governor of the valley. He is reorganizing and recruiting troops, and has announced that the head of an ogre has the same military merit as an orc. Now many strong men have gone north to join the army,

According to reports from spies, more than ten knights without the right to inherit the title have joined Lord Saul. ”

Sander stood aside and reported the new situation to Lint,

Ever since Lin Te suppressed the so-called elders with strong methods, the entire Piaoxue City has basically been controlled by Lin Te,

The originally wavering Fifth Army also completely fell to Lint,

A high knight-level Sander, coupled with Lint’s own dark cavalry group accumulated over the years, together they are a force that cannot be underestimated.

Now most of the Jingbei Army has suffered heavy losses on the wilderness battlefield, and the rest are still trapped in Fort Hel,

At this time, Linte already had full decision-making power in Piaoxue City.

“Well, that’s good news. I still trust Sir Thor’s ability.”

The sadness on Lin Te’s face finally disappeared.

“What about military recruitment?”

“The new Sixth Army has been fully staffed a few days ago. They are all good men from our Northland. The main problem now is insufficient training, insufficient equipment, and the lack of enough officers.”

After listening to Sander’s report, Lint pinched his eyebrows, pondered for a while and then said:

“Incorporate the members of the Dark Cavalry into the Sixth Army as officers first, and you will serve as the Army Commander.”

“Yes, sir.”

Originally, the Dark Cavalry was Lin Te’s private field, following the route of elite troops. They could do whatever they wanted without anyone to advise them.

But the military power of the Jingbei Army will never allow him to get involved like this, but now, the entire Piaoxue City is under his control, and no one will dare to question it.

“I just received a message that the coalition of lords in the fifth and sixth theaters destroyed several ogre tribes.”

“Oh, another piece of good news. It must have been done by someone led by Richard.”

“The young master is wise.”

“Oh, who else but him.”

Lint unconsciously thought of that ambitious young man again,

Perhaps when we meet again, the status of both parties may be reversed.

“Fourth, Fourth! Come out!”

“Third Young Master, you can’t go in!”

Just when Linte was about to continue working on his desk to handle chores, there was a shouting outside the door.


The door of the side room was opened, and a guard and a young man who looked somewhat similar to Lint appeared at the door.

“I’m sorry, Master Lin Te, the third young master has to come in to see you.”

“Forget it, go down.”

“Yes, Master Linte.”

Lint didn’t mean to embarrass the guard. After all, the person who broke in was also named Lanster, and he was his third brother. How could an ordinary guard dare to be violent with him?

“What’s the matter with Third Brother coming to me in such a hurry?”

Lin Te sat still and spoke calmly, seemingly unaware of the other party’s anxiety.

“Fourth brother, my father is besieged in Fort Hel. Now the Fifth and Sixth Legions of Piaoxue City are listening to you. When will we send out troops to rescue my father?”

“When the time comes, I will naturally save you.”

Lint’s tone remained calm, without even raising his head.

“The time has come, the time has come. I see that you clearly don’t want to save me. Only when your father is dead can you control this Piaoxue City forever, right?”

After hearing these words, Lin Te’s hand that was still writing suddenly stopped and finally raised his head to look at the third brother in front of him.

As if he realized that he had said the wrong thing, the other party looked away from Sander guiltily under Lin Te’s direct gaze,

Then he dared to stare back.




“Slap your mouth!”


Sander on the side actually couldn’t stand this man yelling in front of Lin Te. After receiving Lin Te’s order, he immediately stepped forward and took action.

“You dare!”

“Pah! Pah…”

Before he had time to say harsh words, Xander had already grabbed him by the collar and slapped him a few times. The harsh words that were not originally uttered were only a whimpering sound.

The third child of the Lanster family only has the strength of a quasi-knight. He is worse than a chicken in front of a big knight like Sander. He can be submissive to Sander in just two or three times.

“Stop it”

After receiving Lint’s order, Sander stopped.

The third child, who had recovered, felt his head was buzzing.

Although Sander did not use his fighting spirit and even reserved some strength in his attacks, the strength of the great knight was beyond what a quasi-knight could withstand.

Lao Gao, whose face was swollen on both sides of the third child, covered his face with his hands, just like the angry little daughter-in-law, and was no longer as aggressive as before,

He didn’t understand why Lin Te, who had always been low-key and reserved in the past, could be so powerful. He didn’t dare to think of staying any longer.

Seeing that Lin Te didn’t care about him anymore, he carefully slipped out of the door, and finally ran out of the door under the surprised eyes of the guard.

“Third brother’s mind has become more alert.”

“Sander, do you think the third child is really that filial, or am I not filial enough? What are people outside saying about me?”

Although Sander played very well just now, it was not easy to answer questions like Lint’s.

“The young master naturally has his own concerns, why should he care about the clowns outside.”


Lint nodded noncommittally.

“This is the only thing left in Piaoxue City now. I guess my father doesn’t want to see me throw this away for nothing.”

Lint’s last sentence was very soft, as if he was speaking to himself.

Stone Castle,

“Be careful, be careful, tie the rope tighter, yes, yes…”

Richard is directing people to load two coffin-like wooden boxes onto the carriage in the open space,

The two wooden boxes were obviously very heavy. When the boxes were put on the cart, the wheels of the carriage visibly sank.

Contained in the box are the two diamond men that Richard bought in the market,

After testing the strength of the Diamond Man, Richard was basically satisfied. The Diamond Man had no fighting spirit, but with his strong strength and defense,

With the bonus of Richard’s offensive skills, he can basically fight against the big knight. Even if he cannot win, he will not be killed in a short time. His defense is absolutely disgusting.

The only drawback is that the movement is too slow. Richard can’t stand the speed of the diamond man.

Fortunately, reality is not a game. Diamond Man is just a weapon of war anyway, not a living thing.

Richard simply had two wooden boxes made and put the entire Diamond Man inside.

Put them on the carriage and march them, and then let them come out when fighting is needed,

This thing broke through the coffin board and rushed out. It was absolutely shocking. The picture was so beautiful that Richard was a little excited just thinking about it.

“Let’s go back to Ironwood City.”

After Diamond Man finished loading the truck, Richard took the people on the way back to Ironwood City,

The war has come to an end for the time being, and the coalition forces have to return to Bande to rest and recuperate. Richard does not need to stay with the army for the time being.

There are still many things in Ironwood City that he has to deal with personally.


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